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Pastor David Lynn is under major attack from the LGBT community, as is Christianity as a whole. He was physically assaulted and is the victim of hate speech for simply spreading the gospel. Meanwhile Islam spreads hate speech daily and calls for gays to be executed and nobody bats an eye! Everything that happened with David Lynn was live-streamed and captured on video. He arrived to spread the gospel and was met by an already established group of intolerant LGBT folks who were waiting for him and raised hell and got him shut down for “disturbing the peace”. It’s crazy how a group of vandals can raise hell and disturb the peace and yet the Christian pastor is the one who’s targeted and blamed. If you don’t like hearing the gospel, keep it moving! Christians are NOT second class citizens and we have a right to exercise our freedom of speech and freedom of religion (at least in America…).
@everyone David Lynn. Founder of “Christ Forgiveness Minstries (cfm) Peter Vandever
The Discerning Holy Spirit only can reveal through intuition whether it is made of God or not. Let us wait and see.
Rasiah Thomas anything on the actual topic from this OP?
What is the difference between a charismatic and a heretic?
Donald Phillips whats with the gay symbolism on your avatar?
it is definitely not pro gay!
Donald Phillips sure thing GOD one would hope so coming from you
Donald Phillips Yea what’s the LGBT rain?
Donald Phillips, really!
The rainbow reminds us of the covenant with Noah.
It’s missing a color
I think it is time to take back the rainbow as the symbol of covenant with God.
Darren Haumaha please read the statement on the umbrella
Donald Phillips amen
Color reminds me of gay pride
Marie Shen yes? dont gay rainbow differ from Noah’s rainbow by a color or two? Link Hudson seems Philip Williams has not educated too well
Donald Phillips very thin line
Isara Mo read the umbrella. It says, “Protect your children from perverts!” The rainbow of the “perverts” is deflected by the umbrella of parental protection.
Isara Mo it is NOT a “thin line” at all. It is the rainbow of the perverts and the parents are holding up the umbrella protecting their two children from that rainbow.
Donald Phillips oh but it is
Troy Day whatever
Troy Day I changed it for Independence Day and will not go back to the umbrella
Donald Phillips of course but did this change your attitude?
now pls go online and see difference between gay and Bible rainbow
which even Link Hudson Kyle Williams Philip Williams dont seem to know
Donald Phillips why do you keep on posting this so pro-gay symbols?
Troy Day why don’t you read my previous post and find out?
Donald Phillips it dont matter – you are spamming this post with pro-gay propaganda symbols. Pls comment on the actual OP already
Troy Day Please, sir. You are the one that got us off on a rabbit trail by questioning my attack on Pride Month/Groomer Month.
Donald Phillips ???
Troy Day the meme I used with the rainbow in it was an attack on Pride Month/Groomer Month but you evidently never paid attention. You simply went on the attack against something you judged without truly inspecting.
Donald Phillips anything on the OP?
CFM just recently came out in support of the Trinity finally.
came out in support of the Trinity?
how do you mean
are they not original NAR Toronto airport? Peter Vandever should know
I’ve attempted to get them to nail down where they stand on the Trinity for years. There was oneness and Trinitarian language used and they would never take a solid stance on one or the other…till recently.
Troy Day No, they are not NAR TACF.
David and I preached on the same corners in Toronto before he started travelling more.
Roger David tell us ALL about it Joseph D. Absher is asking for a friend
Roger David so what is his stand on the TRINITY NOW ? Joseph D. Absher even Peter Vandever seems to have NOT noticed that one
Its been a real concern for some years
I don’t like “superspirituality” that is constantly giving way to strange new teachings and experiences. In this spiritual disk environment, individuals are constantly seeking some new experience or some new revelation or give themselves titles that sound awesome. Meanwhile, the simplicity and power of Jesus and the Gospel is neglected. This is exactly what was happening in the city of Colossians when Paul wrote his letter to the church in that city. I think the inhabitants of Heaven must cry when they observe the self centered religious madness in this current movement.
I don’t like the celebrity mentality promoted by so many nor the entertainment culture that has captured much of the movement. This culture has more in common with Hollywood than the New Testament. In him, worship leaders have become artists, preachers have become entertainers, and the church has become big business. At one point, commitment to Christ entailed giving up personal fame and fortune. Today, people come to church to seek their fame and their personal fortune. Oh come a mighty revival sent from heaven that swept the churches in North America!. I don’t like clowns of preachers promising blessings and gifts from God to those who send them an offering. These are the new charismatic indulgences. The Scriptures are twisting and integrity is compromised when God’s gifts, bought by the blood of Christ, are offered at a price.
These are the ones Jesus spoke of in Matthew 23:14, Woe to the scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!. For you devour the houses of widows and in pretext you perform long prayers. What a terrible estimate they will have to give them when they stand before the court of Christ!.
By : Eddie L. Hyatt
Troy Day, I’ve seen some of what Hyatt writes about.
Its mysticism. They think they can order God around like some puppet. Word of Faith garbage and a false Jesus. What’s worse is that they think they are more spiritually understanding and us fundamental Pentecostals are just immature bc we aren’t as close to God and His promises. A lot of them are oneness bc it’s a mixture of the Apostolic (mostly oneness” and self worship with fake speaking in tongues. Kundalini spirit. The devil has a counterfeit for everything and ppl who want to be called Christians line up for it. It’s a “comfortable” fake gospel that requires no sacrifice or obedience.
Robert Cox what is mysticism? Joseph D. Absher
Troy Day see Roma Downy
I appreciate the statememt and i think it is time we looked more closely at what passes for “ministry” these days
What’s the question
Who would you rather invite to a baptist potluck ? charismatic or a heretic?

it appears Philip Williams neither you nor Peter Vandever have heard of this one Perhaps we need to turn to Jesse Morrell for a more complete answer
Troy Day I don’t believe Jesse has had much interaction with David.
Roger David tell us all you know – figured if you Joseph D. Absher or Peter Vandever dont know then even Philip Williams dont know it
Troy Day I have never heard of him.
Philip Williams figures
if yall spent this time praying for and being a witness of the gospel of Jesus instead of tearing down it would be a more profitable day . we are here to build one another up ….
Joy Tilley-Hamons dont be so judgmental – it is barely 7 in the morning
Troy Day its a older post and I’m not the one being judgemental
Joy Tilley-Hamons post is from last night – how are you so judgmental by 7 in the morning sounding like an old grumpy man woke on the wrong side of the bed – why not just tell us what you know on the OP?
thank you
A word of caution to those Christians who are critical of the vast majority of Christian leaders and Christian movements today: the same judgment you use on others will be used against you. A little humility goes a long way here. Perhaps you’re not the only one who is right?
Troy Day
Spritual dictatorship shouldn’t be allowed ..
Being critical of sth which is false is quiet okay .Being quiet on sth false is hypocrisy which is worse than being critical
Troy Day 1 thess 5:21, 1 john 4:1 – that is scripture and not more personal feelings.
If David Lynn is claiming to be an Apostle his doctrine, practice and character should be thoroughly examined
Joseph D. Absher Apostle or apostolic OR an Apostle apostle ? Roger David Bishop Bernie L Wade Even Peter Vandever dont seem to know…
Has anyone else seen the video claiming its alright to smoke reefer “in moderation”
Joseph D. Absher why would anyone filled with the Holy Spirit and walking after the Spirit’s guidance bother with such nonsense – For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:3-4– We must start teaching the bible verse by verse and do away with these silly, senseless sensationalized postings.
“Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep.”
– Luke 6:25
David Lynn is not perfect. He preaches a lot of truth, but has some weak spots. I like his attacks against LGBT! I think he is right about that. For those who may not know (such as Vandever and others) David J. Lynn is a Canada Pastor and Street Preacher based out of Toronto, Ontario and is founder of Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries and Christian Positive Space. He usually preaches at Yonge and Dundas Square in Toronto and at various parades in Toronto. He posts many of his activities on Youtube, but his videos are long and can be boring. He has been known for his confrontations with Muslim communities, LGBT communities, and Black Lives Matter events. Lynn has been arrested multiple times for publicly taking a stand against the evils of modern society. If nothing else, he is bold and brave.
Donald Phillips why would he attack LGBT when he is not perfect
Philip Williams is not perfect either but he dont attack them
Why would Peter Vandever NOT know how David J. Lynn or Shin Lim is?
Because ain’t nobody perfect, not even Donald Phillips.
Donald Phillips is not perfect but Philip Williams perhaps maybe?
I dunno what that is, but I doubt that there is anyone perfect besides Jesus.
My phone doesn’t have enough guts to play videos. Can you tell me the gist of the youtube?