NEW COMBINED TOPIC ON NAR (old one was deleted by facebook – ) 3 recent posts brought together a combined topic on NAR,…
Fasting DAY 37
Does your church have contingency plan for after the rapture?
Assemblies of God Restore Our Young Earth Position
From Assemblies of God Restore Our Young Earth Position… Losing Biblical Authority: ‘I’m a Christian, But The Bible’s All Stories … ’ Indeed, society…
Fasting DAY 36
Fasting DAY 35
Interesting combination people
Interesting combination of people Henry Volk [09/25/2015 12:53 PM] It’s nice when all the heretics get together John Kissinger [09/25/2015 1:03 PM] John…
Fasting DAY 34
Still a MAJOR PROBLEM for pos-trib in Matthew 24
MAJOR PROBLEM with pos-trib in Matthew 24 ONE is taken & ONE LEFT BEHIND to WHAT?
Fasting DAY 33
CAN YOU EXPLAIN Why was earth created formless and void WITHOUT GAP THEORY?
CAN YOU EXPLAIN Why was earth created formless and void (this brings to perspective flat earth vs a globe as well) WITHOUT GAP THEORY?