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Dealing with DAKE’s Teachings×767.jpg #Pentecostal #Christian #CHURCH
David Lewayne Porter
Ok I use a dakes but it is like this,
You use manure to fertilize a field. You have to know what to use, when to use it, and how best to use it (LoL, I kill me).
Kerry Collins
That’s interesting
I have a sales matter of fact 2 of them
I use them sometimes but not often
Henry Volk
Dake’s lists are a helpful reference resource, but his commentary is sketchy.
Michael Marquez
I like the Dake’s Bible. Not that I agree with everything he teaches. But he does have some good material and food for thought on certain things.
Ricky Grimsley
I still use it. Dake was wrong on some stuff but at least he tried and cared. Most pastors i have known shied away from anything controversial and accepted what they were taught from other teachers. He is definitely someone i would have liked to talk to even though he was kinda condescending from the videos i have seen.
Ricky Grimsley
Not now but when i younger.
Kerry Collins
God’s plan for man is a book worth buying
Michael Marquez
Yes it is a good book to own. Has some good stuff. But like anything else (outside of the Bible) you eat the meat and spit out the bones.
Kerry Collins
After, over some 2,000 plus sermons in 19 yrs as a COG pastor I sure know that’s true, nothing replaces the word of God.
Greg Baldwin
One of the best Pentecostal works and helps ever.
Grover Katzmarek Sr
Dakes bible was the first study bible I was given over four decades ago.. I still have it in my bookcase.
He is so far off in many areas. And yet he claimed inspiration BT Holy Spirit. Really? One that comes to mind is where he said the giants in Genesis came from angels having sex with humans. But what did Christ say. That angels are sexless.
Unless one is fully grounded in the Word of God it’s best to treat dakes writings as pure heresy
Michael Marquez
Grover Katzmarek Sr not that I agree with everything Dake teaches cause I don’t. What heretical teachings have you found in Dake?
Grover Katzmarek Sr
One that there was two creations.
That there was death before Adam sinned.
That Satan was in charge and ruled planet earth. I could go on and on
Ricky Grimsley
None of that is heresy. Satan is the God of this world. As far as two creations…..thats seems obvious. If you believe that “in the beginning” was only 6000 years ago you have giant blinders on…….to science and to the bible.
Grover Katzmarek Sr
No. I used to believe in two creations and an old earth. But after studying after Ken Ham (and there are many scientists who agree with him) that I now
believe in a young earth.
You say it’s not heresy but I disagree. Anything taught that is not true is heresy
Ricky Grimsley
Ken hamm means well but he is wrong. As far as heresy. Pretrib rapture would have been heresy in the early 1800s but now its just a view we differ on.
Michael Marquez
Heresy is teachings which go against essential doctrines of the historic Christian faith. Essentials meaning the Gospel as defined by 1Cor15:1-4; Doctrine of Christ (who Christ is, deity, sinless,etc) 2Jn v9,10; salvation by grace thru faith not works Eph2:8,9 or any other teaching which is essential to one’s salvation. Dake’ s pre- adamite teach or Angeles having sex with humans may be considered false teachings but not heresy. Not every false teaching is heresy.
Ricky Grimsley
I dont see how anyone who reads the bible cant see that angels had sex with humans. Another obvious thing.
Grover Katzmarek Sr
Wow I can’t believe you said that
Michael Marquez
Too many times we call people heretics who don’t agree with everything we believe.
Jan B Drayer
During Swaggert’s heyday everybody wanted a Dake’s. Lots of good cross references and some weird thoughts, e.g. David had venereal disease.
Link Hudson
There is some really bad logic in the article, IMO,
“If that be the truth, then everything and anything Dake publishes should be the absolute truth, supposedly, directly from the Holy Spirit.”
This comes after a quote from Dake about being able to quote a lot of scripture after being baptized with the Holy Ghost. It’s possible that one could be given a gift to know scripture supernaturally, and then imply human reasoning and get interpretations wrong. The article’s statement here is totally unsupported by the quote that precedes it.
Accusing someone of false prophecy, a death penatly crime, is a big deal in the Old Testament. This quote seems pretty close to that.
I also found the article a bit tedious because it focused so much on old earth creationist. Dake argued that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost each have a body soul and spirit. There are some other big issues that one could point out with Dake’s commentary.
I have to say I haven’t read that much of it. Ive probably encountered some of the ideas in it in Pentecostal sermons.
Link Hudson
but I did have a look at some of his commentary on Romans and I found it to be good stuff.
Daniel Gabriel
I LOVE the Dakes Bible … it’s an awesome tool.
Alexandre Goncalves
Dake Bible is full of heresies. I do not recommend reading.
Jon Ray
Dake makes only a few theological deviations:
1. mixing of races which could be attributed to his Southern roots and culture of living
2. the son-ship and nature of Jesus Christ which seems to be Dake’s minor approach to dealing with the aggressive oneness attack on early American Pentecostalism. In this category fall his view on the Trinity, God’s anthropomorphism and Adam’s replacement role on earth
3. the Trinity explanation is but a symbolic interpretation of the Trinity. What Dake wrote about his understanding of the Trinity is neither original nor heretic. Similar interpretations could be found in his day and through church history and even among theology scholars today. After all, who here can explain the Trinity completely and without errors? Dake’s view on the Trinity follows the Athanasius creed and Gregorian orthodoxy to the dot
These could be results from the culture he lived in but are hardly the characteristics of an intentional false teacher. Everything else, and I mean everything else that has been attributed to Dake as error is mainly vogue interpretation from Charismatic preachers who fail to understand the depth of Dake’s Bible studies and build a sermon or teaching on a single commentary reference (in most cases taken completely out of context).
Beside this DAKE is spot on everything else – especially prophecy as prescribed by Pentecostal eschatology. That includes over 35,000 commentary notes and more than 8,000 outlines for sermons. We can only pray as ministers that we leave such a rich theological heritage without bordering heresy or complete obsoleteness.
Ali Wise
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Varnel Watson
worth looking into the discussion Dustin Wilcox