Corporate Prayer, Lifeblood of the Church, Key to Awakening ~ by Ray E Horton

Corporate Prayer, Lifeblood of the Church, Key to Awakening ~ by Ray E Horton

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FEB 28 8am

Corporate Prayer, Lifeblood of the Church, Key to Awakening ~ by Ray E Horton inspired by a Marilyn Neubauer message

The importance of Corporate Prayer is underestimated. It is actually essential to bring about the change and miracles and revival that God desires.

Corporate prayer is not only the lifeblood of the local church, it is what is needed to change nations, Marilyn Neubauer, guest speaker, pointed out tonight at our church. She got me thinking, with a Great Awakening upon us, corporate prayer will prepare the world to receive.

No, it won’t change God’s mind.  He desires the awakening more than we do. No, what corporate prayer does is bring us together in a position to receive what He wants to do, and in many places is already doing, preparing our hearts to bring in the harvest in these last days.

The more we spend time with God, the more supply we have for corporate prayer.  Hearts built up in prayer closets coming together in unity, in one accord, each with their supply of the Spirit, can defeat every hindrance of the enemy and bring real change. But we absolutely need to do our part of choosing to pray, and He’ll bring the power.

And we don’t pray in fear, but in confidence. Since “God is for us, who can be against us.” We have God Himself, the Holy Spirit, within us. “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us...” Rom 8:26. As sister Marilyn said tonight, “Holy Spirit is our prayer partner,  bringing strength to our weak prayers.”

When we look at Acts 4:24 – 31 and see how they prayed boldly in one accord for Peter, shaking the place and being filled with the Spirit, then seeing the results of his deliverance from prison in Acts 5:19, we realize, sister Marilyn noted, the importance of a prayer target to bring focus and keep us connected. It is then that you will give forth your supply of faith in bold Holy Spirit prayer (in the Spirit, both with tongues and with understanding).  And, when you have a target it is much easier to hit the bull’s eye and receive the results.

Corporate prayer, corporate worship, corporate faith, that is the stuff of miracles. We have seen great healings and miracles in response to individual faith, but we have also seen many succumb even with faith and prayer. As last day’s corporate faith builds I believe more than ever that there will be greater and greater success in overcoming.  Not changing God – He’s on our side, but standing together in the power of unity to use His delegated authority over the circumstances we face. It is essential for us to come together in this day we live in.

Corporate prayer – not just in one place, but in one accord – see Acts 1:14, “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication…” (Also Acts 2:1 and 46).  Let us choose to come out of complacency, strengthen our hearts in the Word and prayer, and come together, along with with Holy Spirit, to change the world.

Sister Marilyn gave a great example of the power of prayer on nations at Erie Christian Fellowship Church tonight. In Czechoslovakia before the fall of the Soviet Union, as prayer got stronger and stronger in the churches, communism became weaker and weaker and fell in a single day in what has come to be known as the “velvet revolution.” As she said, Faith can turn America around in one day as well.

Let us spend time with the Lord in our prayer closets, being built up in the Spirit, then come together in our local churches throughout our communities for regular corporate prayer. If you don’t have a regular, scheduled time of corporate prayer in your church , maybe the Lord would lead you to start one. Or, if your church does offer the opportunity, it would be good for you, the church, the community and the world to join ranks and be a part of it.

Then, when we come together in unity for prayer at special events (which we are seeing more and more of), how powerful will they be, and dangerous to the enemy, assuring that the community you are a part of will play a big role in all that God is doing in the earth at this time?

Ray E Horton

Serving the Lord as encourager, reconciler, intercessor and prophetic teacher of God's Word, primarily in person and on Facebook, as well as writer and editor. Beyond, or as part of, the Ministry of Reconciliation that we are all called to, I am serving the Lord and His people as a minister of prayer at a local church, and encouraging the brethren locally among people I know, and worldwide on Facebook


  • Reply March 28, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    key to coronavirus too Jon Sellers

  • Reply March 28, 2020

    Ray E Horton

    Yes, the power in unity in corporate prayer brings an effective synergy, stronger than individual prayer. It enhances faith of those praying together to receive. I’m glad some of the Erie, Pa. Spirit-filled churches came together to stand against CV is our area before gatherings were restricted. I credit that for the very few cases of CV diagnosed in Erie County.

  • Reply March 28, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Joe Absher our friend Ray E Horton has done it again A killer post and timely too Wish he loads us 30 days worth of posts so we can read them all month long Jon Sellers get off your high political source and talk some theology with us There is a dozen theological posts you missed today defending your political idol And BTW this is a group NOT a page – lets get it together after all

    • Reply March 28, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day I’ll try to find the time over the next few days to get a bunch more articles edited and pending.

    • Reply March 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton You are posting them on FB anyway ALL day long Why not post them on our platform WHICH will post them automatically to FB too ?

    • Reply March 28, 2020

      Jon Sellers

      Troy Day I don’t have idols.

    • Reply March 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jon Sellers Sorry I was addressing the NYT article

  • Reply March 28, 2020

    Joe Absher

    Daniel 4:35 KJV — And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

    …love those old lines. .and of the next verse when he came to his senses . you should try it . in prayer . with your charismatic universalist friend

    • Reply March 28, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Joe Absher Does Troy have a “charismatic universalist friend?’

    • Reply March 28, 2020

      Joe Absher

      Socrates is dead and in hell

    • Reply March 29, 2020

      Joe Absher

      You do have a kind of charismatic universalist view of God’s judgment . I’ve told you this personally and directly .

  • Reply March 28, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    its a WONDERFUL post I would encourage Ray E Horton to keep on posting more At least one a day I see your point too Joe Absher Daniel prayed a lot in the times of trouble but was still under house arrest quite a few times in his short 12chapter book

    • Reply March 28, 2020

      Joe Absher

      …the point is Nebuchadnezzar got right confessing his surrender to God . which is so easily dismissed by your gnostic “I don’t sin with my spirit” pastor friend

  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    ‘Anybody that needs a test gets a test. We – they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful’

    • Reply March 29, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day Seems that you enjoy going along with the media in picking our President apart.

    • Reply March 29, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton well these ones are kind of TRUE and very theological Surprised Jon Sellers has not jumped on them yet Are any of these 5 claims false? What say ye

    • Reply March 29, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      I just looked it over. Not lies, but some possibly misleading. Trump will sometimes exaggerate in his optimism, and often speaks to soon. We all know that about him. No need to go after him with everything we think isn’t right with what he says. Just being picky, as I see it.

    • Reply March 29, 2020

      Jon Sellers

      instead of Monday morning quarterbacking with constant criticism of Trump we would better spend our time praying for the Lord to remove this pestilence from the globe, praying PS.91 protection over ourselves, churches and people we know. And seeking to be of service, help and encouragement to others. Today my wife and I are taking soup to a family of whom the mother has Covid-19, but is getting better.
      Service is better than criticism. Glorify God in all you do. Don’t join the devil’s attacks. Be a light and a hope.

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