
Adventures in Archaeology

Find out more about Dr. Jodi Magness HEREPeruse her many books HEREDig through the pictures and publications of Huqoq HEREListen to the full Round Table Talk titled Archaeology on Life in the First Century HERESign up to be a student at IBC wi…

Go your ways

Go your ways

9.1.22 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.: – Luke 10:3 ministry is a sacred trust. It is holy…

The Chrysalis Conjecture :: By George E. Schwalm

The Chrysalis Conjecture :: By George E. Schwalm

In this commentary, we will take a look at the resurrection, or more specifically, our resurrection, and the effects it will have on us. Starting at, well, the beginning, Adam and Eve being spiritually innocent, were perfectly justified running around in the buff. Had they never sinned, one wonders if we would all be doing […]

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Where From Here? :: By Dennis Huebshman

Where From Here? :: By Dennis Huebshman

For all practical purposes, the mid-term election is about over. After all of the runoffs are completed, does anyone really believe there will be any major political changes? There are no new people in the top executive branch, and there weren’t any massive legislature takeovers. The judiciary has remained exactly the same. A few faces […]

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