When demons are confronted and pressured through
spiritual warfare they will sometimes demonstrate
their particular natures through the person in a variety
of ways. These evil spirits are creatures of darkness.
They cannot bear to be brought into the light. When
their presence and tactics are exposed they may
become excited and frenzied. The manifestations which
can come forth seem to be endless. We will have to limit
ourselves to a few examples.
Satan and his demons are identified with serpents. “I
give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions”
(Luke 10:19). “And the great dragon was cast out, that
old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which
deceiveth the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). It is not
surprising that serpentine manifestations are
sometimes witnessed. These may be in the tongue. They
will cause the person to stick out the tongue or cause
the tongue to go in and out very rapidly - exactly like a
snake’s tongue. The eyes may take on the characteristic
of snake’s eyes. (Most of the time the person being
delivered will keep his eyes closed. The demons seem to
know that the eyes of a person reveal their presence in
a more readily observable way than any other.)
Another manifestation of the serpent is through the
nose. The person is caused to blow air through the
nostrils making a hissing sound. On a few occasions I
have witnessed the person thrown to the floor by the
power of the indwelling spirits and his body writhe like
that of a serpent.
A rather common manifestation occurs in the hands.
The hands may become numb or tingle. Sometimes the
lingers become extended and rigid. Demons that
manifest themselves in these ways through the hands
are usually demons of lust, suicide or murder. Other
types of evil spirits, especially those associated with
wrong use of the hands, may also manifest themselves
in this way. Sometimes it is helpful for the person to
shake the hands vigorously in order to dislodge the
Arthritic spirits often manifest themselves in the hands.
The hands will become very stiff and the fingers
gnarled. This may happen in the hands of teenagers
and young persons who as yet have had no visible
indications of arthritis, yet the demon of arthritis is
already at work on a long range plan. When the demon
of arthritis is challenged the hands can take on the
appearance of a person who has had arthritis for years
and is crippled by it. The demon may also manifest
itself by pain and twisting of the body. Many such
ailments are aborted through deliverance ministry
when the discerning of spirits draws out infirmities and
diseases which have not even become evident.
A very awesome manifestation is that of the death
spirit. I have found the death spirit present in cases
where persons have been close to the point of death
through severe sickness, serious operations or
attempted suicide. One man who had a spirit of death
had once been pronounced officially dead from
drowning but had been brought back to life through a
doctor’s timely action. When the death spirit manifests
itself the eye lids are open and the eye balls roll up into
the head. The skin of the person takes on a waxen
pallor of death.
A young woman about twenty five years of age came
for ministry. She was a very gentle person and had a
passive nature. Several demons had been cast out of
her and then we were sitting quietly to see how the
Holy Spirit would lead. Suddenly her countenance
changed dramatically as the next demon surfaced.
There is no way to describe the manifestation which
came forth - especially through her eyes. Without
turning her head her eyes moved to stare at each
person in the room. My wife and I were seated on a
divan directly in front of her. Three other members of
our deliverance team were present along with the
woman’s pastor and his wife. I had witnessed many
demon manifestations, but this one was different. It
gave one the feeling that he was face to face with a
ferocious animal and was about to be devoured by it.
This manifestation immediately gave way to the
manifestation of the spirit of death. Fortunately I had
experienced this manifestation before and knew
exactly what to do. Others in the room had not
witnessed it before and thought surely the woman was
actually dead. The demon came out and the young
woman was all right.
Odors are another facet of demon manifestation. I
recall one time when we were conducting a ministry in
a parsonage. The house was filled with an unpleasant
odor. It reminded me of cabbage cooking, which to me
is an unpleasant odor. Someone even went into the
kitchen to see if something was on the stove.
On another occasion I was casting a demon of cancer
out of a woman. When the demon came out it was
accompanied with a distinct odor with which I was
very fam ili ar. It was the same peculiar odor which one
encounters in a cancer hospital. I recognized this odor
from having pastored in Houston, Texas, where I often
visited patients in a large cancer hospital.
Demons may cry out with loud voices. (See Matt. 8:29;
Mark 1:23; Luke 4:41; Acts 8:7). We were engaged in a
deliverance when a seventeen year old girl came
forward. She remarked that she had been involved in
witchcraft. I had her take a seat directly in front of me.
I opened my Bible and began to read from Deut. 18:9-
15, which declares that witchcraft and similar practices
are an abomination to the Lord. As I was reading verse
15 which says that God will raise up a Prophet (Jesus)
and “unto him ye shall hearken”, a piercing demonic
scream came forth from the girl. I looked up quickly to
see her hands like claws coming at my Bible, Before I
could react, her long fingernails tore through the page
of my Bible on the very verse I was reading! We began
to command the demons of witchcraft and related
spirits to go in the name of Jesus, and she was soon set
free from their oppression.
The spirit of pride may manifest itself in several ways.
It may cause the person to sit or stand very erect and
fold the arms across the chest. It may cause him to tilt
the head back with the nose very high in the air. A
young minister confided in me that he talked too much.
He could not keep from butting in on others’
conversation. He could not discipline himself to let
others speak. He felt that what he had to say was so
much more important than what others might
contribute to a discussion in conversation. The spirit
was commanded to name itself. It identified itself as a
spirit of importance. The man was seated in a folding
steel chair. The spirit caused him to put his nose
straight in the air and to lean in his chair backwards. It
was necessary for me to hold the man in the chair to
keep him from turning it over. The spirit of pride or
importance will make a person “think more highly of
himself than he ought to think”
Evil spirits sometimes reveal their presence and nature
by pantomiming. During a pre-ministry interview a
young minister disclosed that he had been obsessed
with worldly dancing and that he would “rather dance
than eat”. When the demon of worldly dancing was
called out, the man began a rhythmic pantomime. His
body began to sway rhythmically, his hands moved
back and forth in a clapping motion, and his mouth was
moving as though singing although no sound was
coming forth. The demon then spoke and said, “I’m
singing “Power in the Blood”. The man then picked up a
wet bath cloth which we had been using to wipe his
face (the previous demons had been coming out with
vomiting) and he began to twirl the cloth around and
around in cadence. Finally he let the cloth go ... it hit
the ceiling and fell to the floor, whereupon the demon
laughed fiendishly.
On other occasions we have seen rhythmic and dancing
spirits manifest themselves through motions of the
body, especially in the swaying of the hips. One young
woman whose body vibrated from the manifestation of
the rhythmic spirit, disclosed afterward that she had
been a professional dancer and worked for a while as a
“Go-Go” dancing girl. This spirit proved to be the ruling
spirit within her. The devil has his counterfeit and
perversion for all that is good and right.
An interesting manifestation came forth when we were
ministering to a mother who had a twelve year old son.
The son had a crippled arm and hand which she told us
had resulted from brain damage at birth. The boy’s
wrist was bent and his hand withered and useless. The
mother had a tormenting spirit which vexed her
continuously over the condition of her son. It would not
let her rest but kept her mind concentrated on the son’s
condition. When this tormenting spirit was
commanded to leave it caused the mother’s arm and
hand to assume the exact appearance of her son’s arm
and hand!
Pain is a very common manifestation. Many, many
times when persons have made appointments for
ministry ahead of time, they will report that they
acquired a very severe headache, although they are not
normally given to headaches. During ministry the
demons will often cause headaches or severe pains in
various parts of the body. Spirits of nervousness and
tension may cause pain in the back or neck. Usually the
deliverance minister will lay hands on the area of pain
and command the demon to release, whereupon the
demon is cast out and the pain is instantly alleviated.
Other manifestations that may be witnessed during
deliverance ministry include cramps in the legs and
arms, nausea, crying and laughing. The laughing is
often a mockery spirit trying to make light of the
ministry. A novice might think that the person
receiving ministry is lacking in seriousness, but the 1
laughter is entirely separated from the person's own
I would estimate that demons speak through one out of
twelve persons that we minister to. The average would
be higher if we encouraged their speaking. They do not
show much variety in what they say. They speak
defiantly that they do not intend to leave. They may
contend that the person wants them there or threaten
to come back if they are cast out. At times they plead
not to be cast out, seeking sympathy over what they will
do and what will happen to them. It is obvious that
demons are tormented by hearing of the blood of Jesus
and of the everlasting fate that is just ahead of them.
Indwelling demons show a very definite fear of their
superiors in the demon ranks. Their talk is sometimes
designed to confuse the deliverance minister or to level
accusations against him to cause him to fear. For
example a demon may say, “I know something about
you. Do you want me to tell it right here in front of the
others?” But these are only threats and accusations
and they never follow through on their threats. Overall,
the talking done by demons seems to be a delaying
tactic and a possible way of escaping being cast out.
When demon spirits are cast out they normally leave
through the mouth or nose. Spirits are associated with
breathing. Both the Hebrews and Greeks had only one
word for spirit or breath. The Greek word is pneuma.
The Holy Spirit is associated with breath also. After His
resurrection Jesus appeared to his disciples and “he
breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive ye the
Holy Ghost (pneuma)'' John 20:22.
Many Christian hymnals contain the hymns "Breathe
On Me: Breath of God" and "Holy Spirit, Breathe On
Me". This gives us the idea that we are to breathe in the
Holy Spirit and to breathe out the evil spirits.
When evil spirits depart we normally expect some sort
of manifestation through the mouth or nose.
Undoubtedly the most common manifestation is
coughing. The cough may be dry but is often
accompanied by the bringing up of phlegm. Phlegm
may be brought up in excessive amounts.
Similar material may be brought up through vomiting,
drooling, spitting or foaming. Persons who receive
ministry immediately following a big meal, have been
observed to gag and retch violently and throw up large
amounts of mucus without any traces of food. Rarely
have we seen food substances brought up from the
stomach. Infrequently small amounts of blood may
appear. It is not unusual for this material to flow out of
a person for an hour or longer.
Other manifestations through the mouth include
crying, screaming, sighing, roaring, belching and
yawning. Air may be blown through the nose or the
person will blow his nose continuously for awhile as
though he were having a severe sinus drainage. These
various manifestations can vary widely in intensity
from something very mild to something quite
dramatic. The degree of manifestation is not indicative
of the effectiveness of the deliverance. Persons who
yawn or sigh out their demons, are just as delivered as
those who have the more violent manifestations.
No news is good news? This of course is a light hearted answer and the fear of Lord his glory and Majesty. I don’t consider it a light thing to a. “hear” from heaven. b. the inner witness of the holy spirit or c. understanding a passage in the good book. Obedience to God and intimacy with the Saviour, Jesus Christ being the best answer to prayer.
To the point yes. Hearing from God in Providence. A young man cane to church Sunday. Fresh out of prison and homeless. We exchanged phone numbers. I called Monday to follow up. We had a pleasant conversation. Ending with me saying I just want to see you “plugged in” growing in the things of God and staying free. Tuesday I left it alone, wanting to respect his space and God’s time. Yesterday, Wednesday I went for a walk. I went a different way for some reason. I felt (understood) it was the Lord. So I providentially met the man on a street corner. We talked about Jesus and what’s going on with him. He’s in a shelter now. He mentioned his shoes had holes in the bottoms. We have the same size feet. We walked over to my apartment I gave him a almost new pair I had. We talked some more about things going on in his life, sobriety and Jesus our help and strength. His last words were “I’ll see you Sunday” an answer to prayer both for him and me. Jesus is that good! Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Surely it is not a ” light thing” to a ” hear” from Heaven.It is not.I marvel at those who stand infront of people and boldly declare “The Lord has told me….”
The hearing I am talking about is that kind of hearing, a one on one conversation…..whereby one is given specific instructions eg in Acts 13 where the Bible said to the apostles and teachers gathered in worship and fasting ” Set me apart Barnabas and Paul for a task….”
Inner witnessing of the Holy Spirit or understanding a passage in the good book is also a ” hear” from heaven….all being obedience to God and intimacy witn the Saviour, Jesus Christ…
Hearing from God in Providence is a daily occurrence if one has an observable eye and ear.Behind the scenes, subtly by His great mercies and grace(as you have shown in the case of the young man) God speaks….but I believe you have to have a like heart to resonance with His voice…as you did, by taking the young man to your house and give him a pair of your shoes..
God bless you Joe
Joe Absher
Considering that demons are liars I think they can also be “actors”, pretending or mimicking manifestations to deceive the deliverance minister…
Joe Absher
Dr King and Troy Day once mentioned that a certain very famous Nigerian ” prophet” (name withheld) is casting out demons using powers other than the Holy Spirit…
Would all those demonic manifestations be
” fake”
Troy Day/ Dr King.
Joe Absher
I was upset not because I am a fan of the prophet but because I was not given satisfactory reasons why the prophet and his ministry were suspect..inspite of having such a strong hold on the world today…
Jesus was the righteous one and when.the religious leaders of the day wanted to kill him the Bible said they were afraid ” because of the crowds. “..
Crowds form a formidable defence around a person…..
Nowadays when you point out that such and such is a false teacher or false prophet or such and such is a false doctrine, crowds form a defence around the person or the doctrine.
May God help the truth seekers…
Spoke with an old pastor friend today on un related topic He pastored one church 17 years and another one since 2001 until he retired last year Quite the record in 1 place if you ask me
I personally believe that demons are held captive in the bottomless pit and that there are wicked Christians who fight against pastors (there are also wicked pastors fighting church members) This is a spiritual warfare and most pastors are seeking friendliness with all people instead of fasting and praying in order to do the will of God in the church.
Troy Day
There is a great misconception in the church today that demons can’t be in the church where there is a gathering of the saints..
You remember your oft repeated question” Can a Christian have a demon?”
In Job 1: 6 the devil was with the congregation of the sons of God..
If demons can’t be in.the church, whether in or out of believers, why then are there manifestations and casting out if demons?
Demons in church…yes
Charles Page
Brother Charles if you read thru the book of Acts you will see that most demons are not held in captivity in bottomless pit (except for a few as told in Peters epistle)…
Paul cast out a spirit of divination from a slave girl..
When Phillip preached in Samaria he cast out demons as this scripture shows:
//When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in that city.
Acts 8:6-8 NIV//
With shrieks impure spirits(demons) came out of many..)
But you are quiet right about a little civil war in the church…pastors against pastors, members against pastors…pastors against members…
It is true what you say that pastors seek ” friendliness” with people (fear?) instead of rebuking them(my words)
But as to demons, well they are everwhere doing their dirty works that is why there is so much evil…even in the church…
Isara Mo There is a reason demonic active was manifested in Acts, which I have read over and over, and not in the same way wickedness is present today. Wickedness grows with intensity though demonic activity has ceased.
Wickedness in the church will continue to grow with intensity.
The saints in Acts would not believe how wicked the church has become, today!!!
Troy Day ‘some’ claim. I don’t believe demonic activity has ceased they are active in the pit though bound. Satan and his hordes are alive today in the pit.
Charles Page
Strange as it may sound but what you say it quiet true; increased wickedness in the churches…could this be a reflection of an ongoing battles in the invisible realm?
Jesus is the Prince of Peace but where is the peace?
In 1 Kings 19:22 future king Jehu was going to the state house where queen Jezebel was.
On the way he met Jezebels son Joram who asked Jehu..”Is it well…?(peaceful)
And Jehu answered Joram “How can there be peace while there is so much idolatry and witchcraft?..(im quoting from my head..will seek the scripture and load it)
There must be a reason why there is wickedness in the church…
Charles Page
//When Joram saw Jehu he asked, “Have you come in peace, Jehu?” “How can there be peace,” Jehu replied, “as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?”
2 Kings 9:22 NIV//
it was Jezebel however today it is a ‘spirit’ of idolatry and witchcraft comming from Christians. It can’t be blamed on the devils since they are chained and removed from this life on earth. Jezebel could say the devil made me do it as there were evil angels behind the wickedness of that day.
We don’t have that excuse today. There was a bondage of the will in that time but today we are not in bondage other than the bondage we willfully place upon ourselves.
Troy Day
A few years back I had “visitors”from the Azores and some from Mars.
This is not Sci fi…
I’m telling this to verify what you say..it happens more than we think(or even know or understand)
One of the incident was a three hour conversational interchange and arrests…and I was dead still just listening…
The Mars visit was an hour or so…
When you touch the right buttons they will come after you…
Blessed be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords…
In short I can assure you demons can and do inhabit Christians. In fact the early church practiced deliverance ministry on the new converts prior to baptism . The early church realized that bringing in converts from regions that were intrenched in demon worship required this. They soon discovered that the demonization did not disappear simply because they accepted Jesus.
My new book covers this in detail.
I have cast out devils from probably as many believers as non believers all over the world. The vastness of the human spirit contains rooms and not all of these rooms are always cleaned. (This is where sanctification comes into play) demons then become sort of like hidden squatters that cause much trouble at times.
When it comes to manifestations. There are various. Some do not manifest dramatically some do. Demons vary in wickedness and strength.
When I cast out devils and minister deliverance I alway keep my eyes open. Often you will notice visible manifestations in the face. Slight contortions, eye rolls, unusual mouthing formations.
Demons often will produce a pungent stench when expelled. Although not always.
Sometimes they will throw the person on the floor and other times there is hardly any visible manifestation. Some will cause coughing, sneezing and vomiting and others do not.
I notice Torben Skaandergaard’sNew Reformation videos have exorcisms right after baptism in the water. I wonder if he did them first if he couldkeep that messy deliverance ministry out if the baptismal pool. Now I amthinking about the stench and rhe water. But it is nice to see Christ glorified in water baptism without the demons.
Troy Day are you more of the Derick Prince school if thought? Do you think Christians can be demonized like this?
One of my experiences with encounters with demons, deliverance and attempted deliverance was with a girl who visited a Vineyard home meeting. Someone commanded a spirit to leave and she said “No.”
I had been taught as a child that in the name of Jesus demons will have to flee. An experience prior to this and this ibe did not seem to conform to the idea of all demons instantly leaving. Theycan tey to hang on. I think they took her off to minister to her alone.
The arguments I had heard against Christians being demonized could also be used to say it is impossible for a Christian to sin. The typical Pentecostal viewpoint also leads us to jjudge people who go through deliverance as unsaved– judging their salvation.
On the one hand if a Christian goes off intosin– especially idolatry or withcraft– demons may take advantage of that. Wgat are the results of oneness/communion/fellowship with demons by partaking of sacrifices in an idols temple like Paul warns against in I Corinthians 10.
But I do not think Christians walking withGod need to ve scared and worried about a demon getting in them either.
Link Hudson I dont know what you mean. I am a Bible scholar who follows the Bible – reading my Bible I have discovered that virtually most if not ALL NT cases of demon casting were performed on people who were in a OT covenant relationship with GOD believing in the coming Messiah of Israel – and so I’ve stated
I would not disagree about the OT relationship except there is a Gentile case in Acts.
The case of believers being demonized is not directly addressed or not in a way we would all agree on.
Jesus called a woman who had a spirit of infirmity a daughter of Abraham. The saints are children of Abraham by ith. There is a commonality there. Jesus called the dather of some of his opponents the Devil in another passage.
Varnel Watson
hey are everywhere now Isara Mo Joe Absher
Joe Absher
From the TV show game of thrones. People are actually getting their picture taken sitting in this thing.
Varnel Watson
a chair? Almost posted a topic few weeks ago should believers even watch this show
Joe Absher
The reports are, the show is full of “witchcraft and violence..” With wiccan consultants
Chad Macdonald
I’ll try and comment this evening my friend. I can add some insight here
Varnel Watson
post some about the demons in churches
still waiting for your recorded video teaching from the conference
Joe Absher
Next week I think?
Isara Mo
High time we bring or upload ALSO the deliverances we do or have done..
Good for inspiration
Joe Absher
Isara Mo I received a notification that you tagged me on something. I’m assuming it was on prayer, but I haven’t been able to find it yet
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
There was a post in which I asked are we hearing from God….I don’t remember when i posted it…let me track it
Joe Absher
No news is good news? This of course is a light hearted answer and the fear of Lord his glory and Majesty. I don’t consider it a light thing to a. “hear” from heaven. b. the inner witness of the holy spirit or c. understanding a passage in the good book. Obedience to God and intimacy with the Saviour, Jesus Christ being the best answer to prayer.
To the point yes. Hearing from God in Providence. A young man cane to church Sunday. Fresh out of prison and homeless. We exchanged phone numbers. I called Monday to follow up. We had a pleasant conversation. Ending with me saying I just want to see you “plugged in” growing in the things of God and staying free. Tuesday I left it alone, wanting to respect his space and God’s time. Yesterday, Wednesday I went for a walk. I went a different way for some reason. I felt (understood) it was the Lord. So I providentially met the man on a street corner. We talked about Jesus and what’s going on with him. He’s in a shelter now. He mentioned his shoes had holes in the bottoms. We have the same size feet. We walked over to my apartment I gave him a almost new pair I had. We talked some more about things going on in his life, sobriety and Jesus our help and strength. His last words were “I’ll see you Sunday” an answer to prayer both for him and me. Jesus is that good! Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Isara Mo
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Surely it is not a ” light thing” to a ” hear” from Heaven.It is not.I marvel at those who stand infront of people and boldly declare “The Lord has told me….”
The hearing I am talking about is that kind of hearing, a one on one conversation…..whereby one is given specific instructions eg in Acts 13 where the Bible said to the apostles and teachers gathered in worship and fasting ” Set me apart Barnabas and Paul for a task….”
Inner witnessing of the Holy Spirit or understanding a passage in the good book is also a ” hear” from heaven….all being obedience to God and intimacy witn the Saviour, Jesus Christ…
Hearing from God in Providence is a daily occurrence if one has an observable eye and ear.Behind the scenes, subtly by His great mercies and grace(as you have shown in the case of the young man) God speaks….but I believe you have to have a like heart to resonance with His voice…as you did, by taking the young man to your house and give him a pair of your shoes..
God bless you Joe
Isara Mo
Are there fake demonic manifestations?
Joe Absher
Do you mean behind the pulpit or in the choir?
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Can demons themselves fake a manifestation?
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Considering that demons are liars I think they can also be “actors”, pretending or mimicking manifestations to deceive the deliverance minister…
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Dr King and Troy Day once mentioned that a certain very famous Nigerian ” prophet” (name withheld) is casting out demons using powers other than the Holy Spirit…
Would all those demonic manifestations be
” fake”
Troy Day/ Dr King.
Joe Absher
I remember you were upset. Im sorry I just don’t know about that particular ministry. As to your question yes
Varnel Watson
we need that video teaching bro Chad Macdonald
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
I was upset not because I am a fan of the prophet but because I was not given satisfactory reasons why the prophet and his ministry were suspect..inspite of having such a strong hold on the world today…
Jesus was the righteous one and when.the religious leaders of the day wanted to kill him the Bible said they were afraid ” because of the crowds. “..
Crowds form a formidable defence around a person…..
Nowadays when you point out that such and such is a false teacher or false prophet or such and such is a false doctrine, crowds form a defence around the person or the doctrine.
May God help the truth seekers…
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Let him bring as he promised…
Varnel Watson
Spoke with an old pastor friend today on un related topic He pastored one church 17 years and another one since 2001 until he retired last year Quite the record in 1 place if you ask me
Charles Page
I personally believe that demons are held captive in the bottomless pit and that there are wicked Christians who fight against pastors (there are also wicked pastors fighting church members) This is a spiritual warfare and most pastors are seeking friendliness with all people instead of fasting and praying in order to do the will of God in the church.
Varnel Watson
I can attest this is not a wicked pastors though we have them BUT what would cause saved Christian folk to act in such way?
Isara Mo
Troy Day
There is a great misconception in the church today that demons can’t be in the church where there is a gathering of the saints..
You remember your oft repeated question” Can a Christian have a demon?”
In Job 1: 6 the devil was with the congregation of the sons of God..
If demons can’t be in.the church, whether in or out of believers, why then are there manifestations and casting out if demons?
Demons in church…yes
Isara Mo
Charles Page
Brother Charles if you read thru the book of Acts you will see that most demons are not held in captivity in bottomless pit (except for a few as told in Peters epistle)…
Paul cast out a spirit of divination from a slave girl..
When Phillip preached in Samaria he cast out demons as this scripture shows:
//When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in that city.
Acts 8:6-8 NIV//
With shrieks impure spirits(demons) came out of many..)
But you are quiet right about a little civil war in the church…pastors against pastors, members against pastors…pastors against members…
It is true what you say that pastors seek ” friendliness” with people (fear?) instead of rebuking them(my words)
But as to demons, well they are everwhere doing their dirty works that is why there is so much evil…even in the church…
Charles Page
Isara Mo There is a reason demonic active was manifested in Acts, which I have read over and over, and not in the same way wickedness is present today. Wickedness grows with intensity though demonic activity has ceased.
Wickedness in the church will continue to grow with intensity.
The saints in Acts would not believe how wicked the church has become, today!!!
Varnel Watson
Some claim demonic activities will be increasing in the last days not cease and we see the same in Revelations
Charles Page
Troy Day ‘some’ claim. I don’t believe demonic activity has ceased they are active in the pit though bound. Satan and his hordes are alive today in the pit.
Charles Page
There is a theological reason why the book of John is called Revelation and not revelations!
Isara Mo
Charles Page
Strange as it may sound but what you say it quiet true; increased wickedness in the churches…could this be a reflection of an ongoing battles in the invisible realm?
Jesus is the Prince of Peace but where is the peace?
In 1 Kings 19:22 future king Jehu was going to the state house where queen Jezebel was.
On the way he met Jezebels son Joram who asked Jehu..”Is it well…?(peaceful)
And Jehu answered Joram “How can there be peace while there is so much idolatry and witchcraft?..(im quoting from my head..will seek the scripture and load it)
There must be a reason why there is wickedness in the church…
Isara Mo
Charles Page
//When Joram saw Jehu he asked, “Have you come in peace, Jehu?” “How can there be peace,” Jehu replied, “as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?”
2 Kings 9:22 NIV//
Isara Mo
Isara Mo
Should be 2 Kings 9:22 not 2 Kings 19:22..
Sorry for the error
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Should we lay downs now and stop fighting?…now that the enemy has increased his tempo?
Charles Page
wouldn’t it be nice if today we could identify the source of idolatry and witchcraft.
Varnel Watson
as all coming from the devil himself ?
Charles Page
it was Jezebel however today it is a ‘spirit’ of idolatry and witchcraft comming from Christians. It can’t be blamed on the devils since they are chained and removed from this life on earth. Jezebel could say the devil made me do it as there were evil angels behind the wickedness of that day.
We don’t have that excuse today. There was a bondage of the will in that time but today we are not in bondage other than the bondage we willfully place upon ourselves.
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo happens more than you can think it does
Isara Mo
Troy Day
A few years back I had “visitors”from the Azores and some from Mars.
This is not Sci fi…
I’m telling this to verify what you say..it happens more than we think(or even know or understand)
One of the incident was a three hour conversational interchange and arrests…and I was dead still just listening…
The Mars visit was an hour or so…
When you touch the right buttons they will come after you…
Blessed be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords…
Varnel Watson
been to some of the Azores but never to Mars
Chad Macdonald
In short I can assure you demons can and do inhabit Christians. In fact the early church practiced deliverance ministry on the new converts prior to baptism . The early church realized that bringing in converts from regions that were intrenched in demon worship required this. They soon discovered that the demonization did not disappear simply because they accepted Jesus.
My new book covers this in detail.
I have cast out devils from probably as many believers as non believers all over the world. The vastness of the human spirit contains rooms and not all of these rooms are always cleaned. (This is where sanctification comes into play) demons then become sort of like hidden squatters that cause much trouble at times.
When it comes to manifestations. There are various. Some do not manifest dramatically some do. Demons vary in wickedness and strength.
When I cast out devils and minister deliverance I alway keep my eyes open. Often you will notice visible manifestations in the face. Slight contortions, eye rolls, unusual mouthing formations.
Demons often will produce a pungent stench when expelled. Although not always.
Sometimes they will throw the person on the floor and other times there is hardly any visible manifestation. Some will cause coughing, sneezing and vomiting and others do not.
Varnel Watson
but what about churches not just people ?
Link Hudson
But those people hadmln’t been baptized.
I notice Torben Skaandergaard’sNew Reformation videos have exorcisms right after baptism in the water. I wonder if he did them first if he couldkeep that messy deliverance ministry out if the baptismal pool. Now I amthinking about the stench and rhe water. But it is nice to see Christ glorified in water baptism without the demons.
Link Hudson
Troy Day are you more of the Derick Prince school if thought? Do you think Christians can be demonized like this?
One of my experiences with encounters with demons, deliverance and attempted deliverance was with a girl who visited a Vineyard home meeting. Someone commanded a spirit to leave and she said “No.”
I had been taught as a child that in the name of Jesus demons will have to flee. An experience prior to this and this ibe did not seem to conform to the idea of all demons instantly leaving. Theycan tey to hang on. I think they took her off to minister to her alone.
The arguments I had heard against Christians being demonized could also be used to say it is impossible for a Christian to sin. The typical Pentecostal viewpoint also leads us to jjudge people who go through deliverance as unsaved– judging their salvation.
On the one hand if a Christian goes off intosin– especially idolatry or withcraft– demons may take advantage of that. Wgat are the results of oneness/communion/fellowship with demons by partaking of sacrifices in an idols temple like Paul warns against in I Corinthians 10.
But I do not think Christians walking withGod need to ve scared and worried about a demon getting in them either.
Charles Page
Good Derick Prince reference!!
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson I dont know what you mean. I am a Bible scholar who follows the Bible – reading my Bible I have discovered that virtually most if not ALL NT cases of demon casting were performed on people who were in a OT covenant relationship with GOD believing in the coming Messiah of Israel – and so I’ve stated
Link Hudson
I would not disagree about the OT relationship except there is a Gentile case in Acts.
The case of believers being demonized is not directly addressed or not in a way we would all agree on.
Jesus called a woman who had a spirit of infirmity a daughter of Abraham. The saints are children of Abraham by ith. There is a commonality there. Jesus called the dather of some of his opponents the Devil in another passage.
Robert Erwine
these lying spirits are real and you can tap into them
Varnel Watson
looks like your tap is still open for many spirits
Robert Erwine
Troy Day not here
Charles Page
they are spirits but are not lying spirits. Humans are lying spirits.
Daniel J Hesse
Looks like some experienced advice.
Joe Absher
A class on the subject of demonology:
Joe Absher
Dr. Jimmy DuPree