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What happened to this prophetic utterance 5 years later? Assembly Bill 2943 now reads:
- A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
- A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
- A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
Perry Stone Ministries (October 25, 2015) – last updated 2020
MAJOR ALERT: I have just been informed of a major plan by the extreme left, that has the support over 100 House members and numerous Senators, that if passed would make it a crime for churches and ministers to publically say the gay lifestyle is a sin, or not allow them to use your church for their own meetings. It would become a crime and the Justice Department would investigate the allegations of “discrimination”, and if the church or minister is “guilty” leveling fines, or if need be incarcerating the leaders. The majority of the politicians among these church haters that are intolerant to traditional religious beliefs happen to be with linked with the “donkey party,” and most have no liking for conservative Christians and will use the law to “Silence the religious right,” as they call it. We will soon find out within the “church” who is on the Lord’s side of the Scriptures and who is “halting between two opinions.” It is the days of Elijah all over again, where the Spirit of Jezebel is after the heads (voices) of the men of God. There is serious government persecution coming to all who stand for truth, and when the “left” becomes violent, as did the men of Sodom against Lot, threatening to rape him for his rebuke of their iniquity, God will change the game and the United States hedge will be removed and catastrophic natural disasters will be unleased. Please mark this day, this post and repost to as many as possible. We must pray for God’s Word to always prevail. Also, a UK report from scientists stated that in the future the earth in in danger of a catastrophic meteor shower! Hummm – I recall Jesus predicting the “stars falling from heaven and the powers of heaven being shaken.” Sounds like the last days! – more to come on periscope
If so, what will the church do about it? Scroll DOWN for the 2020 update on this bill
- Statement on legalizing gay marriage
- What can churches do on Christian alliance level in light of SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision
- Gay Culture taking over the CHURCH
- Gay Marriage Timeline Roundup
- Being Gay Isn’t a Gift from God
- 8 Things Christian Believers and Churches Can Do in Light of Recent SCOTUS Ruling on LGBT
- Churches and Schools Fear Gay Marriage Ruling Could End Tax Exemption
Assembly Bill 2943: THIS IS what happened to this bill from 2015: California Dems prepare for crackdown on churches
Christians across the nation are expressing grave concerns over a proposed California law that would outlaw speech dealing with certain issues – including homosexuality and gender identity – by clergy members, licensed counselors and others.
Assembly Bill 2943, authored by Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low, would utilize the state’s existing consumer fraud statute to classify gay conversion therapy as a fraudulent practice.
State senators passed the legislation last Thursday and the Assembly is poised to take up a final vote before the bill is sent to Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown’s office.
“The faith community, like anyone else, needs to evolve with the times,” Democratic Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi said during debate on the legislation. “The science is clear. The claim that the First Amendment can be used as a defense for promoting fraudulent conduct is a fallacious argument.”
Dr. Paul Chappell, the pastor of Lancaster Baptist Church and the president of West Coast Baptist College, said there is a groundswell of opposition rising up among Christians and conservatives to the Assembly bill. “This is an encroachment by the state,” Chappell said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “It’s time for Christians all across America to recognize it’s an attack on our faith.”
Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Matt Sharp said the legislation “makes it unlawful for any person to sell books, counseling services, or anything else that helps someone overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion. As a result, it could be a violation if a pastor encourages a congregant to visit the church book store to purchase books that help people address sexual issues, perhaps including the Bible itself, which teaches about the importance of sexual purity within the confines of marriage between a man and woman,” Sharp said.
The Alliance Defending Freedom called the breadth of the censorship is staggering. The alliance says that:
- A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
- A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
- A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
Republican Assemblyman Travis Allen warned that the bill’s language is so broad it could even lead to the Bible being targeted. “The Bible’s teachings, if taken literally, could very clearly be a direct violation of AB 2943,” he said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “The faith community has every reason to be up in arms about this. Once Democrats start talking about banning books, this is a road we do not want to go down.”
Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener dismissed concerns that the legislation could eventually lead to a ban on Bible sales. “This bill does not prohibit the sale of the Bible – that’s an argument that we’ve heard – that’s untrue,” Wiener told the Los Angeles Blade. “It does not in any way prohibit free speech. It doesn’t prohibit anyone from speaking with a counselor, including a religious counselor regarding their sexual orientation, as long as no money is exchanged, as long as no services are sold.”
David French, writing in National Review, said the law would “loom over booksellers and churches, establishing a chilling effect and providing a pretext for even more secular booksellers to refrain from stocking certain Christian titles – no matter how well-reasoned.”
Low, who is chairman of the state’s LGBT Legislative Caucus, fired back at those concerns. “A church or individual may still practice conversion therapy if they do so without charging for this fraudulent service,” Low wrote on Twitter. “It (the legislation) does not ban Bibles nor does it ban the basic sales of books as some would have you believe.”
However, there is no religious exemption in the proposed bill – and that has Christians across the nation sounding alarm bells.
“Someone might say it’s an extremist thought, but I don’t think it’s extremist at all,” Chappell said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “People hate what the Bible teaches. That is absolutely in my opinion where all this is going – towards the Bible and ultimately towards the pulpits that preach the Bible.” Since we live in a country with elected officials it seems like a great time to let them know what our opinion of this bill is. WE MUST pray, and call our house Congress people.
Christian Alliances Level
- Stay informed of all legal protests and options
- Learn about upcoming IRS changes and alternative exempt options
- Consult with legal council about your rights and obligations under the law
- Join with other Christians in legal measures for upholding the Biblical standard of holy living
- 6 Things To Do after the Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage
- Why the church should neither cave nor panic?
- How Will the U.S. Supreme Court’s Same-Sex-Marriage Decision Affect Religious Liberty?
- Why Evangelical Churches Need to Address the New Reality?
- Will High-court ruling affect church weddings?
Varnel Watson
this is very very disturbing Ed Brewer Dan Brent Ray E Horton Joe Absher Daniel J Hesse Jim Price no fakenews either
What happened to this prophetic utterance 5 years later? Assembly Bill 2943 now reads:
A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
Perry Stone Ministries (October 25, 2015) – last updated 2020
MAJOR ALERT Alan Smith first brought to this group
Les Snowden
looks like i will be a criminal for the rest of my life on Earth
Varnel Watson
are you in CA too?
Dan Brent
Hmmm… I’ll have to take a look at the legislation. Brother Stone, God love him, has a tendency to exaggerate and be a little conspiracy minded.
Varnel Watson
yes you do – many denied Perry when he prophecies this but we investigated with Alan Smith and there it is now
Nora Neel-Toney
Dan Brent you are so wrong.
Dan Brent
Sometimes the Democrats forget that about 1/3 of their base are social conservatives, particularly within the African American community. A lot of us feel an affinity with them on economic, immigration, and discrimination issues but have no time for the “super woke” ideology becoming so popular.
What’s strange too, is that this stuff is not as popular on the left of the Democratic Party. It’s the centrists who are typically not far from their Republican counterparts on economic issues yet want to focus on LGBT issues and abortion.
Varnel Watson
Les Snowden lets just say THAT Joe Absher left a state where similar legislation enforced gay-non conversion ONLY to face this now in CA Bill 2943 is NO joke
A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
William DeArteaga Ray E Horton dont yall already know it started with blogs and sermon videos before it got to conference book bookstores and social topics Isara Mo better think FAST
Ray E Horton
Troy Day William DeArteaga kknows first-hand.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton but what does Mitchell Effie Catron think/
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton after blogger deleted William DeArteaga I;ve taken measures to warn MANY Pentecostal scholars to move their blogs to our safe platform. Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt also uses blogger and its a matter of time that they do what done to others I’ve been wanting to discuss his post on women and authority but was afraid that bringing attention to a gender – related discussion may jeopardize his work on blogger / blogspot as they remove blogs with NO warnings anymore
Joe Absher
2 Timothy 4:2 KJV — Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Varnel Watson
Be brave in the face of your enemies. Be upright so that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. That is your oath
Joe Absher
Thank you Mr Day . i honestly thought this one was dead . like a rock . some opposition . but grace carried the day .
Varnel Watson
Les Snowden Dan Brent does this affect your location ?
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence Isara Mo what is yalls take on this one here Jevan Little Nora Neel-Toney
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day in Africa they don’t tolerate homosexuals. But there is outside pressure to make the African countries conform to the homosexual agenda. I would suggest every minister and Christian read the first chapter of David Kupelian‘s book: the marketing of evil, were it explains in powerful detail how the homosexual agenda took over America by using marketing techniques.
The dissenting judges on the Supreme Court when it struck down DOMA– defense of marriage act, raised this one concern, that religious liberties would be in jeopardy because the “homosexuals (in my own words) – would now go on the offensive against religion!”
The way I see it, the number one fallacy that has blinded the eyes of the developed world population is the lie that the homosexual agenda has caused them to swallow: “homosexuality is a human right.”
In blinding the people’s eyes with this lie they have managed to change the CATEGORY of homosexuality from a “sin” to a “race.”
Homosexual behavior is not a race, nor a nationality, nor a people group nor a gender! Therefore it does not deserve special human rights nor can you be prejudiced against homosexuality as a group.
The homosexual population in the United States is less than 1%. How can this small group force the entire culture to change its thinking? Though this seems like a big giant that we are facing it is not that big. All the church needs to do is stand on the truth and spend money and time propagating The truth against this lie from the pit of hell!
The problem is that the ministers have been brainwashed in seminary by the theology of love. They have been told that God’s primary attribute his love. As a result many false ideas have entered the church. They feel they are automatically self condemned and condemn by a people in the church and people outside of the church if they stand against homosexuality and for the truth in the Bible. This false theology of love has emasculated the ministers. Gods primary attribute is holiness not love.
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence this is true in some countries but not here
Isara Mo
Troy Day
How can the two walk together unless they are in agreement?Y
You listen to these kinds of utterances from “ministers” and you just wonder which God they are serving…. A skewed theology accepted by the intelligent community doesn’t mean it is a Biblical truth. The wrath of God is still there.. Romans 1:18 very valid.
Jesus didn’t hold ptlrivate talks with sinners to plse the public and even when honorable sinners like Nicodemus visited him in private for tallks Jesus gave him straight..,// Unless you are born again…. //
What God calls abomination I call it abomination.
What calls sin I call it sin not ice cream.
Nora Neel-Toney
Troy Day Troy what are you talking about
Nora Neel-Toney
Isara Mo amen
Isara Mo
Nora Neel-Toney
Sometimes confusinh
Isara Mo
Neil Steven Lawrence Wow Neil thanks
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Really Troy….?
Nora Neel-Toney
Isara Mo yes it can be
Nora Neel-Toney
Troy likes to stir strife. Don’t pay attention to him
Isara Mo
Nora Neel-Toney
Thanks for noting that.
Neil Steven Lawrence
Nora Neel-Toney yep I think the “T”in Troy stands for troublemaker…!
Nora Neel-Toney
Neil Steven Lawrence he is a troublemaker
Varnel Watson
Nora Neel-Toney T is for TRUTH if you are not troubled by this new development in the article I cant help you No one can I do know Neil Steven Lawrence is troubled quite a bit
Isara Mo
You must be joking.True
Ministers of Christ (not stereotypes) MUST UTTER PUBLICLY WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS not what human rights say..
A crime?
Mister, plse close shop and go and do other business if you can’t tell the people in their faces WHAT IS SINFUL?
Varnel Watson
UTTER PUBLICLY? what about THIS prophetic utterance that was thrown around as fake news for 5yrs until it happened
Doyle Rogers
2Ti_4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. If we preach the word as we are commanded to….WE CAN NOT LEAVE OUT……1Co_6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, NOR ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES WITH MANKIND ……..
Varnel Watson
Billy Monroe Poff the VA bill is separate Under the wrong post Ed Brewer either had old info or misrepresented California Assembly Bill 2943 aka CA State Legislature page for AB2943 by saying the following:
The bill referred to here was a proposal to the California state legislature that was so outrageous it was shelved (Feb 2018) due to overwhelming opposition in the most liberal state in the union. Democracy worked! It’s not news that there is and always has been opposition to the church and our way of life. The only reason we still have freedom to live as we do is that those opposed to us have that same freedom. Fearmongering preys on people’s insecurities in the name of self defense, and in the process weakens the very institutions that provide our common liiberty. (sic)
In 2019 CA Legislation Bill was updated to Tell Pastors What to Preach from their Pulpits on LGBT Behavior & Identities
see post By Greg Burt on June 17, 2019 in Faith, Family, Liberty, Political
California Assembly Bill 2943
CA State Legislature page for AB2943
Status on February 21 2020 – 25% progression
Action: 2020-03-05 – Referred to Coms. on L. GOV. and H. & C.D.
Pending: Assembly Local Government Committee
Text: Latest bill text (Introduced) [HTML]
SOURCE: LegisCan
Date Chamber Action
2020-03-05 Assembly Referred to Coms. on L. GOV. and H. & C.D.
2020-02-22 Assembly From printer. Heard in committee March 23.
2020-02-21 Assembly Introduced. To print.
Pls note the latest hearing date scheduled for 3/23/20
Eddie L. Hyatt
AG Bill Barr is committed to defending religious liberty. He made this clear in a speech to the Notre Dame University Law School. I encourage eveyone to read it.
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo
Jesus didn’t send the disciples to address sin in private but PUBLIC
Varnel Watson
and so we do right here now
Satheesh Pillai
I don’t say it Bible Says ?
Varnel Watson
says what
Satheesh Pillai
Troy Day Read Bible
Varnel Watson
Satheesh Pillai we do – do you? Now how does the BIBLE tells us to deal with unjust laws PLS tell us
Richard Shelton
The Bible does not say gay, It says homosexual. Call it what it is !
Varnel Watson
are you saying GOD is OK with gay?
Joseph Streich
To be gay is a lifestyle. Who should we go after next? ? ??
Carlos B. Hall
Joseph Streich -Lifestyle? Ok. No argument … but- there are “righteous” lifestyles; and, there are “sinfull” lifestyles?.
Joseph Streich
Carlos B. Hall Let me come back to that one. I’m thinking.
Shannel Taylor
We must preach and teach against all sinful lifestyles. But right now the homosexual lifestyle is the one pushing for rights and changes in law. That’s why it’s being talked about the most.
Varnel Watson
Joseph Streich is it a sinful lifestyle ?
Carlos B. Hall
Shannel Taylor yes. Good comment.
Carlos B. Hall
Joseph Streich Yes. But, why would you think it isn’t?
Varnel Watson
Carlos B. Hall what are you saying brother?
Joseph Streich
Troy Day Homosexuality has been around since the Bible. Only God can Judge everybody.
Mark Lloyd
When a church corporation is formed, it is formed under the authority of the, of this world, government which authorized its formation. And so all such church corporations, and all of their officers, and employees, are bound by contract, and oath, to obey those governments. Such churches can say only what their supervisory governments say they can say. Otherwise the members of that church break their oath, and their contract, with that government.
Varnel Watson
what is a church corporation ? Mark Lloyd sounds like youve been in church lead for a while now
Mark Lloyd
Troy Day – Most (99.9%) of churches are incorporated corporations. This gives them legal status as legal entities. Many incorporate as 501c3 corporations. And all such entities bind themselves to serve the governments under which they are formed, and not the government of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Varnel Watson
Mark Lloyd where do you get your stats from? Sounds like fake news at best Do you have a real source?
Mark Lloyd
Troy Day – Good word to you for your reply. I base the estimate on my own experience. There are some groups that gather and worship without incorporation of any type. I have heard of them, but never seen one, or visited one. 100% of the churches I have visited, or attended, have been incorporated. I did a quick search on the percentage that is incorporated and found no data on this. At least from a legal perspective, in order for members to be able to make tax deductible contributions to a “church”, the church must be incorporated. It is standard practice for every incorporated denomination to incorporated all their churches. I have never heard of a denomination that is not incorporated. A single, local group, meeting in a home each week, does not have to be incorporated. But such single groups are not usually called denominations, but something like a home church, or a home fellowship.
Varnel Watson
Mark Lloyd How can you we anyone
base the estimate on my own experience
is it possible if anyone base the estimate on their own experience that they get results exactly the opposite to yours here
Mark Lloyd
Troy Day – Do you know, from your experience, of any church that is not incorporated? Have you ever visited one, or seen one? If not, then the pool of data is expanded significantly. I also have never met anyone who said he attended a non-incorporated church, or could point me to one. Wherever such churches are, they are very difficult to find. An unincorporated church has no property, no employees, no tax returns, no bank account. However many of these there are in the US, the percent of the total churches is very small. It could even be much less than 0.01%.
Varnel Watson
Mark Lloyd I’ve consulted lots of churches on both side of the fence There is ALSO partial incorporation – registered with the state but not with IRS ; BTW this is somewhat OFF topic Why did you not comment under the 501c3 discussion and the other one on PPP loans for churches? I worked with non-incorporated church for years
Mark Lloyd
Troy Day – Incorporation is directly linked to what a church can say or not say. An incorporated church is not allowed to speak against any policy established by a government that incorporates it. I haven’t seen the 501c3 and PPP posts. If I do, I’ll reply, it it looks good to do so. — It is good of you to point out that I don’t know exactly what percentage of churches are unincorporated. It would be good to know, if this data is ever released. 99.9% is my guess. It could be better to say, as a guess, 99%+.
Mark Lloyd
Troy Day – I haven’t found any data giving exact numbers, but I did find one estimate that 90%+ of churches are incorporated. Does this sound more reasonable to you?
Varnel Watson
Mark Lloyd where? most churches in the world are NOT incorporated one little bit
Mark Lloyd
Troy Day – Churches in US. I don’t know how many are incorporated outside the US.
Varnel Watson
lots of FAKE comments here Joe Absher where to start?
Joe Absher
Discretion is the better part of valour they say . but what is courage . is it duty . is it obedience and faith . what is reckless to some is acceptable and worthy to another .
Joe Absher
A few months ago you wanted Mr Perry Stone as the Prophet Emeritus of the AofG . I said at the time it wasn’t a good idea . so far I haven’t seen anything to make me think different . if that’s your aim it ain’t working .
Varnel Watson
Joe Absher I did not – Peter Vandever did And it was not AG but cog You need to get it together lately
Joe Absher
Do you think Perry Stone is a prophet . let’s start there Mr Day . also I’ve noticed you are free to tag me as often as you take a notion . but typing troy day us a non sequitur . I’m sure you have your reasons . I can accept that just answer the question .
Mr Day do you think Perry Stone is a prophet yes or no
Bobbi Goff Klein
What I think is bad, a pastor attacks people in the church who are not homosexual or gay. Telling members he is going to run them out of the church. But, his own granddaughter, is gay and living with her partner. He had her sing special. I told him we are a open door church. The members he wanted out were not gay, but left the church. I left too. I pray for homosexual or gay, no I don’t like the life style. Just pray
Varnel Watson
WHAT pastor attacks people in who are not homosexual or gay?
Bobbi Goff Klein
Troy Day , it was at a church we were all members. I ate at least twice a week with one of the people. I was told because I was friends with them that I had a homosexual spirit in me. None of the people were gay. One person ask for a financial statement, so the pastor said they were gay. I was told by a friend that if I posted anything that happened in that church, the pastor would sue me. There’s other things not only me but 90 percent of the members who left could tell.
Genny J Baird
It’s a sin and it’s always gonna be a sin no matter what
Varnel Watson
so what are we going to do about it?
Genny J Baird
Troy Day what can we do? Pray of course we can only pray and show Jesus to others, when things get rough people eventually begin to seek God that’s where our work is! Be the church of the living God and live to represent him his kingdom!!!! Love them to Jesus
Varnel Watson
Genny J Baird This news is 5 yrs old The church HAS prayed for over 5yrs on this one – in return state of CA already has a bill that does the above So what else do we do?
Varnel Watson
1. Is it really necessary for Pastors to dress like thugs (simply defining attire not personality) to reach this generation? – I love them enough to do whatever it takes to reach them…
2. Is there any place left for Spiritual Fathers in todays ministry climate?
PS. This is NOT a criticism (it’s research) so be nice…
Xavier Willow
Hey Troy, I believe we should try to relate to people the best way we can without compromising our faith. It’s fine to dress like this generation but that doesn’t mean we should walk around with Gold chains, diamond watches, pants sagging etc. That’s my take on that. In regards to the 2nd question I believe there is always a place for elders and male spiritual leaders in any place but they must be found faithful to Jesus before they can lead others. What do you think?
Varnel Watson
Xavier Willow how can we do that when they are trying to take our right to preach? Peter Vandever
Peter Vandever
No one can take that right.
Varnel Watson
Peter Vandever CA already has a bill doing it
Varnel Watson
Bobbi Goff Klein did that person had the said spirit? BTW what did you eat that many times a week together? Actually it dont really matter – what do you think about this NEW bill ?
Varnel Watson
I am telling yall IF we cannot unite against this in the END TIMES the CHURCH has lost the battle
Danny Kircharr
Troy Day agreed Brother!! It’s not that we’re anti-gay, anti-LGBTQ as many would immediately say and claim. Its just that WE’RE ALL Pro-Bible and PRO-GODS DESIGN…..
Varnel Watson
CA Bill 2943 is NO joke
A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
William DeArteaga Ray E Horton dont yall already know it started with blogs and sermon videos before it got to conference book bookstores and social topics Isara Mo better think FAST
Marc Bonhomme
Troy Day Disgusting is what it is. Is there no limit to the depravity before our Lord returns?
Daniel Jennings
According to Jesus Christ if you even look at someone with lust you’re committing the sin of adultry.
So arrest the entire planet,
because the entire planet is guilty of sin.
Varnel Watson
CA Bill 2943 is NO joke
A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
William DeArteaga Ray E Horton dont yall already know it started with blogs and sermon videos before it got to conference book bookstores and social topics Isara Mo better think FAST
Desmond Bold
Like I care for what sinners say a Christian can say to sinners, please, how ironic is that, flipped over. Please
Varnel Watson
Agreed Desmond Bold BUT what do you do when it is the LAW of the LAND? CA Bill 2943 is NO joke
A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
William DeArteaga Ray E Horton dont yall already know it started with blogs and sermon videos before it got to conference book bookstores and social topics Isara Mo better think FAST
Desmond Bold
Troy Day you preach the Gospel, there is all matter of sin, homosexuality is the same a any other sin, preach repentance, they will read the Bible if they are truly saved, otherwise, it doesn’t matter, word with out actions is pointless. The end is inevitable, in Mark Jesus says, before He come, it would be so bad, that if God does not intervene, all humanity will be gone. Just preach, the Spirit will convict.
Desmond Bold
Troy Day all I can say, is study Acts, Paul was in prison because they didn’t like what he said, and yet, people still got converted
Varnel Watson
Desmond Bold yap Hate that this country has gone that far but what can you say LAST DAYS brother
Desmond Bold
Troy Day if we look at the world, it is the worst it has ever been, like Mark says.
Bob Hawkins
Everybody has been saying that. It is not proof of prophetic gifting.
Varnel Watson
This was said 5yrs ago and there were NO claims to be prophetic just authentic and true info that very few knew Now that CA Bill 2943 is voted in I assure you it is NO joke A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
Bob Hawkins
Troy Day – you are right. It is a big problem.
Kelly Dawes
Any church that follows this, does not follow Christ.
Have nothing to do with a church that chooses man over God…walk away.
Ray Levick
Please limit posts to End Times discussion. The post may be true but should be put elsewhere.
Mark Ryan Garnett
how is this not end times related? I mean we see this happening to churches in many countries all over the world.
Tim Huff
Ray Levick this is end time prophecy because attack on the church..
Rick Auginash-Barrett
Ray Levick right
Maxwell Orji
Ray Levick What do we discuss if we don’t discuss this?
Alan Saffer
2 Timothy 3.1 But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4 traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!
Tim Huff
This bill didn’t pass 2018 so trying it again…
Varnel Watson
Assembly Bill 2943 now reads:
A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
Tim Huff
Troy Day 2015 on the Facebook post u link to and i read that bill fell in 2018
Varnel Watson
Tim Huff says PASS on all 4 measures
Tim Huff
Troy Day
James C. Morris
Such a law would be a blatant violation of the First Amendment.
Varnel Watson
and YET Assembly Bill 2943 now reads:
A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior.
A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be rejected by society.
A pastor paid to speak at an event addressing current social topics could not encourage attendees that they can prevail over same-sex desires or feelings that they were born the wrong sex.
James Morgan
That bill was withdrawn by the author in Aug 2018.
James C. Morris
James Morgan because it had zero possibility of withstanding a court challenge.
Varnel Watson
James Morgan The BILL is listed as 4 times pass on the CA assembly website I am figuring for the most James C. Morris dont have a clue about these OPs
James Morgan
Troy Day the California legislatures website says the bill is dead.
Varnel Watson
James Morgan the link I gave you to CA assembly says it is NOT Pls provide URL for the California legislatures website whatever that may be SAYS pass on all 4 counts 08/16/18 Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Assembly. (Ayes 25. Noes 11. Page 5339.).
James Morgan
Troy Day
Varnel Watson
James Morgan yes You are reading the old version of the Bill Please note in the post SOURCE: (October 25, 2015) – last updated 2020 Also, if you can see WHY 3,000 pastors are suing the state of CA currently to gain a current perspective
Lygia Maria Souza
Well It is
Kent Anderson
So le’s just put God in box, like a jack in the box, crank the handle when U need him….lol
Duane L Burgess
Scripture does not teach “prophetic utterances.”
Paul Gray
It’s a sin not to tell the truth about sin and be ashamed of the gospel. Blood born pathogens, colonitis, psoriasis of the genitals, hepatitis, are only a few of around twenty sometimes deadly diseases spread among people who practice the disgusting act of sodomy. If you love someone you tell the truth. All things considered sin are against Gods will for good reason . God is not out to stop a good time but to lead us to happy and healthy lifestyles in truth ,honesty and love.
Dan Waenet
You can consider this a sign of end times I guess.
Craig O'Dell
You have to question the motives of people who make these types of statements because they are saying their word has greater authority than God’s Word. And, that is the belief of Catholicism. Sheep in wolves clothing!
Sunday Okafor
Infact t’s a crime for the churches and ministers not to publicly say that gay lifestyle is evil and demonic not just sin so just turn the post around
Varnel Watson
I have just been informed of a major plan by the extreme left, that has the support over 100 House members and numerous Senators, that if passed would make it a crime for churches and ministers to publically say the gay lifestyle is a sin, or not allow them to use your church for their own meetings. It would become a crime and the Justice Department would investigate the allegations of “discrimination”, and if the church or minister is “guilty” leveling fines, or if need be incarcerating the leaders. The majority of the politicians among these church haters that are intolerant to traditional religious beliefs happen to be with linked with the “donkey party,” and most have no liking for conservative Christians and will use the law to “Silence the religious right,” as they call it. We will soon find out within the “church” who is on the Lord’s side of the Scriptures and who is “halting between two opinions.” It is the days of Elijah all over again, where the Spirit of Jezebel is after the heads (voices) of the men of God. There is serious government persecution coming to all who stand for truth, and when the “left” becomes violent, as did the men of Sodom against Lot, threatening to rape him for his rebuke of their iniquity, God will change the game and the United States hedge will be removed and catastrophic natural disasters will be unleased. Please mark this day, this post and repost to as many as possible. We must pray for God’s Word to always prevail. Also, a UK report from scientists stated that in the future the earth in in danger of a catastrophic meteor shower! Hummm – I recall Jesus predicting the “stars falling from heaven and the powers of heaven being shaken.” Sounds like the last days! – more to come on periscope
Ray Levick
Troy Day Get the churches to pray them out. When acting as they should we obey. I am informed that the main reason churches in the US are silent is over the Tax exceptions for churches. No much better elsewhere.
Varnel Watson
Ray Levick I dont know that you can do that yet
Charles Langdon
Lev 18:22””-“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination”.
Varnel Watson
clear as day YET law of the land – what do you do?
Varnel Watson
Chapman Junius been trying to tell ppl