David Wilkerson – The Great and Final Apostasy

David Wilkerson – The Great and Final Apostasy

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  • Reply October 27, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    NOW this is NO fake news Joe Absher William DeArteaga

  • Reply October 27, 2019

    Jeanette Elizondo

    Good Word !!

  • Reply October 27, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    spot on

  • Reply October 28, 2019

    William DeArteaga

    I can’t see the text.

  • Reply March 20, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    people will blame Trump if many people die and they will blame Trump if he overreacted and they will blame Trump if he under reacted. The same thing was done by Obama who under reacted and waited six months to deal with the swine flu. But since the media were his lap dogs and communist coworkers they did not hype it so it became nothing.

    14,000 US citizens died of the swine flu during the crisis there was no crisis.

    The hype machine called the media is what has caused this problem. Trump knows that they are trying to hang it around his neck like they hung Katrina around George Bush‘s neck. Aside from the fact that he is truly concerned, the hype machine is making his administration overreact.

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      The hype machine stocks up the fears..
      I think it easier for the rich to make into heaven than the hype machine operator

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Isara Mo there you are again … how is it in your country today

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      So far we have confirmed six cases.
      There is no media hype and I can say that people are going about their lives AS USUAL (my observation).
      The govt has issued directives for the common protective measures that of avoiding public gatherings and has closed all schools and colleges for one month as precautionary measures.
      Most public service centre’s have installed mandatory hand sanitizers but haven’t observed the frenzy or panick that I have seen in you people have.
      Very few masks and mostly of handkerchiefs worn by public except in a public service areas like banks where security guards have these small mouth masks.
      I see Isiah 41:10 in PRACTISE although most even don’t know it..
      Do not fear do no be alarmed is what I see all around..

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Jeff Johnson

      Isara Mo praying for you and your country

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Jeff Johnson
      Blessed are you JEFF..
      Nothing is comparable to prayer.
      It is my prayer that this thing ends completely in three weeks time and life normalises.

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Jeff Johnson
      The passover is round the corner..

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Jim Price

      Remember that Bush reduced the agency that maintained the protective walls in and around New Orleans. Also Trump dismissed the office that watched out for dangerous diseases. The idea was to reduce overhead and give the money back to to rich in the form of tax cuts.

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Isara Mo

      And you know what Troy, the Hype Machine Operators (HMO) are not an exclusive club of the MEDIA people but I can see a very large segment of the Pentecostal and Charismatic spiritual experts joining the bandwagon..
      The many super spiritual explanations of the Coronavirus, “insightful spiritual ” analysis, prophetic visions, apocalyptic interpretations and explanations not only fuel the fears but make the people more terrified..
      May the Lord God be true and ALL MEN LIARS..

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Ivan John D. Sopko

      I absolutely agree with this post.

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Ivan John D. Sopko
      Blessed are you Ivan.

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Jeff Johnson
      Thanks Jeff for your prayers.
      Daniel’s prayer was a one man prayer and it changed the destiny of a nation..
      Elijah utterance shut off rain over a country for 3 and half years.. It also was a lone man utterance.
      I believe Jeff Johnson can say something over Tanzania and it shall come to pass. I personally believe that.
      Jehova waits for his true servants to say something..
      When King Jehoshapat was about to be invaded by three evil kings he didn’t lean on his own understanding.
      He didn’t solicit the counsel of his army generals nor inquire from presidential advisers how to handle the situation.
      He called a national fast and inquired from the Lord..
      And the LORD responded.
      Usually we run out of ideas during a crisis. It is our human nature. But the LORD has never run out of ideas because there is no such thing as crisis to HIM.
      His love endures FOREVER..
      The earth is the LORD’S and if that is so let’s give him worship during such a fragile situation in our hands and see Him fix the problem.
      Jesus words which came out of His mouth which won’t return to HIM void says…
      The user of a product can troubleshoot a problem in his product without success but the manufacturer of the product does always know the real solution…
      Passover is round the corner.

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Isara Mo Jim Price lots of ppl called David names back in 2009 for this Right now they are calling their local grocery store for my weekend supplies as it seems

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Jeff Johnson

      Isara Mo Praise God!!

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jeff Johnson for the virus? – dont know about that

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Jeff Johnson

      Troy Day not because of any virus, but because He is God and worthy to be praised in any situation.

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jeff Johnson NICE !

  • Reply March 20, 2020

    Varnel Watson

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