Churches Where They Don’t Explain How to Get Saved

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Link Hudson |


Churches Where They Don’t Explain How to Get Saved

Have you ever been to a church where it seems like whoever speaks from the pulpit never explains how to get saved?

I’ve posted a bit in the past about some of the churches where they do ‘the sinner’s prayer’ leave out important parts of the Gospel, and tell people they get saved by doing stuff that isn’t really in the Bible like ‘asking Jesus into your heart’. You can believe that Jesus died on the cross without getting saved. Plenty of atheists and Buddhists can easily believe that Jesus died on a cross without it affecting their belief system. Unbelieving Jews like Caiaphas and many in the Sanhedrin believed that Jesus died on the cross. If the thief who said to Jesus ‘remember me’ was conscious and aware enough to see Jesus dead on the cross, then He believed that Jesus died on the cross, but so was the one who spoke ill of the Lord on the cross. Jesus gave up the ghost before their legs were broken.

Believing that God raised Jesus from the dead doesn’t fit into the belief system of atheists, Buddhist, or unbelieving Talmudic Pharisees.

But there are plenty of churches that don’t do the sinner’s prayer thing. They have altar calls and expect people to pray through. Has anyone ever been to a church where it was just assumed that people would know what ‘get saved’ means? Where they don’t explain about putting your trust in Christ, believing that Christ died for our sins, and believing that God raised Jesus from the dead?

I think there may be some churches where if you asked an unchurched individual who visited for a month or two how one can be right with God, that he might say that you don’t drink or smoke or bad-mouth the preacher when you go home.

I don’t think church meetings have to be evangelistic campaigns, since they are for the edification of believers. But I notice that Paul wrote a lot reminding believers how salvation works in epistles like Galatians, Romans, and even I Corinthians.

John Kissinger [11/11/2015 6:03 AM]

Charles Page [11/11/2015 12:06 PM]
Does a monergistic gospel Church present a plan of salvation as an imperative to be obeyed or as a declaration of how the born again got born again? It is a declaration and not an offer to be made and complied.

John Kissinger [11/11/2015 1:53 PM]
Does a synergistic gospel Church present a plan of salvation?


  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Have you ever been to a church where it seems like whoever speaks from the pulpit never explains how to get saved?

    No, I havent. Those must be some baptist or orthodox churches

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Link Hudson

    You might need to list some Pentecostal churches, too, and some Baptists. The method in some churches is to not tell people that Jesus died on the cross for their sins or that God raised Him from the dead, lead the people in some kind of prayer that mentions Jesus, and then declare them saved.

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I’ve been to some that didn’t bring it up in their message. And I have been to some where the minister would stand in front of church , and people that want be saved. Just went and shook hands with the preacher and go back to their seats. No one ever prayed for them , that I can remember.

    • Reply May 25, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Louise Cummings Imitating Billy Sunday?

      What is really dumb though is when they retain some form of ritual like shaking hands and repeating a prayer, but forget to explain the Gospel to the audience. It seems like this is the NORM in a lot of Pentecostal churches when it comes to the sinner’s prayer ritual. Sorry to say that. Very sorry to say that.

      Preachers will through some kind of vague ‘repeat this prayer’ at the end of the service after NOT explaining Who Jesus is, Who God is, what Jesus did on the cross or the fact that He rose from the dead. Then some of them will say if you prayed that prayer and believed it, you are a child of God and born again. I have seen this sort of thing in Foursquare, A/G, COG congregations overseas, Charismatic, etc.

      Rick Warren did something similar in one of his videos and he’s Baptist.

    • Reply May 26, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I have heard of Billy Sunday for years. But I don’t think I ever , that Ivan remember of , heard him preach or seen him on Tv or anywhere. I’ll have to try to pull him see who I’m imitating.what part of me makes you think of Billy Sunday?

    • Reply May 26, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I know that many preachers have the Romans 10:9. Or something similar, when it’s a lot of people standing around the altar. I think I have heard Billy Graham do that. I was raised in a Baptist until I was a teenager. But the Baptist out shouted. Pentecostal churches , like some of them are now. But they cooled off. My daddy always called them New Deal Baptist. That was just his name for it , because they quit shouting. That was before I joined the Church Of God. I received The Holy Ghost. And that was the Church for me from then on. It has been a number of year ago. My Children has never been an attendant of Baptist Churches. Maybe go for a special singing or something like that. But all was raised Church Of God. My Son in law and my daughter and family. , pastor the Church Of God Gate Way Church Of God in Russellville , Alabama.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    There are also some that say not to say sinners prayer

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Link Hudson

    There are also vague altar calls in some churches where they call you up to the altar to get saved, but don’t explain about the cross or the resurrection first.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I can’t remember being to one like that.

  • Altar calls are a XIX century invention. Before that time altar calls were used to see who wanted to hear the gospel or who needed prayer. “Say this prayer and you will be saved” isn’t biblical.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    What is a/the biblical prayer for salvation
    Is it wrong to lead a person in a sinners prayer.

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      Well the Bible tells us in Romans 10:9. I think that’s where it is. That if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in n our hearts that He died on the cross and rose from the dead. We would be saved. I probably didn’t quote that exactly correct. But you can read it correctly. So that’s kinda like confessing I don’t know about just saying the Lord’s Prayer. But it does say in it. Forgive us our debts ( that means sins. ). As we forgive those who are indebted to us. Or sin against us. But I do believe just repeating it won’t save us. We have to believe it. So I don’t really know the answer that. But I had rather trust that , than not to trust anything.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Link Hudson perhaps you experienced non-Southern baptist who dont believe in free will or just plain hyper calvinists like Paul who claims SINNERS PRAYER IS SENDING PEOPLE TO HELL

    • Paul Washer isn’t a hypercalvinist but he makes a good point: people without understanding the gospel making a prayer believe that is going to heaven. He’s right about that.

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      He has stated he is not a hypercalvinist but I have studied him to find our he is and more . Not sure if I agree on his stance with the prayer. He also speaks about being holy but without sanctification which is theological nonsense

    • Well I don’t agree with you. I’ve Paul Washer in high regard and respect him a lot. He put a lot of emphasis in repentance, faith and living according to the Bible, so I see him as a man of God, maybe one of the few that are nowadays preaching in the churches.

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      He sure did preach against sin. God is against sin all the way through the Bible. And men and people God called preached against it.

    • Reply May 25, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Telling people they are saved because they repeated a prayer (whether they believed it or not, whether they heard the Gospel or not) could hinder people from hearing and believing the Gospel.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I think sinners sins is sending them to hell. Repentance keeps you out. I could never believe in calvinists. I would be afraid to tell people once you are saved. You never have to worry about sin again. You don’t if you live right and obey Gods Word. I’m not afraid I’ll wake up and my Christianity will be gone. Lost it while asleep. I think they think that’s what we believe. I’m not afraid of losing my salvation. Because I love the to much. Not to live for him.

    • That’s not Calvinism, it sounds more like Southern Baptist OSAS.

    • Reply May 26, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I don’t know what what Southern Baptist to me. I certainly don’t believe once saved always saved. Great they are the ones always preaching , because we believe you can go back on God. Putting it bluntly. They preach against us because we believe you can backslide. To much Bible to back that up. But we believe you can backslide. They preach that we are afraid we could lose our salvation any time. We preach no such doctrine. We preach if you go back into sin after being saved. You will start before God condemn if you don’t repent before you stand before God. That’s why I believe we should search our hearts every day. If I have hurt someone or willful dined you better get it under the Blood Of Jesus. If you want to see God. I just Believe the Bible. I don’t believe Calvinist. That God let some be born to go to Heaven. And some to be born to go to hell. God did Pristine us. But we were all prestige to go to Heaven. But everyone won’t god because everyone doesn’t believe what Jesus taught. You have to believe in Jesus and what He did for us on the Cross of Calvary. And He died and shed His Precious Blood to be saved. Some people doesn’t believe in Jesus. But God didn’t Pristine that not believe in Him. The devil causes them to believe a lie. But I do believe that God is All Knowing. And He knows if they will ever except Him or not. But it’s His Will that they Except Him.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    To the one who said forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors. Read Matthew 6:11. But I would read it all Matthew 6:9-15. KJ v.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    Louise Cummings You have given some good remarks. I do believe leading a person in the Lord’s prayer could save a person.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    When a person says something is not Biblical please be kind enough to give scripture to support your opinions. Interpretations without scriptures creates heresies.

  • Reply May 26, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    I’d say get them to heaven anyway you can Scotty Searan Joe Absher

    • Reply May 26, 2018

      Scotty Searan

      That’s what a lot are doing, and I doubt they have as good of results as the straight gospel preaching.

  • Reply May 26, 2018

    Joe Absher

    Don’t expect any body to cry and weep over theirs sins if you can’t or won’t

  • Reply May 26, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I cry and pray much for the sins of sinners , Homes , Nations , Churches. And family’s. How could you not be burdened for them.and even more as we see things that are going on.

  • Reply May 26, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I didn’t think the things that was said to me about what it sounded like I believe in, sounded like they wanted Bible Scriptures. It was just quotes of what they thought it sounded like. I just said that wasn’t the case. I don’t know where they find Bible for what they believe in. I just know that is not what I believe. I’m on vacation and don’t have my books to find the Scriptures easily. But I can look mine up when I get home. It is better to always use Scriptures to show why you believe it.

  • Reply May 26, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    Amen. That’s what brings conviction. That brings Revival. You can’t have Revival without prayer. And a burden for the lost.

  • Reply May 26, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    I still think Link meant preached and not explained. No one can explain how Jesus saves an eternal human soul from hell

    • Reply May 26, 2018

      Link Hudson

      We can explain by preaching what the Bible says. I did not mean fully comprehend every aspect.

    • Reply May 26, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      and a sinner would understand? Doubtful. The Spirit draws, convicts and saves. We are but witnesses

  • Reply May 26, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I wasn’t referring to what Link Hudson said. I was referring to the Southern Baptist thing , about once saved always saved. They were just misunderstanding my comments. And I should have Bible verses to back up what. But I can give some examples. But I don’t have them looked up either. The Prodigal Son. That left the Father. But repented and came home. There was Judas that denied Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus had called all twelve to him and gave them Power to Heal the sick and Cast Out Devils. The Bible said Satan cannot cast out Satan. So inJohns gospel. Can’t remember chapter and verse. But it said Judas by Transgression fell. That’s just two examples if the want to take examples instead of Chapter and verse.

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Churches Where They Don’t Explain How to Get Saved

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Churches Where They Don’t Explain How to Get Saved

Have you ever been to a church where it seems like whoever speaks from the pulpit never explains how to get saved?

I’ve posted a bit in the past about some of the churches where they do ‘the sinner’s prayer’ leave out important parts of the Gospel, and tell people they get saved by doing stuff that isn’t really in the Bible like ‘asking Jesus into your heart’. You can believe that Jesus died on the cross without getting saved. Plenty of atheists and Buddhists can easily believe that Jesus died on a cross without it affecting their belief system. Unbelieving Jews like Caiaphas and many in the Sanhedrin believed that Jesus died on the cross. If the thief who said to Jesus ‘remember me’ was conscious and aware enough to see Jesus dead on the cross, then He believed that Jesus died on the cross, but so was the one who spoke ill of the Lord on the cross. Jesus gave up the ghost before their legs were broken.

Believing that God raised Jesus from the dead doesn’t fit into the belief system of atheists, Buddhist, or unbelieving Talmudic Pharisees.

But there are plenty of churches that don’t do the sinner’s prayer thing. They have altar calls and expect people to pray through. Has anyone ever been to a church where it was just assumed that people would know what ‘get saved’ means? Where they don’t explain about putting your trust in Christ, believing that Christ died for our sins, and believing that God raised Jesus from the dead?

I think there may be some churches where if you asked an unchurched individual who visited for a month or two how one can be right with God, that he might say that you don’t drink or smoke or bad-mouth the preacher when you go home.

I don’t think church meetings have to be evangelistic campaigns, since they are for the edification of believers. But I notice that Paul wrote a lot reminding believers how salvation works in epistles like Galatians, Romans, and even I Corinthians.

John Kissinger [11/11/2015 6:03 AM]

Charles Page [11/11/2015 12:06 PM]
Does a monergistic gospel Church present a plan of salvation as an imperative to be obeyed or as a declaration of how the born again got born again? It is a declaration and not an offer to be made and complied.

John Kissinger [11/11/2015 1:53 PM]
Does a synergistic gospel Church present a plan of salvation?

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