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Daily Prayer…
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray this prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of
Jesus Christ. I bind and bring to no effect all division, discord, disunity, strife, anger, wrath,
criticism, condemnation, pride, envy, jealousy, gossip, slander, complaining, lying, false teaching,
false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, fear, murmuring
spirits, deceiving spirits and spirits of Antichrist. These are all bound in me, my family and
church family.
I bind all curses that have been spoken against us. I bind the power of negative words and
curses, and I bind and render useless all prayers not inspired by the Holy Spirit.
I bless those who curse me and pray blessings on those who despitefully use me. I confess
that I am a child of God, that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am God‟s
I confess the Holy Spirit guides and leads me. I do hear God‟s voice as Jesus said in John
10:27. I can discern between what is righteous and wicked. I have authority over Satan and
demons through Christ. I declare Satan is under my feet. I bind Satan from my family, my mind,
my body, my home, my church and my finances.
I confess I am healed and whole, I flourish, I am stable, fruitful, full of peace, patience and
love. Whatever I set my hands to shall prosper, for God supplies my every need.
God, I pray for the ministries You have for me to be revealed and matured. Anoint me for all
You have called me to do for You. I call forth divine appointments, open doors of opportunity,
God ordained encounters, ministry opportunities and ministry positions. I will use my life and
God given abilities for Your glory and honor, O Lord.
I claim a fence of protection around myself, spouse and children day and night, I ask You,
God, in the name of Jesus, to dispatch angels to surround me, my spouse and my children today
and to put them throughout my home, cars and properties. I ask that angels protect my home
from any intrusion and to protect me and my family from any harmful demonic, physical or
mental attacks.
And lastly, I declare by faith that revival is sweeping through me and my family, my church
family and nation. I will allow it to bring about the necessary changes in me. I am open to
correction, repentance, obedience and brokenness and a deeper walk with God. I deeply desire a
more powerful prayer life and a greater intimacy with the Lord and a burden for the lost.
I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
– Pastor John Kilpatrick, Brownsville Assembly Of God, Pensecola, Florida
‘I Am A Soldier’ Prayer…
I am a solider in the army of my God – the Lord Jesus Christ is my Commanding Officer.
The Holy Bible is my code of conduct – faith, prayer and the Word of God are my weapons of
I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity and tested by
I am faithful, reliable, capable and dependable. If my God needs me, I am there. I am not a
I do not need to be pampered, petted, primed up, pumped up, picked up, or pepped up. I
am a solider.
I am not a wimp. I am in place, saluting my King, obeying His orders, praising His name
and building His kingdom. No one has to send me flowers, gifts, food, cards or candy. I do not
need to be cuddled, cradled, cared for or catered to. I am committed.
I cannot have my feelings hurt enough to turn me around. I cannot be discouraged enough
to turn me aside. I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit.
When Jesus called me into His Army, I had nothing. If I end up with nothing, I will still
come out ahead. I will win.
My God has and will continue to supply all of my needs. I am more than a conqueror. I will
always triumph. I can do all things through Christ.
Devils cannot defeat me. People cannot disillusion me. Weather cannot weary me. Sickness
cannot stop me. Battles cannot beat me. Money cannot buy me. Governments cannot silence me.
And Hell cannot handle me. I am a soldier.
Even death cannot destroy me. For when My Commander calls me from this battlefield, He
will promote me to Captain and then allow me to rule with Him. I am a solider in the Army, and
I‟m claiming victory. I will not give up. I will not turn around. I am a solider, marching heaven
– Victory Christian Ministries, Zoanne Willkie
Mental Prosperity Prayer…
I reject mental poverty that opens the door to mental oppression, depression or torment of
any kind in my life. I will not partner with the spirit of doubt, fear or unbelief (Romans 8:5-6). I
will not criticize, judge or complain (Matthew 7:1-2). I refuse to give the enemy access to my
mind. I receive mental prosperity that gives a believer a peaceful, wholesome thought life and a
mind free from warfare and torment. I will receive a renewed mind in Christ by fixing my
thoughts on what is true, good and right. Thinking about things that are pure and lovely, and
dwelling on the fine, good things in others (Philippians 2:5, 4:8). I reject mental poverty and I
receive mental prosperity for my life.
Dear God of creation, who made the universe from nothing, scattered billions of stars at
a mere word, engineered every favorable condition necessary to support life on planet
earth, populated the oceans and the lands with creatures of unimaginable variety and
complexity and made man their master.
God of Moses, who turned the mighty Nile into a river of blood, sent hordes of frogs,
swarms of lice and flies, a plague of disease and boils, devastating hail, locusts that
covered the sky, and the death of Egypt’s firstborn in order to answer the prayers of his
people for freedom.
God of the disciples, who on Pentecost received Your power, spoke in other languages so
3,000 were baptized on one day, and then turned the world upside down for Christ.
Father of Jesus, who made the blind see, the lame walk, lepers whole and the dead to rise,
and gave His life to rescue those who were hopelessly dead in sin and made them alive to
righteousness and eternal life.
God of creation, God of history, God of the Bible, God Almighty, I bind the mind of Christ
to myself and call forth His thoughts to become my thoughts that I might live faithfully for Him
and bring glory to His name in all my thoughts and actions. Amen.
– Author Unknown
Submission To God Prayer…
Lord, I commit myself to You and the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. I submit to You all that
I am, all my gifts and talents, and even the calling that You have on my life. I give it to You; I die
to it all so that You might resurrect it again in me. I commit to You the ministry that You have
given me to do. I desire always that it be Your ministry, not mine. Lord, I want to see only what
You would have me see. I desire to hear only what You would have me hear and to sense only
what You know it is time to reveal. I want to speak what You would have me speak under Your
direction and guidance. Give me ears to hear and fully discern Your voice. Make me worthy of
Your people‟s trust. May my words and attitudes be as gentle or as firm as Yours. Teach me
about Yourself so that I might correctly represent You to Your people. Keep me in Your love,
and don’t let me wander from You. Love Your people through me, O Lord and work Your
freedom into their lives through me for Your glory.
– Author Unknown
Entering Warfare/Binding Demons Prayer…
We begin by agreeing with King David in Psalm 144:1-2 where he writes, „Bless the Lord
who is my rock. He gives me strength for war and skill for battle. He is my loving Ally, my
Fortress and my Tower of Safety, my Deliverer.‟ In the New Testament, Paul the apostle
commands us to put on the full armor of God in Ephesians 6 as we ready ourselves to wage war
against principalities, powers and rulers in the heavenly realms. Therefore we put on the helmet
of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of the
gospel of peace and take up the Sword of the Spirit, while praying in the power of the Holy
Spirit. As we war against the devil with God, His Word and the angels as our confidence, we
stand in firm agreement with Jesus in Luke 10 where He said, „I saw Satan fall like lightning… I
have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of
the enemy; nothing will harm you.‟ We also agree with the Apostle Paul who wrote in Romans
16 that „The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet,‟ and we join with Jesus in His
mission to „destroy the works of the devil‟ according to 1 John 3 and to „heal the brokenhearted
and set the captives free‟ as Isaiah 61 prophetically promises about His work.
We know that apart from You, Lord Jesus, we can do nothing, but we also know that we
can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. In view of this, we now set the Rules Of
Engagement that the enemy has to follow. We acknowledge that Jesus Christ has all authority in
heaven and on earth and we exercise His authority over this ministry session. We have no
authority of our own; it is only in His authority that we minister, and it is by His authority that
we now confuse and shut down the enemy‟s communication system as God did to Babylon, and
block the enemy‟s ability to overhear discussions of the ministry team. We forbid any interference
in this ministry session and forbid any attack on (name) in any way. We forbid any spitting,
nausea or vomiting as well as any profanity or violence. We forbid you from doing anything that
would embarrass (name) in any way. We specifically bind all spirits of confusion, running, trance,
fatigue and drowsiness, and forbid them or any other spirits from influencing (name) or anyone
else in any way during this session. We also forbid all astral projection, whether human or
demonic and forbid any surveillance or monitoring spirits from operating. We also bind and
curse all spirits that are sent to investigate this session or any of us who are ministering in order
to report back to a coven or Satanic cult or group what they saw or heard. We command every
demonic spirit, synonym or plural spirit in (name) or around him/her to come to attention and
to obey when spoken to. We forbid any spirit from playing games, being mute or hiding when
spoken to – including hiding in an underground bunker or in any way sealed off from our ability
to discern. We flatten your hierarchies and cut you off from every other spirit, bind you
separately and forbid you from receiving any help, strength, or information from any other spirit,
human or demonic, and we cancel your assignments against (name). We forbid any spirit from
transferring to any other person and forbid any moving to other parts or levels within (name‟s)
body or soul. We also forbid all back up systems and replacer spirits assigned to rebuild evicted
strongholds. We command that there will only be one way traffic of evil spirits out of (name)
and to the place where the Lord Jesus Christ sends them. We command all spirits assigned to
(name) to remain whole spirits and forbid them from dividing, restructuring or multiplying in
any way. We cut off all spirits around (name) from connecting with any spirits within (name)
and we forbid any territorial spirit or other spirit with any authority or assignment to aid those
on the inside of (name). We command all spirits who have rank over other spirits in any part of
(name) to pull out all spirits who are under their authority. We forbid any appearance or
manifestation of any false or demonic Jesus. We also forbid any revenge against (name), myself
or anyone on the ministry team including intercessors, as well as our families, friends,
possessions, finances, pets, jobs or those of anyone whose lives touch our lives. We declare that
these ground rules will be in effect anytime we or anyone else ministers to (name) and that they
do not have to be restated. They can also be amended at any time by myself or anyone else
ministering to (name) with his/her permission. These are the Rules Of Engagement and any
spirit who violates them will suffer pain and torment without mercy. So leave (name) alone or
you will pay a terrible price both today and on judgment day when the saints will judge angels.
We declare these rules as established in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth – God Himself who came in the flesh.
And Lord, we also ask You for an increase of faith and gifts of miracles, discernment, words
of knowledge and revelation as well as angelic assistance for the ministry team in warring against
all demonic spirits and strategies of the enemy. We ask You to set up an impenetrable barrier of
angels around the property we minister on today and that You would send angelic assistance to
help us destroy the works of the devil in (name‟s) life. We bless (name) with the peace of Jesus
Christ and claim the power of the cross and resurrection of Jesus, that according to Colossians
2:15 has already defeated, disarmed and triumphed over all the powers of death and hell. We
stand as rulers and victors today with Christ in His defeat over all demons, principalities, powers
and rulers in (name) and in the heavenly realms. Amen.
– Rev. Bruce Koester, Strong In Spirit Ministries
Rules Of Engagement Prayer
As an official law enforcement agent of the Lord of Armies, I come in the name of the
resurrected Jesus, whom I serve, in order to effect and enforce God‟s original plans and purposes
against the plans and purposes of Satan (Daniel 6, 1 John 3:8).
I decree and declare that in this battle no intrinsic or extrinsic weapon, be it emotional,
financial, social, physical, psychological, interpersonal, spiritual, or organizational, formed against
me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17, 2 Corinthians 7:5, Ephesians 4:27, 1 Samuel 17:47, Jeremiah
51:20, John 14:30).
I place upon myself the armor of light and of the Spirit (Romans 13:12, Ephesians 6:13-17).
Truth to cover my loins (Psalm 51:6)
The breastplate of righteousness to cover my heart and chest (1 Thessalonians 5:8).
The gospel of peace to cover my feet (Isaiah 52:7)
The shield of faith to defensively and offensively cover my body (Psalm 5:12, Hebrews
10:38, 11:1,6).
The helmet of salvation to cover my head (1 Thessalonians 5:8, Isaiah 59:17).
The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Revelation 1:16).
The Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14).
A robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).
Both the glory of God (Isaiah 58:8), as well as the cross of Christ (Matthew 16:24) are
my rear guards.
I decree and declare that the weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God
to pull down strongholds, cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that lifts itself
against the knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-6, 1 Samuel 17:45).
I command God‟s anointing to destroy every yoke in my life (Isaiah 9:4), and that my soul,
spirit, and body now function in order, according to divine systems of protocol (3 John 2).
I decree and declare that I am healed and that sickness and disease be far from me (Isaiah
I establish divine parameters, boundaries, borders, and laws of the kingdom of heaven to
govern all activities within me (1 Chronicles 4:10, Matthew 6:10).
I overrule, disallow and veto every diabolical sanction, subverting activity, injunction,
directive, mandate, or order which opposes the will of the Lord concerning my life, ministry, and
family (Matthew 18:18, Acts 10:38).
I take control over the airways, galaxies, systems, spheres, stratospheres, as well as
hemispheres, atmospheres, realms, regions, and domains (Jeremiah 1:10, Matthew 16:19,
Ephesians 2:6, 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, Revelation 5:10).
I dispossess master spirits and call on Michael, archangels, and the armies of Heaven to
handle all satanic contentions, disputes, strivings, and resistance against God‟s plans in my life
(Daniel 3:24-25, 6:22, 10:13, Hebrews 1:14, Psalm 91:11, 103:20, 2 Chronicles 32:21, 2
Kings 7:5-7).
I declare successful divine and angelic undertakings, undergirding, reinforcements and
assistance. According to Your Word in Psalm 103:20, angels are your “mighty ones” to marshal
and protect my person, property, and possessions (2 Kings 6:17, Daniel 3:15-30, Acts 12:1-10).
I decree and declare that by You I run through armies and leap over walls. You are my God,
the God who makes me strong in spirit and makes my way right. It is You who makes my feet
like deer‟s feet, giving me stability so that I am able to stand firmly and progress on the
dangerous heights. You set me securely upon my high places. You teach my hands to war and my
fingers to fight, granting me supernatural strength and abilities so that my arms break a bow of
steel. You are my Rock, my Shield, and my Strong Tower. You have equipped me with the
shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand establishes me as a victor in this battle. Beat down
the enemy. Let me stand on his spiritual neck. Cause me to pursue and overtake principalities and
powers until they are beaten and done, fall at my feet and never rise again. Establish my name in
the heavens and let it be known in hell itself. Let those who oppose You hear of me and fear
I announce that it is You who have blessed me. It is You who empowers me. It is not by my
might nor by my power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. For when the enemy shall come in, like a
flood Your Spirit lifts up a standard against him (Exodus 15:3, Deuteronomy 32:41-42, Psalm
7:13, 18:29-50, 35:1-8, 44:5-8, Isaiah 42:13-14, 59:16-19, Haggai 2:22).
I resist satanic contentions, intentions, provocations, and negotiations concerning my life and
my soul, and superimpose prophetic purpose and divine destiny over and against all activities and
opposing forces that are contrary to the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning my life (1
Chronicles 21:1-2, 1 Samuel 1:1-8, 1 Kings 22:1-23, Job 1:7-12, 3:25).
I bind satanic harassment and rebuke satanic concentrations. I bring to a halt and prohibit all
satanic plans, plots and any surveillance (Mark 11:18, Matthew 26:4, Luke 6:11, Acts 16:16-19,
1 Samuel 18:1-30).
I lift false burdens, and reject feelings of heaviness, oppression, and depression. I cast them
upon the Lord, who sustains me, as I shall not be moved (Isaiah 10:27, 61:3, Psalm 12:5,
55:22, John 14:1, Matthew 11:28-30).
I decree and declare that by the power of God, all covenants, contracts, chains, yokes,
shackles, bondages, proclivities, and captivities that are contrary to, oppose, or hinder the
fulfillment of God‟s original plan and purpose be broken. I am liberated from generational,
satanic, demonic alliances, allegiances, soul-ties, spirits of inheritance and curses. I sever them by
the sword of the Lord, the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. I speak to my DNA
and declare that I am free from any and all evil influences passed down from one generation to
another biologically, socially, emotionally, physiologically, psychologically, spiritually or by any
other channel that may be unknown to me but is known to God. I resist every spirit that acts as a
gatekeeper or a doorkeeper to my soul, and renounce any further conscious or unconscious
alliance, association, allegiance, or covenant. I open myself to all divine deliverance. Father, have
Your way and fulfill the destiny You chose me from before the foundation of the world
(Ephesians 1:4, 2:10, Deuteronomy 5:9, 7:8-9, Ecclesiastes 7:26, Isaiah 61:1, Galatians 5:1, 2
Timothy 2:25, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).
I decree and declare that a shield of faith, fire walls, smoke screens, and a bloodline form
hedges of protection around me and hide me from the scourge of the enemy, any and all
demonic personalities, making it difficult, if not impossible for them to effectively track or trace
me in the realm of the spirit. I declare that there shall be no trespassing or penetrations to these
hedges of protection in Jesus‟ name (Job 1:7-10, Psalm 91:1-16, Exodus 12:13, Zechariah 2:5).
I release my name into the atmosphere and declare that prayer warriors, intercessors, and
prophetic watchman are picking me up in the realm of the spirit. I speak that they will not cease
or come down from their watchtowers until their assignments have been completed. I decree and
declare they will conduct their intercessory assignments under the direction of the Holy Spirit
and Jesus Christ who is my Chief Intercessor (Ezekiel 3:17, John 16:13, Luke 18:7, Romans
8:26-27,34, Hebrews 7:25).
I decree and declare that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. The spirit of wisdom,
understanding, divine counsel, supernatural strength, knowledge, and of the utmost fear of
Jehovah God. As I advance, I am divinely empowered and increase in skill and understanding
(Isaiah 11:2-3, Colossians 1:9-11, 3:10, Ephesians 1:17-18).
I obliterate and annihilate satanic impressions, illusions, projections, perceptions,
suggestions, suspicious, and deceptions set up as a decoy or an ambush to my soul and those
assigned to pray with me or for me, those that work with me, are assigned to me and interact
with me daily (Acts 13:50, 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 Kings 22:5-40).
I forcefully resist the wiles of the devil and prohibit the blocking or hijacking of divine
thoughts, ideas, inspiration, revelation, insight, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding
emanating from the throne room of my heavenly Father – especially those that initiate, stimulate,
sustain, and reinforce my kingdom authority in the earth realm, and in the heavenlies, and that
facilitate God‟s redemptive purpose (Ephesians 6:11, Matthew 13:19).
I put a halt to all distractive, disturbing, and destructive measures and agree that the Son of
God came to destroy the works of the enemy (1 John 3:8, John 10:10, John 2:15-17, Acts
I prevail against satanic inhibitions, prohibitions, and all limitations. I decree and declare that
all invisible and invincible walls be destroyed (Colossians 1:16, Joshua 6:1).
I execute divine judgment against satanic/demonic activities, and I war in the spirit of Elijah
and Jehu (1 Kings 18:1-46, 2 Kings 9-10:28).
I disapprove, nullify, dismantle, cancel, and forcefully oppose any satanic operations,
maneuvers, manipulations, subversions, strategies, tactics, plots, plans, and ploys, which are
designed to hinder, prevent, frustrate, foil, deny, or delay God‟s original plans and purposes from
their quick, swift and speedy manifestation, particularly in the right time and season (Daniel
I decree and declare that my times and seasons are in the hands of the Lord and they shall
not be altered or adjusted by anyone or anything. I function under the anointing of the Sons of
Isaachar, and God gives me the divine ability to accurately discern my times and seasons (1
Chronicles 12:32, Psalm 31:15, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Daniel 2:21-22).
I decree and declare that the eyes of my spirit function with 20/20 vision for correct
understanding and interpretation of divine movements. My ears are in tune with the correct
frequency of the Spirit, and I have clear transmission (2 Corinthians 4:4, Psalm 119:18, Jeremiah
1:11-16, Ephesians 4:18, 2 Kings 6:17, Job 42:5, Isaiah 29:18, Revelation 4:1).
I decree that this day I operate according to God‟s divine timetable. I decree that God‟s
agenda is my agenda. I am not my own, I have been bought with a price. I therefore submit
myself to Him alone (Psalm 139:16, 1 Corinthians 7:23).
Father, overthrow the plans of troublemakers, cynics, scoffers, mockers, liars, deceivers,
persecutors and character assassins. Expose satanic representatives and grant me divine strategies
and tactics to identify, resist, and overcome plots and plans established for my demise (Psalm
5:30, 7:14-16, 34:21, 35:1-8, 52:5, 83:13-17, 141:10, Esther 9:25, Proverbs 26:27, 28:10,
Daniel 3, 6, Matthew 7:15-23, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
I employ the hosts of heaven to war against the hosts of darkness (1 Samuel 17:1-58). I
take command over, bring to a halt, and place a moratorium on all further demonic movements
and satanic activities emanating from the Underworld and its regions (Isaiah 14:5,15, 38:18,
Daniel 7, Revelation 20:13-14) – Death (1 Corinthians 15:55, Job 34:22); Hell/Sheol/Hades
(Isaiah 14:19); The grave (Ezekiel 31:15, Isaiah 38:10); The pit (Ezekiel 32:23); The abyss,
which is the lower region of the pit (Isaiah 38:17, Psalm 30:3); Regions of the sea (Ezekiel
26:16, Job 41:1-31); The heavenlies (Ephesians 2:6, 6:12, Revelation 12:7); Terrestrial, sub-
terrestrial, and celestial domains (Jeremiah 1:10, Isaiah 14:12-14, Luke 11:17-26, Romans
8:14,23, Philippians 2:10).
I overrule and overthrow according to Isaiah 54:17 all ill-spoken words, ill wishes,
enchantments, divinations, spells, hexes, curses, witchcraft prayers, every idle word spoken
contrary to God‟s original plans and purposes. I reverse the curse associated with these utterances
and decree and declare that they shall not stand – they shall not come to pass nor take root.
I declare that every lying tongue is wrong and that truth prevails (Job 5:21, Psalm 5:6-10).
I come against falsehoods, slander, accusation, misrepresentation, and character assassination.
Father, cause the heavens to bring forth divine judgment. I will lose no ground or territory
gained through their undermining efforts or initiatives (Psalm 144:5-7, 1 Kings 21:17-19).
I prohibit the accuser of the brethren from operating or influencing the soul or mind of
anyone who comes into contact with me (Revelation 12:10).
I reverse the effect of any stigmas and declare that divine favor, grace, honor, and well-wishes
now replace any and all negative feelings, perceptions, and thoughts concerning myself, my
family, and the work/ministry which I am called to accomplish.
Father, frustrate the works of witches and warlocks who stand against Your anointing as You
did with Jannes and Jambres in the days of Moses. Confound the omens of the liars, astrologers,
psychics, prognosticators, sorcerers. Make fools of diviners and make their dark knowledge
foolishness (Isaiah 44:25, 2 Timothy 3:8).
Rebuke and dismantle satanic alliances and arrest them by Your Spirit. Let every covert or
clandestine effort and endeavor fail (Nehemiah 4:7-9, Esther 9:32, Job 5:12-14, 2 Chronicles
20:35, Psalm 35:4, 55:9, 70:2, 83:17).
Lord, release divine viruses to invade satanic databases and command that they be consumed
and destroyed. Let all future diabolical communications and networking fail. Any attempts shall
only yield incoherency and misunderstandings. Send a spirit of confusion among them. Overrule
and overthrow sabotage, subversions, and setbacks. Foil every retaliatory attack.
Arrest those that operate in the spirit of Jezebel or Belial. Let them not resist the anointing,
usurp authority, or gain any ground in the natural or in the realm of the spirit (1 Samuel 10:27,
1 Kings 19:1-5, 21:1-16).
Now Father, You have given me a great destiny to accomplish for You. I war for the
releasing of finances and all necessary resources. Everything prepared for me before the
foundation of the world that pertains to my life, ministry and calling, come to me now. I shall
not accept substitutes. I call in resources from the north, south, east, and west. I decree and
declare that every resource necessary for me to fulfill God‟s original plans and purposes comes to
me without delay, now (2 Peter 1:3).
I decree and declare that the wealth of the wicked be released now, and any curses upon that
wealth be removed. I command Satan to cough it up, spit it out, loose it, release it, and let it go
(Psalm 66:12, Ecclesiastes 2:26, Job 20:15-18, 27:16-17, Isaiah 60:16-17). Grant to me,
according to Your riches in glory, the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places
(Isaiah 45:1-3). I declare that the Cyrus anointing flow unhindered and uncontaminated in my
life (Isaiah 60:10-17, Philippians 4:19).
I decree that I will increase and prosper in the land where I am sent as an ambassador of
God. As His official representative, all diplomatic rights, privileges, respect and honors are
extended to me in His name and grace, truth, goodness, and mercy are my bodyguards.
I decree and declare that the kingdom of heaven rules and reigns (Revelation 11:15).
I decree and declare that this prayer and all future prayers take on the characteristics of divine
projectiles in the realm of the spirit and that they hit the bull‟s-eye (Job 36:32).
I seal this prayer in Jesus‟ name, Amen. – Dr. Cindy Trimm
How I Overcome The Devil Prayer…
By This I Overcome The Devil…
Through the Blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the Devil (Ephesians 1:7).
Through the Blood of Jesus, all my sins are forgiven (Psalm 107:2).
The Blood of Jesus, God’s Son, continually cleanses me from all sin (1 John. 1:7).
Through the Blood of Jesus, I am justified, made righteous, just as if I’d never sinned
(Romans 5:9).
Through the Blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to God (Hebrews
My body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, by the Blood of Jesus (1
Corinthians 6:19-20).
Satan ultimately has no power over me, through the Blood of Jesus and The Word of God
(Revelation 12:11).
Warfare Prayer For Eating Disorders
This is my Declaration of Faith. I command my body to weigh _____lbs. I command every
cell to function in wholeness. Every biogenetic curse of addiction is broken. My DNA is correct
and functions in line with God‟s Word. Every generational curse of obesity and all other curses
affecting my weight are broken, and I renounce any inner vows I may have made that I would
never weigh that much or look like that person (whoever they were).
I command every spirit of gluttony, bulimia, anorexia, obesity, sugar addiction, over-
indulgence, compulsion, addiction, craving, lack of self control, anxiety, depression, anger,
unworthiness, deformity, unbelief, depression, oppression, self-hatred, hatred of my body,
ugliness, rejection, rebellion, inconsistency, deception, failure, fear, intimidation and all other
connected and related spirits not of the Lord Jesus Christ to come out now in the name and by
the blood of Jesus Christ. You are not allowed to dwell in, around or attach to me in any way. It
is finished, so be gone.
My body is whole and healthy. I eat good food. I exercise physically, mentally, spiritually and
emotionally on a level of maximum efficiency. I am not moved by what I see for faith is the
substance of things hoped for but not yet seen. I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me. I love and respect my body and call it holy as the Lord my God is holy.
Metabolism, glandular, blood sugar levels, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, neuro-muscular,
all systems of my body, every cell, every organ functions as they where created to in perfect
harmony and balance.
I walk in the wholeness of Jesus Christ. The beauty of Christ radiates from His presence in
me. The Jesus that is in me is beautiful and the fragrance of the Lord follows me wherever I go. I
am the bride of Christ, pure, spotless and blameless before Him.
The favor of the Lord rests upon me and is unconditionally abounding toward me in every
situation and circumstance. God loves me and I am accepted in the beloved.
Jesus has a destiny, plans and a hope for my future, and I will fulfill every inch, every
centimeter of what He has for me. Satan is bound from interfering with the divine path of
destiny the Lord Jesus Christ has called me to. I will no longer let fear, intimidation, rejection or
any other thing stand in my way.
I run the race with a victors crown on my head and feet that are swift to reach the high
calling God has placed upon my life. I walk on high places in the power of the Holy Spirit who
lives large in me.
I am aggressively and forcefully taking back everything the enemy has stolen from me. All of
Satan‟s plans and assignments are cancelled. I am fully equipped and equipping others in the art
of warfare. The high praises of God are upon my lips. I stand with a two-edged sword in my
hand slicing into and pushing back the forces of darkness. The weapons of my warfare are not
carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. I am sharpened as iron
sharpens iron.
I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts feelings and intentions of His heart. I take
every thought captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus my Lord. Every flaming arrow shot at my
mind is stopped by the shield of faith. I do not entertain vain imaginations. I think only on the
glorious and true things of God.
The words of my mouth are words that are creative and bring life to all who hear them. He
has anointed me to heal the broken-hearted and set the captives free. I am more than a conqueror
by the word of my testimony and the blood of the Lamb. I am anointed, I am a chosen one, I am
a general with the highest ranking in the Lord‟s army. When I pray demons tremble, for I am
pure terror and dread to the enemies camp. Demonic spirits run and flee as I approach. I am the
walking talking Word of God in human form.
The resurrection power of Christ resides within me. Signs and wonders follow me and I will
do greater works than these because Jesus said I could and I will.
The love of God is shed abroad in my heart for all men. God‟s love for me is unconditional.
God is continually pouring out favor and blessing upon my life and the lives of my family
members. We live in the prosperity and wisdom God gave to Solomon, the freedom and favor of
David and the faith of Abraham our forefather.
Goodness and mercy follow us as the angels of the Lord God protect and encourage us at
every turn. We hear the voice of the Lord. Divine appointments, friendships, business
opportunities, ministry connections, mentors and higher levels of wisdom, revelation and
understanding come to us. Finances and resources flow to us without interruption. They flow
like the river of God.
We un-dam any ungodly blockages from receiving what the Lord is wanting to deliver to us.
My family and I are positioned for the purposes of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in the right
places at the right times. No weapon formed against us prospers and every tongue that rises
against us shall be condemned. Word curses of others shall bear no fruit in our lives. They are
returned immediately to the demonic source from where they came, and we bless those who
curse us. We are free from all curses for Jesus Christ became a curse for us at Calvary.
Therefore, we are abundantly supplied, divinely healthy, and fully restored. We are whole
and thriving as a tree planted by the divine waters of life. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
We abide in the Lord Jesus Christ and are fruitful.
We have a Joshua/Caleb spirit and see that all things are possible for us because we believe.
We go forward and possess the Promised Land by the power of Your might. It is not by our
might or by our power but it is by Your Spirit. We see the heavenly gates opening to us as we
use the keys to the house of David and enter into the mansion of Your holy presence and the
throne room of Your glory. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty. All God‟s promises are
yes and amen today and forever.
– Author Unknown
Prayer When Being Attacked…
I come to You, Lord, as my Deliverer. You know all my problems, all the things that
torment, defile and harass me. I refuse to accept anything from Satan, and loose myself from
every dark spirit, from every evil spirit in me that is not the Spirit of God, and I command all
such spirits to leave me now. I confess that my body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed,
cleansed, sanctified, justified, by the Blood of Jesus, therefore, Satan has no place in me and no
power over me through the Blood of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I now renounce, break, and loose myself, my spouse and all our
children from all generational demonic bondages, psychic powers, strongholds, bonds of physical
or mental illnesses, or curses, upon me or my family line, as the result of sin, transgressions,
iniquities, occult, or psychic involvements of myself, my parents, or any of my ancestors, my
spouse, any and all former spouses, or their parents, or any of their ancestors. I thank You, Lord,
for setting us free.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I now rebuke, break and loose myself, and all our children, from
any and all evil curses, charms, vexes, hexes, jinxes, psychic powers, bewitchments, witchcraft, or
sorcery, that have been put upon me, or my family line from any person or persons, or from any
occult source. Thank You, Jesus, for setting us free.
I forbid Satan, demons, witches and other cohorts from harassing or embarrassing me and
the ministry God has given me. I forbid them from attempting to smear and discredit so as to
discourage others who would receive benefits from my ministry. I am not ignorant of the tricks
of the devil, his wiles and strategies. Now I command you to stop your operations, that all of
your psychic commands, incantations, prayers, and desires against my ministry be turned back
upon those who send them out. I command you to retreat and flee in defeat this very moment. I
also command that the mouths of all who help spread lies against this ministry be stopped. The
Lord rebuke you and all who help you, in Jesus’ name.
– Mary Garrison, „How to Conduct Spiritual Warfare‟
Prayer For Healing
Not only is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God Himself come in the flesh, my Savior and Lord,
but He is my Friend Who gave His Life for me and took it up again in resurrection power to
deliver and heal me, made and is always making a show openly that all my enemies are defeated
foes. I am free and delivered from all of the curse, for it is written in Galatians 3:13, “Cursed is
everyone who is hanged on a tree,” and according to Deuteronomy 28:61, “Every kind of
sickness and disaster is of the curse.” By Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24, I was healed and I am
healed by His stripes. Hallelujah! Amen.
– Kathyrn Sykes
Prayer To Release An Abundant Life
I repent for myself and all those in my generational line who blamed God for wronging
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line for blaming God for bringing
them into shame by stripping them of their glory and removing their crown from their head.
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who blamed God for
surrounding them with His net, destroying them, and demolishing them on every side, thus
destroying their hope.
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who blamed God for being their
enemy, and blamed God for being furious with them and sending troops against them, or troops
to build up pathways to attack them, and to camp all around their bodies and dwelling places. I
repent for myself and for all those in my generational line for blocking and walling up their way
and plunging their path into darkness.
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line for having a fearful and
unbelieving heart that caused us to depart from the way of holiness. I ask for the restoration of
the ancient path where gladness and joy overtake me. I embrace my birthright to walk knowing
the Lord.
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line for using ungodly wisdom where
we have been operating out of futile mindsets trying to work things out by ourselves. I choose,
Lord, to work out of Your knowledge of understanding, wisdom, and discernment. I choose to
work with You, Lord, to change my ways so that I can walk the ancient paths established before
the Fall. I choose to walk in Your healing and allow Your strength, which flows from Your life-
giving water.
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who used their God-given
physical and spiritual senses in ungodly ways and chose to operate only from their natural mind.
Lord, please break off all the iniquity that flowed from those decisions to ignore Your mind,
heart, and will. Lord, please remove all iniquity from my God-given senses.
I ask You, Lord, to restore my ability to use all of my senses to discern Your mind, heart and
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who blamed God for removing
friends, family, and employees from them and for turning people against them so that they are
despised and hated to the point of death.
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who blamed God’s hand for
striking them and persecuting them.
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who wished that their
accusations against God and their suffering could be recorded forever in stone.
Lord, I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line for not looking for Your
path and Your ways. I repent for not being willing to walk on Your path and therefore finding
no rest for my soul.
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who believed that God was
withholding good from them and believed that they could become like God, knowing good and
I repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who rejected the law of the Lord
and the testimony of His Spirit, departing from His wisdom and truth and entering the kingdom
of their own soul.
I renounce and repent for myself and for those who relied on the knowledge of the Tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I repent for those who relied on their own thinking.
I renounce and repent for myself and for all those in my generational line who forsook the
Lord, the Fountain of Living Water, and created for themselves broken jars that could hold no
I reject receiving by my ancestors and myself the seed of satan in our mind that began with
the fall of man and believing the lie that we could become like God.
I renounce and repent for my ancestors and myself for rejecting our birthright of being
children of the Most High God and relying upon Him.
I renounce and repent for my ancestors and myself for conceiving satan’s evil seed, mischief,
trouble, and the preparation of deception, which birthed iniquity and evil intent in our
generational line.
Lord, please remove and seal the access the enemy gained in the womb to take us into
ungodly heavenly places.
Lord, please remove and restore to me by the Blood of Jesus any elemental part of me,
including my inheritance and birthright that is trapped in the second heaven or other heavenly
places. Lord, please close the ungodly doors to the second heaven.
I repent for myself and all those in my family line who relied upon the natural wisdom of
man and rejected the Spirit of God. I choose to rely on the precepts of truth and the Spirit of
God to give me the mind of Christ to direct my mind on the righteous pathway.
I reject the wisdom of man, and I repent for the pride in my family line that saw the wisdom
of God as foolishness. I declare that I will be born of the Spirit and of water through Jesus Christ
who calls me justified and glorifies me. I declare this truth was established before the foundation
of the earth and before the elemental spirits were created.
I claim my spiritual birthright of being conceived in love, of being given the Spirit of God
who reveals wisdom to me, and of being given spiritual eyes in my heart to see the riches of His
glorious inheritance. I claim that I am being formed in the image of His glorious Son. I reject the
seed of Satan and I reject my position as a child of the father of lies and murder. I ask You, Abba
Father, to close the eyes that were open when Adam and Eve partook of the tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil.
I renounce and reject any ungodly rights or authorities that were given to the soul to direct
my mind along ungodly pathways.
I agree with God’s original plan that all spiritual wisdom of good and evil originates from
God’s throne and is revealed to my spirit. I agree that the Holy Spirit has permission to direct my
spirit and to lead my soul and body. I receive the seed of the Holy Spirit into my spirit by which
power I cry Abba, Father.
Lord, on behalf of myself and my family line, I repent for questioning God’s Word and
therefore inviting the influence of Leviathan, the king of pride, into my life.
Lord, I choose to be directed by Your commandments so that You might enlarge my heart.
I declare that my Redeemer lives, and while I am yet alive, I will see God for myself with my
own eyes.
I declare that my hope is in You, my Redeemer. I ask You now to restore the ancient
pathways to me and shine Your light on me so that I can see You with my eyes. I ask You to
restore my stolen birthright back to me, my glory and my crown.
Father, I thank You that before You formed me in my mother’s womb, You had pre-
determined my birthright, the path of glory I should walk in.
On behalf of myself and my generational line, I repent for and renounce rejecting the truth
that You formed my inmost being, and You wrote all the days pre-ordained for me in Your book
before they came to be.
Father, on behalf of myself and my generational line I repent for and renounce rejecting the
ancient path that You have chosen for me to walk in.
Father, on behalf of myself and my generational line, I repent for and renounce listening to
and aligning my thinking with the wicked. Lord, I reject them and their pursuit of bloodlust.
Father, I declare that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that You will lead me in the
way everlasting. I declare that all Your works are wonderful.
Lord, I agree with Your Word, which says that the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but
mighty through You to the pulling down of strongholds. I choose to cast down imaginations and
every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and I choose to bring into
captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Lord, would You release the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit to restore me to the path
of holiness. Lord, please cause Your Perfect Love to run through my entire being, casting out all
fear. I ask the Lord to repair or replace any part of my brain or neural pathway required to
establish attachment with My Heavenly Father and fellow man.
Lord, would You cause me to dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High. I declare my
birthright is to walk with Abba Father in the garden where I hear His voice and enjoy intimate
fellowship with Him. I believe that Jesus Christ appropriated this intimacy for me when He
ripped the veil in the Holy of Holies. Lord, I repent for my generational line that tried to earn by
works that which You had given freely by grace. Lord, please now usher me into that place of
rest and perfect peace.
– Dr. Paul Cox, Aslan‟s Place
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