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I have changed my mind on this so many times now that I am not sure I have any credibility left but I have researched this as best I can and am beginning to think that President Trump’s decision to pull our military out of Syria MAY be the correct response.
The main reason for staying would be that the Kurds were helpful to America in getting rid of ISIS. Now Turkey helped in this endeavor as well. It was they who took out the city of Dabiq and who mocked ISIS for their “false hadiths” which proclaimed the city to be the site of a future battle in which Christianity would be destroyed.
Now that the United States has gone there is the fear, and it seems to be coming to pass, that the Turks will further harass the Kurds. Now I am mindful that, from 1979 to 80, when the American hostages were being held in Iran, many saw Iraq and Saddam Hussein as being our friends as he had launched attacks upon Iran. That does not necessarily compute. It would seem that all Saddam was doing was to take advantage of Iran being preoccupied and to launch attacks on an old enemy. And to some degree taking advantage of the situation is likely what the Kurds have been doing.
In fact deeper investigation seems to indicate that Saddam, though perceived as a Muslim was in fact a Satan worshipper.
There are claims coming forth that ISIS prisoners have been released but the Trump administration accuses the Kurds of doing this themselves in order to draw the U.S. back into the land. I can’t say for sure if this is the case or not.
The whole squabble between the Turks and the Kurds traces back to the dissolving of the Ottoman Empire. When the latter split up the Turks, the Iraqis and the Syrians got their own nation status while Kurdistan and Assyria did not. Now the Kurds have apparently blamed Turkey for this being the case while the Assyrians, at least from the reports I am getting, are experiencing an incredible move of the Holy Spirit and a turning to Christianity. I receive numerous contacts over the Internet from Christians meeting in underground Churches throughout the Middle East and amazingly an overwhelming portion come from Pakistan, Iran and the non-existent nation of Assyria, which again like the Kurds has no national status.
NOW ARE THERE BIBLICAL RAMINFICATIONS HERE? Can’t say for certain but my hunch is that the answer is YES. If we could just put all the pieces together I think we might be stunned. Here is what we do know:
1. The Ottoman Empire split up after they lost the concluding battle of World War I to the British which was fought of all places in the Valley of Jezreel at the foot of Mt. Megiddo which in the Hebrew is called Armageddon. (compare Revelation 16:16).
2. Assyria, which has not been an independent nation since 722 B. C. and was once a most hideous nation, is nonetheless mentioned in Isaiah 19 in a most interesting way:
“23 In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. 24 In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. 25 The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.”
Could there have been some previous historical event by which this prophecy has already been fulfilled? Possibly but I am not aware of it.
3. As far back as 1980 Biblical scholar Edwin Yamauchi was strongly critical of Hal Lindsey for, in his best selling book “The Late Great Planet Earth”, equating Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 37 – 39 with the old Soviet Union. Yamauchi insisted that the reference was to Turkey and Armenia.
4. The fall of the Ottoman Empire left not only Arab nations in disarray, it also left the land known as Palestine (and previously known as Israel) in the hands of the British (the times of the Gentiles? – Luke 21:24).
Now there is a common misconception, through the fault of people like Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe and John Hagee, that present day Palestinians are Arab intruders in the Holy Land. Not true. During the bar Khokba revolt from 130 to 135 AD, the Jewish Christians fled the land and settled in both Jordan and Morocco. The Roman Emperor Hadrian overthrew the revolt and awarded the land to the Philistines; thus renaming it “Palestine.” However the Philistines were completely annihilated by forces of the Mamluk Sultan Baybars in 1270 AD (a fulfillment of Jeremiah 47 and Zephaniah 2) which prompted the descendants of the Jewish Christians to return to the land. However, since many had by now converted to Islam, the term “Jewish Christians” seemed unsuitable. Thus the name “Palestine” for the land was retained.
This being the case, the 1916 capture of the land by Great Britain could well be what is meant by “the times of the Gentiles.” It was of course handed over to Zionist Israel in 1948 but that seems to have been the result of some cruel plotting by Menachim Begin and his Irgun and Stern Gang terrorist groups. Angered that the British Parliament was ignoring their “Balfour Declaration” the Zionists orchestrated the murder of the British ambassador Lord Moyne, blew up the King David Motel, set off explosions at Deir Yassin and threatened similar atrocities at the London Olympics of 1948 if Balfour was not approved.
If we could just make this jigsaw puzzle fit together properly I rather think we could better understand the present situation. In the meantime I am not certain that American involvement is in any way called for. But again I have changed my mind on this enough times that my opinion seems worthless.
Your thoughts?
Varnel Watson
YES they do Neil Steven Lawrence Ricky Grimsley
Neil Steven Lawrence
Near East Center for Strategic Engagement
Sargis Sangari – former US special forces Lt. Colonel; has very interesting inside information on recent background of problems in Syria, Iraq and Turkey.
Watch. :35-8:25
Neil Steven Lawrence
After the destruction of the Temple and the sack of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.,Emperor Hadrian renamed the land of Israel Philistia, in order to torment the Jews by renaming it after one of their old enemies the Philistines.
The British also continued with the mistake by calling the area Palestine when they divided up the Middle East. Whenever a Christian scholar in any commentary, etc. uses the term Palestine for the land of Israel they are continuing with a blasphemy against God’s intention to maintain his promise to the people of Israel.
The truth is the area has never been Palestine, there has never been a nation called Palestine, there has never been a people called Palestinians, there is not a distinct ethnic group called Palestinians. And there never will be!
Land of Jordan is a creation of the British and was given supervision of the land of Israel during the subdivision until the Isreali declaration of nationhood in 1948. The people of Jordan and the so-called Palestinians are basically the same people… what are they? bedoin Arabs! They had roamed the land for hundreds of years but never did anything with it! Now they are jealous that Israel has turned it into a paradise? The real root of the problem is an anti-Semitism and Islam.
Varnel Watson
this is a Zionist thinking isnt it?
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day is it possible to be a true Christian and not be a Zionist? Are not the Palestinians Satan‘s wedge issue? I have not studied the topic of Zionism that much.
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence see my comment below
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence are you following BBC on the current temp stop of the fighting The ZONE is being approved
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day I did look at some BBC articles but I don’t know what you mean by ZONE.
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence the safe zone that was established via the military actions – you are kidding right? Turkey had long threatened to launch an operation in SDF-held territory to create a 32km (20-mile) deep “safe zone” running for 480km (300 miles) along the Syrian side of the border.
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day OK I just wasn’t clear on the word as you were using it. My guess is Turkey will violate the ZONE. The spirit of Togermath has bigger ambitions!
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day
Varnel Watson
In an attempt to avert an offensive, the US and Turkish militaries agreed in August to set up a “security mechanism” on the Syrian side of border – an area that would be free of YPG fighters, but pointedly avoided using the term “safe zone”. US and Turkish troops carried out joint patrols in the area and the YPG co-operated, withdrawing fighters and heavy weapons and dismantling fortifications. The area falling within Turkey’s “safe zone” is fertile plain that once served as Syria’s breadbasket. It is dotted with dozens of villages and towns, unlike the barren, desert regions to the south. Meanwhile, there were reports of unrest at al-Hol camp, which is about 60km from the Turkish border and so would not be in Turkey’s proposed “safe zone”.
Neil Steven Lawrence
Yes, I took note of the “bread basket” of which the Kurds moved in & took a larger portion of it for themselves. Also, which Syria wants to fully reposess. By the way these groups are guilty of genocide of the Christians in recent history.
Varnel Watson
I am not following again Perhaps the reason I called lack of deeper understanding of the history in the area The Kurds moved in nothing – they were there long before the Ottomans The new Sultan seeks to unite the split Muslim kingdom He wants to be a great Sultan like the ones of old He is now calling NATO and the UN aggressors – mind you Turkey is/was the largest army in NATO – from this point on it is no ones game and win
Neil Steven Lawrence
“A prophecy against Damascus:
“See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.” Isaiah 17:1
Varnel Watson
YES – this is what social MEDIA articulates but there is so much more in prophecy related to it
Ricky Grimsley
Neil Steven Lawrence

Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley it does not seem Ricky Grimsley has a good current grip on the Syria situation either
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day I believe the power in this scripture is that Damascus was not a heap of rubble until recently.
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence the misunderstanding is not about the prophecy but how it relates in this current non-cookie cutter situation that COULD indeed lead to wars God forbid The so called SAFE zone is approved by POTUS
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day Limited engagement should be an option for POTUS and the American people.
Turkey is controlled by evil spirits as is Persia and Gog. I can’t wait for God to receive glory, prophecy to be proven right in our day, and these demons who have persecuted and slaughtered many Christians to be punished!
Around 20 years ago the Middle East was 15% Christian; now it has been reduced to 1 1/2% Christian. Is this not the definition of a genocide?
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence Where are you stats from? Most stats show growing Christianity in the Orient I dont understand your POTUS comment either – are you saying we should be the world police? Again what you say is only partially applicable I’ve seen quite a bit interpretation on the House of Togarmah and I agree with some of it – are you saying Gog is Russia and they control Turkey? b/c it is not what history shows us at least not until now See BBC pls
Varnel Watson
so OUT of Syria we left the kurds alone
NOW back to Syria to guard the oil fields
WHO is paying for his mistakes?
is anyone still not thinking this guy is just random mind
Hugh Lowrie Neil Steven Lawrence Nelson Banuchi
William DeArteaga where is your post on demons behind totalitarian political systems? It now has a BIBLICAL confirmation
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day According to 90% of the media you are correct! The Kurds are not alone, they have their God! (and the Russians who they’ve been friends with for years!) Syria became a pile of rubble before Trump got there. Blame the destruction of Syria on the Arab spring created by Obama!
Hugh Lowrie
Looks like President Trump brilliantly setup the take down of Abu Bakr al-Bagdahadi by broadcasting they the US was withdrawing 50 troops from Syria. And who would have believed that President Trump now gets credit for a cease fire and peace, however long it may last, when the previous administration was unsuccessful in any of their objective. Oh, and another benefit is that President Trump got all the Democrats to go on record as military interventionists. Whether you like him or hate him, his policies in Syria are paying the President Yuge political benefits and draining media away from the House investigation.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie I wouldnt go that far just yet The only move he’s got is to reverse gay marriage else there will be no evangelical vote for him in 2020 Nelson Banuchi and BTW Neil Steven Lawrence I dont care that much about Obama to think about him all the time but blaming a century old conflict on him is well just plain lame
Hugh Lowrie
Troy, President Trump will relieve 85% of the Evangelical vote in 2020 based on judges, keeping promises, the need to protect the rule of law and being the first President to pursue social justice and care for the least vulnerable in society. He will carry a greater percentage of the Evangelical vote and black vote than the last 5 GOP Candidates. Don’t doubt me!
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie I have no reason to believe or doubt you – Not sure why you take talk on the internet so personally BUT I do call them as I see them and Syria was his worst move thus far – I can only compare it to Hillary as plain lame
Hugh Lowrie
We can hardly call getting out of a military quagmire while killing the top 2 ISIS leaders as anything but a success. If you find that to somehow be less than a resounding success I’d be open to hearing your point of view.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie Didnt Obama do the same with Osama? IDK why you dont respond to my intial oil question but just keep on trilling Perhaps just till Thursday?
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – Getting Osama we very big. Getting al-Bagdahi was just a bit bigger. President Obama existed Irag triggering the metastasizing of ISIS. If ISIS comes back to be as strong as they were 3 years ago then I’m OK with you saying that President Trump’s Syrian policy wasn’t much better than President Obama’s. But I expect we might see a temporary pause in the conflict.
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – and what exactly is “trilling” and how does it relate to Thursday?
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day did Berry Hussein Sutaro solve any world problem during the 8 years of his lame duck Regime?… name one!
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day did Berry Hussein Sutaro solve any world problem during the 8 years of his lame duck Regime?… name one!
Neil Steven Lawrence
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence you are correct Neil Steven Lawrence Neither has Trump – same lame duck moves Start war to avoid problems at home Kill a islamic leader to make yourself look a success Same ol politics of avoidance
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence Hugh Lowrie sad to read your comments and see you are not considering the prophetic mission of God in all this IF Ricky Grimsley is correct that the antiChrist will emerge from Turkey/Erdogan or whatever they are preparing Trumps take in Syria just ushered an end-time Armageddon Even the news are speaking of it as a major war problem already Perhaps William DeArteaga can relate in a post the connection between territorial spirits and what we are witnessing in the Orient today
William DeArteaga
I am utterly disgusted with Trump. hard to thinkin Biblical/prophetic terms with my sorrow at the abandonment o the Kurds.
Hugh Lowrie
It was folly to get into Syria 10 years ago. What is the reasoning for staying in Syria now? It there a Biblical mandate that I’m not aware of to be the world’s policeman and to pick winners and losers in sectarian conflicts. Let’s just be happy that the current administration took ISIS seriously and destroyed it. And let’s pray that the Kurds and the others in the region experience more peace now than they did during the previous administration.
Varnel Watson
Exactly my question – especially when staying for the OIL could be judged as a war crime now BUT back to the Mission of God in ALL this – IF territorial spirits are behind this war in the area shouldnt we be more cautious about the spiritual side of the problem and ushering the antiChrist in Syria by allowing the Russia Turkey pact? Ricky Grimsley
Hugh Lowrie
Sadly, we must admit that the only reason why we criticize Trump’s actions in Syria is that we hate President Trump and that we wish that it was President Obama that had destroyed ISIS, successfully gotten us back out of Syria, and established a lasting cease fire in the region. But, as is often the case, we succumb to political disappointment leading us to criticize successes of those we hate.
God forgive us.
Varnel Watson
I dont see a WORD about the Mission of GOD toward the creation in what you have written And I think that I have figured out WHY do you tend to omit God
Varnel Watson
due process has been started Hugh Lowrie
Hugh Lowrie
The appearance of due process has started. But the rules are nothing similar to what Gingrich granted Democrats when President Clinton was impeached.
Speaker Pelosi publicly stated that she would not give in and have public hearings. How do we explain the abrupt change of direction? There are 3 theories. Which do you ascribe to?
1) There is another allegation that the Democrats have been keeping secret that they want to go public with and this one will take the President down.
2) With the whistleblower’s identified revealed their efforts were at a climax. They needed to act before public opinion turned completely against them.
3) Barr & Durham are very close to indictments. They wanted to get ahead of that story so it doesn’t look like impeachment is merely a cover for crimes that Brennan & team did.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie we will be hoping and praying for the best
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – not sure what “the best” would be in your view. I’m praying that the truth will be made known. And I believe it will be shortly.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie My view is conservative Republican Pentecostal but why do you always resort to personal attacks?Your truth seems to be different but lets talk more about the Mission of GOD for America? What is GOD’s best outcome from this situation with Syria and the following impeachment? How are the righteous to rule our land instead of the double tongues politicians and crooked billionaires?
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day ??? how is praying that the truth will be made known a personal attack? And who should fear the truth being made known? As for the impeachment, God’s best would be that the truth be made known and that justice would be done. Not sure why you see justice being done as a “different” truth.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie the personal attack is in your passive aggressive statement : not sure what “the best” would be in your view.
So far your record shows your faulty claims concerning the TRUTH Therefor we will continue to pray for the Mission of GOD to be fulfilled for this country while your opinions well they remain simply your opinion
Hugh Lowrie
Did mean to offend you my friend. The fact is that there are 15 different factions in Syria so I truly don’t know what you would be view as God’s best outcome.
Before you get to snitty, remember that I’ve made a number of predictions to you and none of them have failed to come true. You make a lot of assumptions that aren’t always grounded in a full understanding of the situation. I suspect it is because you primarily operate in an echo chamber.
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie 15 is what our media tells us Aint no telling there We’ve discussed various scenarios with Neil Steven Lawrence if you care reading them under this post and tell us your take BUT IMO there is a general misconception on Syria in this country and especially what GOD is trying to do there with his mission in the eschaton