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Rev. Bob Larson is the world’s foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena. He has spoken in more than 100 countries and has appeared on TV shows such as Oprah, Donahue, Montel, Sally Jessie, CNBC, Larry King Live, The O’Reilly Factor, Inside Edition, Entertainment Tonight, The Insider, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, ABC-TV’s Good Morning America, The History Channel, A Current Affair, Politically Incorrect, Dan Abrams/MSNBC, CNN Headline News, Hannity & Colmes, Geraldo at Large, and Dr. Phil. Several television networks have produced documentaries about his work, including The Discovery Channel, Showtime, The Learning Channel (TLC), the A&E Channel (twice) , the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), National Geographic, and MSNBC. Bob has been featured on the front page of the Los Angeles Times, in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other major newspapers.
Spiritual Freedom Church
Education: Bob Larson’s International School of Exorcism
Bob Larson (born May 28, 1944) is an American radio and television evangelist, and a pastor of Spiritual Freedom Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Larson has authored numerous books critical of rock music and Satanism.
Life and career
Larson was born in Westwood, Los Angeles, California, the son of Viola (née Baum) and Earl Larson.[1][2] He was raised in McCook, Nebraska.[1]
Larson plays guitar; he has claimed his early experiences as a musician led to his concerns about occult and destructive influences in rock music.[3] He would later incorporate his guitar playing into some of his sermons. In the 1960s, the focus of Larson’s preaching centered mainly on the leftist political ideology, sexually suggestive lyrics, Eastern religious mysticism, and anti-social behavior of many of the era’s rock musicians.
Debates with Satanists
During the late 1980s and into the 1990s, Larson repeatedly debated, interviewed, and confronted Satanists, during the period known as the Satanic panic. On two occasions he hosted Nikolas Schreck (a gothic rock musician and lead singer of Radio Werewolf) and Zeena LaVey (once the spokesperson for the Church of Satan and later a priestess in the Temple of Set). During their first encounter the pair defended Satanism, while in 1997, during their second appearance, they defended Setianism. Larson debated the pair, and at times attempted to convert them without success.[4] Larson also debated, interviewed and challenged “Nazi Satanist” James Mason on his Talk-Back radio show.[5]
The Reading
“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. The seed along the path are those who have heard and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved.” (Luke 8:11-12)
We have an enemy. The devil is the enemy of the people of God and works continually for their downfall. The devil is not fiction, but a real and spiritual creature that stands in opposition to the kingdom of God. Before the creation of this world, there was war in heaven. The Bible gives us bits and fragments of this story, just enough for us to understand that we indeed have an enemy. Perhaps in the future kingdom, we will learn the full scope of this story, but all we need to know now is that the devil is filled with hatred. He hates God, and so he also hates those whom God loves. For some people, the problem is not that they can’t hear God; the problem is that the devil has snatched away every idea God has worked to implant.
The Prayer
Lord, help me to hear your Word. But help me also to withstand the devil’s attempts to snatch it away. Let me be wise to his working and stand against his activity. Let your living Word take root within me and grow to bear fruit!
Life Application
Have you ever sat down to read the Bible or spend time in prayer, and suddenly, a host of things flood your mind that need your immediate attention? Have you ever experienced a closeness to God, but then when the moment passes, doubts flood your mind as to the authenticity of your experience? You should know that you have an enemy that stands against your spiritual growth. Each time you receive a Word from the Lord, the devil will attempt to snatch it away. As a spiritual creature, the devil has the ability to inject thoughts into your minds. (There’s an unsettling idea!) He will cause you to doubt what you’ve heard, or feel silly at believing that the God of the universe can speak to you. The devil is very clever and has been working for the downfall of humanity for many years. He knows the patterns by which we think. But we can speak against him, and expel all the thoughts and temptations he sends our way.
neah I say unto thee Philip Williams Joseph D. Absher Joseph L. Arnold
neah I say unto thee Duane L Burgess Anthony Tonka Green Neil Steven Lawrence
RT John Mushenhouse yeah like in the 70s. His focus was on eastern mysticism. I remember hearing him in 1980 at the Bronco Bowl. – we cannot find ANY source for his degree with Duane L Burgess Joseph D. Absher not even in eastern mysticism which was the degree Mike Heiser had as Philip Williams knows this very well
Also: in a interview with Bob Larson, Isaiah Saldivar said he had a “degree in theology.” I heard he never graduated so i am asking anyone know where did he get a degree?”
not sure that even John Mushenhouse would know this
Troy Day Larson – global – His own organization gave him a honorary degree. As a theologian larson even made a terrible guitar player.
John Mushenhouse lets NOT speculate with this one Philip Williams let us simply ASK @everyone so they can put their 2 cents in this disc. too AND just to answer Joseph D. Absher and Joseph L. Arnold the only degree Bob’s got is the clearly quoted honorary degree from his own school which he found established leads and presides over single handedly QUOTE > Education: Bob Larson’s International School of Exorcism
Isara Mo what are you doing posting texts not relative to this one all morning? Isnt this your own deliverance expertise or what is it after all?
Why give the sheer heretic Larson any attention. Is it because we love the sensational. You want sensational – pray and experience jesus in your prayer and bible study.
John Mushenhouse well public TV has given him plenty
we just like to clarify IF his own statement on education is TRUE or FALSE?
Joseph D. Absher
Also: in a interview with Bob Larson, Isaiah Saldivar said he had a “degree in theology.” I heard he never graduated so i am asking anyone know where did he get a degree?”
given Philip Williams has probably spoken to him about apostles and prophets OR tried to sell him properties or whatever he did with brown or heiser Phil may have some internal knowledge on the Bob’s educational endeavors