Confusion Will Flee Prophetic Encouragement 

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A prophetic word or encouragement and exhortation. 

“The welcoming environment that your prayers establish.” 

A new day of clarity is dawning, and confusion will flee.” I was sitting at the kitchen table this (Monday) morning, making some lemon water and looking out the window. I told the Lord, “Thank you for this beautiful day.” And I immediately sensed His response above, and that He had more to say. 

So, I got a pen and pad and began to write what spontaneously came to mind from the Holy Spirit through my spirit. He continued: 

Let the Light of Jesus Shine

The darkness that has been encroaching will be pushed back, for My people have been praying, and so, I am motivating them and empowering them to act, to step out boldly, and to let the light of Jesus shine through them. 

In the welcoming environment that your prayers establish, I am free to move in supernaturally in your midst.

“That is the welcoming environment that your prayers establish, when I am free to move in powerful, supernatural ways in your midst. In that environment of faith, My Spirit is more able to reach the lost, to be poured out upon My church, to impact leaders of nations and whole cultures. 

“So, be encouraged, and continue to pray in faith, that all that I want to give is received. I will do it, but much depends on you to pray and believe so that I can sustain a great spiritual awakening, yes, a great shaking, followed by the acceleration of the great awakening that has begun to advance My Kingdom in your midst, and so, to hasten the great day.” 

Prayer for Sustained Awakening

“For, I say, eyes will be opened to see as you draw on Me to bring My revelation to those around you, so they will no more be confused or in doubt, but have their hearts open to Me to set them free.” 


Ray E Horton

Serving the Lord as encourager, reconciler, intercessor and prophetic teacher of God's Word, primarily in person and on Facebook, as well as writer and editor. Beyond, or as part of, the Ministry of Reconciliation that we are all called to, I am serving the Lord and His people as a minister of prayer at a local church, and encouraging the brethren locally among people I know, and worldwide on Facebook

1 Comment

  • Reply December 1, 2020

    Brian Doyle

    Good word?

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