
President Trump’s Executive Order

I appreciate President Trump’s Executive Order which resulted in deporting this Syrian Christian family who actually supported Trump. This Executive Order will certainly make…

Can Christians Have Demons?

John Eckhardt, “Can a Christian Have a Demon?” Charisma (March 2003), pages 66-68. The subtitle of John Eckhardt’s article states, “Church people have been…

Divinity Dialogues

Upcoming Events Monday, October 2, 5:15 pm, Barker Center 133, 12 Quincy St. The Rise of the ‘Holy Spirit’ in 13th-16th c. Kabbalah Wednesday,…


[Today, think about, rejoice over, and be thankful for, how much our Abba Father loves us!] “The Spirit you received does not make you…


[Please be blessed as you read these scriptures.] “THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things…

Why are thighs important?

There is an old question on Christianity.SE which I suggested that it should also be asked here – since we don’t migrate OLD questions. In doing so, I noticed that the OP hasn’t been really active and I suspect that it will never be asked here. With that said:

Genesis 24:2 NIV

One day Abraham said to his oldest servant, the man in charge of his household, “Take an oath by putting your hand under my thigh.

Genesis 47:29 NIV

As the time of his death drew near, Jacob called for his son Joseph and said to him, “Please do me this favor. Put your hand under my thigh and swear that you will treat me with unfailing love by honoring this last request: Do not bury me in Egypt.

Leviticus 7:33 NIV

The right thigh must always be given to the priest who offers the blood and the fat of the peace offering.

Is this a translation concern? What do they REALLY mean?