Warnock, Warnock, Who’s There? Barack Obama’s warm relationship with Palestinians is perhaps not so well-known, but it is there. His early life influences, from men like Frank Marshall Davis, shaped who he is—a Marxist. As a “community organizer in Chicago, Obama was close to various Palestinian activists. This and other things informed his view of […]
The post 31 Oct 2022 appeared first on Rapture Ready.
Varnel Watson
yes indeed Jim Price Ray E Horton
Jim Price
People have thought that in all the great world events, WWI. the flu pandemic of 1919 & 20, the great depression and WWII to name just some of the major events that thinned out the population and drove people into terrible poverty. In all of these events there were short windows of opportunity where God could have prevented the disasters ( He could have let Hitler die in prison for instance ) as I have grown older I am more convinced that we should drop our emphasis on the return of Christ and focus on fulfilling the prayer Jesus taught us; ” Thy will be done on earth.”
Varnel Watson
Jim Price are you sure about that? Can you post any such teachings so we can compare them here thanks