Troy Day
Any theology which is not in line with the truth of Jesus is a very big gateway for demonic control..
I had been in two wrong theologies in the past and at no time did I ever know or suspect I was in captivity or I was in “wrong theologies” until I went for deliverance and the two “strongman” of these wrong theologies (in fact one theology was a total cult)…were cast out….one at a time and it was from that moment I resolved to know about deliverance…
It is not ONEness theology which is errant but thousands of so called “Christian ” denominations..
A few years ago a girl was brought to my house whose aunts were devotees of a very certain major denomination.
When we called out spirits behind this denomination, the girl clasped her chest firmly and cried out audibly…wriggling on the floor.
RELIGIOUS SPIRITS are a very strong force behind mind control and intimidation….
Derek Prince is really spot on Christians being demonized..he has taught and demonstrated this truth Biblically…
Not possible. Never in the NT is there any warning to a believer of the possibility of being possessed. In Colossians 1:13, Paul says God “delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” Salvation brings true deliverance and protection from Satan. In Romans 8:37, Paul says we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ. In 1 Corinthians 15:57, he says God gives us the victory. In 2 Corinthians 2:14, he says God always leads us in triumph. In 1 John 2:13, John says we have overcome the evil one. And, in 4:4, he says the indwelling Holy Spirit is greater than Satan. How could anyone affirm those glorious truths, yet believe demons can indwell genuine believers?
Hogwash!!! Not a single scripture to back up any of this nonsense. If there was I’m certain it would be misused anyway. I’ve seen this line of thought before it is both false and dangerous. It glorifies Satan and his power and disregards and dishonors the keeping and sustaining power of the Holy Spirit.
I’m referring to the whole system of belief. To say that a demon can enter a person whom the Bible says is “kept by God till the day of redemption” whom the Bible says “will never perish” is to make God less than omnipotent and to make Satan more than he is. It promotes fear. This is one of the main teachings that I left the Pentecostal church over. I got tired of constantly refuting the false and ungodly teachings like this one that continued to infiltrate Pentecostal circles. The list in the article above is good info to know. It’s not scripture but gives insight into the mind of those who heard Jesus teach.
Jimmy Pearson you were presented dozens of examples of OT and NT believers UNDER blood covenant with GOD who were demonized So counts for some folk in the 7 churches of Revelation To all that you have presented NO Biblical argument except your personal denial which of course cannot be the theology we go by
No you presented cases that are questionable at best. None who could be said without a doubt to actually be saved. It is also very likely that those who were causing divisions in the churches in Revelation were also not saved but since none of them are named and nothing is known of them you are going beyond the text to draw any conclusion as to if they were possessed or not. Especially since that is not the point of those particular passages. People don’t have to be possessed to do wicked things. People are born in sin and the seeds for the greatest iniquities lie within the heart of every man woman and child. Demons are not necessary to make men do evil.
what cases are questionable in your perspective? They are ALL Biblical cases – lets not call the BIBLE questionable in this group WHO is the clean house where demons return in 7s? a Christian cleaned by the SPIRIT or a secular person
Troy the Bible isn’t questionable the examples you gave are questionable. Meaning it’s questionable that these people are believers. I’m the verse referenced above the person mentioned would be one who though delivered never became a believer and so the spirits are able to return.
Jimmy Pearson what examples given a questionable? Apart from expressing simple denial you have NOT responded to NEITHER of the Biblical examples given already
THIS WEEK I experienced some “Apologetic” groups who do NOT believe in deliverance ministry
Every other gift and ministry in the NT was already being done in the OT apart from the gift of demon discernment What JESUS did different when he came to earth was DELIVERANCE from demons No one has ever done it in the OT No one KNEW how demons work except Jesus who had been to the OTHER side
I am wondering how ppl today call themselves Christians but donot believe in deliverance from demons Must be some OT legalistic crowd
YOU KNOW a demonized pastor when he cracks under pressure JUST today I read some pastors post telling his church how he got @ 5 with a message from GOD this Am -Too late to prepare for a msg on Sunday AM if you ask me Then he went about publishing some PSY doctor feller who is telling how pastors gonna crack now that the ban is lifted from churches and all
I think @BRONTË HAUPTMANN was right when said that most Christians are toast but what do you think about @DE’ANNA SEPULVADO saying
True Christian’s do not lean on the word of man…they lean on the Holy Word of God…I don’t listen to any man when I can go to God…which part do you not understand??? And if you call that talking cheap than I have nothing else to say to you…I use God’s Holy Word to back everything I say when I speak of Him…I suppose you think His Word is cheap?
Again, to say that a Christian can be possessed by demons is calling God a liar…is that what you are doing? Sounds like it to me…because you are dismissing parts of Gods Word for your argument and whatever you say, you cannot dismiss, delete, whatever any part of Gods Word for your convenience.
Neil Steven Lawrence I think Doyle Rogers may be right on the controlling pastors demonizing their congregations every Sunday but what do you think about that @DE’ANNA SEPULVADO from the other group saying THAT
You need to open the Bible and find a verse that says Christian’s can be possessed by demons, but you won’t and neither will your little idols either. If you do not follow Gods Word nor believe it to be God’s inspired Word, then why are you even here? You’re not going to find a True Bible believing Christian who is going to believe a word you say here.
After she or he wrote that Isara Mo I opened my GREEK Bible and did not find nothing on possessed depressed oppressed but found DEMONIZED used for Jews under covenant during the ministry of JESUS then about 1 Cor 5 church guy WHO Paul gave to Satan, than family from Acts 5 whom satan got in and they lied about money, then Simon who got saved but sold the Holy Ghost Jezebel from Rev. who was Dorcas from Acts Robert Borders Robert Cox Larry Dale Steele Joe Absher
William DeArteaga ask me about the IDEA for your NEW best selling book – you can do it Just ask me
I’ll say it again . no capitals neccessary . pastors and ministers that stepped away from presenting Christ will have to regain the trust and respect of their people and community . scoff all you like . it’s a breach of confidence and duty .
RT Neil Steven Lawrence
Ahsante sana. Thanks very much
Isara Mo
I think the argument over a verb or noun can’t do away with a fact.
Call it “possession” or “influence” or “depressed” or “oppressed” or *demonized ” whatever the verb or noun, the truth still remains :salvation is not a vaccine against demonZ
Troy Day
This is the third year I’m in spiritual lockdown,. I’m in self isolation meditating on the “reality” of what I know vs the great deception.
I haven’t reached the despair of Elijah who told the Lord to kill him because the reality of Jezebels invincibility was too much for him but I also think, No, Lord I can’t go on swallowing false teachings whie demons are having a waltz in churches..No.
Let the Lord intervene otherwise it would be the case of pouring water into a bucket full of holes..
Louise Cummings
They can’t. Jesus and Satan can’t dwell in the same place Jesus does Jesus doesn’t dwell in unclean temples.
Varnel Watson
#ONEness theology be one of the gateways Isara Mo Joe Absher
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Any theology which is not in line with the truth of Jesus is a very big gateway for demonic control..
I had been in two wrong theologies in the past and at no time did I ever know or suspect I was in captivity or I was in “wrong theologies” until I went for deliverance and the two “strongman” of these wrong theologies (in fact one theology was a total cult)…were cast out….one at a time and it was from that moment I resolved to know about deliverance…
It is not ONEness theology which is errant but thousands of so called “Christian ” denominations..
A few years ago a girl was brought to my house whose aunts were devotees of a very certain major denomination.
When we called out spirits behind this denomination, the girl clasped her chest firmly and cried out audibly…wriggling on the floor.
RELIGIOUS SPIRITS are a very strong force behind mind control and intimidation….
Derek Prince is really spot on Christians being demonized..he has taught and demonstrated this truth Biblically…
Joe Absher
I do remember Derek Prince saying something to that effect. Is the video he talks a about casting it out?
Isara Mo
What’s the use of sanctification if people have clean temples?…
All is an attempt to make darkness go away so that the light rules..
Varnel Watson
Chad Macdonald can tell us more about this one
Link Hudson
Shoukd be ge not by in title.
Varnel Watson
do you have anything to say on the actual teaching from the video which is very specific and not someone somewhere sometimes while back ago?
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson are you typing in tongues again?
Link Hudson
Should I by?
Varnel Watson
yes you should by-n-by
Varnel Watson
I think he explains it well Steve Losee Isara Mo
Mike Partyka
Not possible. Never in the NT is there any warning to a believer of the possibility of being possessed. In Colossians 1:13, Paul says God “delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” Salvation brings true deliverance and protection from Satan. In Romans 8:37, Paul says we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ. In 1 Corinthians 15:57, he says God gives us the victory. In 2 Corinthians 2:14, he says God always leads us in triumph. In 1 John 2:13, John says we have overcome the evil one. And, in 4:4, he says the indwelling Holy Spirit is greater than Satan. How could anyone affirm those glorious truths, yet believe demons can indwell genuine believers?
Jimmy Pearson
Hogwash!!! Not a single scripture to back up any of this nonsense. If there was I’m certain it would be misused anyway. I’ve seen this line of thought before it is both false and dangerous. It glorifies Satan and his power and disregards and dishonors the keeping and sustaining power of the Holy Spirit.
Varnel Watson
Jimmy Pearson what are you referring to exactly? You have not yet presented a single verse to back your theoretix
Jimmy Pearson
I’m referring to the whole system of belief. To say that a demon can enter a person whom the Bible says is “kept by God till the day of redemption” whom the Bible says “will never perish” is to make God less than omnipotent and to make Satan more than he is. It promotes fear. This is one of the main teachings that I left the Pentecostal church over. I got tired of constantly refuting the false and ungodly teachings like this one that continued to infiltrate Pentecostal circles. The list in the article above is good info to know. It’s not scripture but gives insight into the mind of those who heard Jesus teach.
Varnel Watson
Jimmy Pearson you were presented dozens of examples of OT and NT believers UNDER blood covenant with GOD who were demonized So counts for some folk in the 7 churches of Revelation To all that you have presented NO Biblical argument except your personal denial which of course cannot be the theology we go by
Jimmy Pearson
No you presented cases that are questionable at best. None who could be said without a doubt to actually be saved. It is also very likely that those who were causing divisions in the churches in Revelation were also not saved but since none of them are named and nothing is known of them you are going beyond the text to draw any conclusion as to if they were possessed or not. Especially since that is not the point of those particular passages. People don’t have to be possessed to do wicked things. People are born in sin and the seeds for the greatest iniquities lie within the heart of every man woman and child. Demons are not necessary to make men do evil.
Varnel Watson
what cases are questionable in your perspective? They are ALL Biblical cases – lets not call the BIBLE questionable in this group WHO is the clean house where demons return in 7s? a Christian cleaned by the SPIRIT or a secular person
Jimmy Pearson
Troy the Bible isn’t questionable the examples you gave are questionable. Meaning it’s questionable that these people are believers. I’m the verse referenced above the person mentioned would be one who though delivered never became a believer and so the spirits are able to return.
Varnel Watson
Jimmy Pearson what examples given a questionable? Apart from expressing simple denial you have NOT responded to NEITHER of the Biblical examples given already
Isara Mo
This for “sober” Christians..
Jimmy Pearson
Isara what exactly is that supposed to mean?
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo you aint implying Jimmy Pearson drinking are you? Most drinking Christians are spiritized
Varnel Watson
THIS WEEK I experienced some “Apologetic” groups who do NOT believe in deliverance ministry
Every other gift and ministry in the NT was already being done in the OT apart from the gift of demon discernment What JESUS did different when he came to earth was DELIVERANCE from demons No one has ever done it in the OT No one KNEW how demons work except Jesus who had been to the OTHER side
I am wondering how ppl today call themselves Christians but donot believe in deliverance from demons Must be some OT legalistic crowd
YOU KNOW a demonized pastor when he cracks under pressure JUST today I read some pastors post telling his church how he got @ 5 with a message from GOD this Am -Too late to prepare for a msg on Sunday AM if you ask me Then he went about publishing some PSY doctor feller who is telling how pastors gonna crack now that the ban is lifted from churches and all
I think @BRONTË HAUPTMANN was right when said that most Christians are toast but what do you think about @DE’ANNA SEPULVADO saying
True Christian’s do not lean on the word of man…they lean on the Holy Word of God…I don’t listen to any man when I can go to God…which part do you not understand??? And if you call that talking cheap than I have nothing else to say to you…I use God’s Holy Word to back everything I say when I speak of Him…I suppose you think His Word is cheap?
Again, to say that a Christian can be possessed by demons is calling God a liar…is that what you are doing? Sounds like it to me…because you are dismissing parts of Gods Word for your argument and whatever you say, you cannot dismiss, delete, whatever any part of Gods Word for your convenience.
Neil Steven Lawrence I think Doyle Rogers may be right on the controlling pastors demonizing their congregations every Sunday but what do you think about that @DE’ANNA SEPULVADO from the other group saying THAT
You need to open the Bible and find a verse that says Christian’s can be possessed by demons, but you won’t and neither will your little idols either. If you do not follow Gods Word nor believe it to be God’s inspired Word, then why are you even here? You’re not going to find a True Bible believing Christian who is going to believe a word you say here.
After she or he wrote that Isara Mo I opened my GREEK Bible and did not find nothing on possessed depressed oppressed but found DEMONIZED used for Jews under covenant during the ministry of JESUS then about 1 Cor 5 church guy WHO Paul gave to Satan, than family from Acts 5 whom satan got in and they lied about money, then Simon who got saved but sold the Holy Ghost Jezebel from Rev. who was Dorcas from Acts Robert Borders Robert Cox Larry Dale Steele Joe Absher
William DeArteaga ask me about the IDEA for your NEW best selling book – you can do it Just ask me
Varnel Watson
Joe Absher
I’ll say it again . no capitals neccessary . pastors and ministers that stepped away from presenting Christ will have to regain the trust and respect of their people and community . scoff all you like . it’s a breach of confidence and duty .
Varnel Watson
WELL I JUST call them as I SEE them
RT Neil Steven Lawrence
Ahsante sana. Thanks very much
Isara Mo
I think the argument over a verb or noun can’t do away with a fact.
Call it “possession” or “influence” or “depressed” or “oppressed” or *demonized ” whatever the verb or noun, the truth still remains :salvation is not a vaccine against demonZ
Neil Steven Lawrence Isara Mo karibu
Isara Mo
In order to defend their sound doctrine they will say Derek was a heretic
Varnel Watson
what is their sound doctrine? Isara Mo Jon Sellers
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Christians cannot be demonized.
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo tell us more about this one pls
Jeff Johnson
Troy Day another good example of one who has believed and been saved yet still bound is Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8:13-23.
Isara Mo
Troy Day
This is the third year I’m in spiritual lockdown,. I’m in self isolation meditating on the “reality” of what I know vs the great deception.
I haven’t reached the despair of Elijah who told the Lord to kill him because the reality of Jezebels invincibility was too much for him but I also think, No, Lord I can’t go on swallowing false teachings whie demons are having a waltz in churches..No.
Let the Lord intervene otherwise it would be the case of pouring water into a bucket full of holes..
Joe Absher
Never underestimate the enemy of your soul or the deception of sin
Varnel Watson
sometimes the enemy comes as church folk Isara Mo
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Judas as a church treasurer and a thief and betrayed the Lord.
A very good church member…
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo and not only