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Did PETER backslide by his own will denying Christ 3 times, and was then restored by his own choice when Jesus drew him back?
John Ruffle [08/11/2015 9:32 AM]
Did the early Church Fathers contend earnestly over pre-destination? They may have. But if so can someone refer me to the documents and I’ll very happily study them in as much depth as my frail intellect possible. If they didn’t, then I sure wish that modern day Calvinists would quiet down and come to terms with the fact that the Church age didn’t start in 16th century Europe, (nor did it end with Constantine).
Pentecostal Theology [08/11/2015 10:20 AM]
was being saved TODAY the same as being saved for the EARLY CHURCH ?
John Ruffle [08/11/2015 10:22 AM]
Obviously, yes.
John Ruffle [08/11/2015 1:15 PM]
And what is the person who posts as Pentecostal Theology really asking in his/her question please? We are all getting aweful criptic of late. If it gets any worse, someone will be calling in the services of Dan Brown to figure it all out for us, lol!
Hughes Protzman [08/11/2015 2:21 PM]
I think they were having a lot of the same discussions we’re having today. If you look closely at the writings of Paul Peter and James and of Jude I think we see them grappling with some of the same questions we are today. There will always be a question of who saved and who isn’t hand of how much we can generalize off of the works of a person. Paul himself spoke about the different motives that people had for preaching. Jude spoke about people who took the grace of God for granted and did what they wanted. So my point is whatever’s going around today was going around then.
Charles Page [08/11/2015 3:07 PM]
depends on what you mean by “backslide” He did not loose his sonship however he did loose his conversion status and had to renewed/restored in that status. Yes it was his choice. He had Christ’s prayers backing him up!!
John Kissinger [08/11/2015 4:43 PM]
My point is that Peter thou elect by Christ himself, did deny Jesus and was backslidden by his own will; after which was restored to the faith by his own choice but to his meeting with Paul was not yet perfected and segregated the gentiles until direct vision from God before his meeting with Cornelius in Acts 10. And this is WHY I am not a Calvinist
Jon Ray
Romeo Pelle Did PETER backslid by his own will denying Christ 3 times, and was then restored by his own choice when Jesus drew him back? Ricky Grimsley Charles Page
Louise Cummings
He denied the Lord. Jesus told him. When thou art converted strengthen the brethren. Convert means change to another option. For Peter go back to Jesus the one he was following. The Bible says when the roster or cock crowed twice he remembered the Words of Jesus and went out and wept bitterly. Or he repented. I think we all do something sometimes that we need to repent over. If not repented over. It could mean us going completely away from God. Especially if we keep doing it over and over again.
Jon Ray
Jesus knew Peter would do it. No open theism there Ricky Grimsley Charles Page
Louise Cummings
That’s true. He knew he would do it. He told hm he wild. But He sad when thou art converted strengthen the brethren. God knows everything. The Bible says He’s all knowing. But if He didn’t extend. His love to everyone. Could you call him a just God. He loves everybody. But everybody won’t believe in Him. But that’s not Gods fault. He gave everyone a chance.
Ricky Grimsley
Its the same situation as Job only God knew peters character wasnt as good as job’s. Satan desired to sift as wheat but jesus prayed for him. He in fact told peter when you are converted feed my sheep. Perhaps its my fault that i cant effectively articulate open-theism but most of the accusations against open-theism here are against things that dont accurately portray open-theism.