

Charles Page [10/14/2015 12:40 PM]trying to understand if Mike is open theist or moderated Calvinism – he seems to going against Arminianism. Link Hudson…

No analogy can prove the TRINITY?

There’s a doctrine going around at the moment that says “no analogy can prove the trinity, and no one could ever understand the trinity”. I just…

Dealing with DAKE’s Teachings

Dealing with Biblically-Incorrect Heretical Teachings: Death Before Adam Sinned, Two Creations, and the Other Theological Heresies of Old-Earth Apologist Finis Jennings Dake According to…

Jesus and the Rabbis

Jesus and the Rabbis

This week we discuss the course The Stories of Jewish Christ: Among the Rabbis with professor Pinchas Shir. How does Jesus earn the title rabbi? What does that mean about the responsibility of the students? What are the early rabbinic sources …

Evolution VS God Movie

Evolution VS God Movie (Watch Evolutionists and Their Misguided Students Fall All Over Themselves…) Stan Wayne [03/15/2016 8:40 AM] Or Microevolution vs. Macroevolution