Alleged “Allegory” in Galatians 4
Alleged “Allegory” in Galatians 4 “In discussing whether this passage should be regarded as an allegory or a type, A. T. Hanson draws the…
Alleged “Allegory” in Galatians 4 “In discussing whether this passage should be regarded as an allegory or a type, A. T. Hanson draws the…
A Courageous Disciple #1 Lesson 2 from the series, “Discipleship” Reading in Luke 9:23 & 24 (23) “And he said to them all, If…
Moving from hermeneutics to homiletics with this great pre-weekend read: Help, My Pastor Preaches too Long! #OurCOG Have you ever sat through a movie…
“Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Preaching” (edited by Lee Roy Martin) is now available. I have a chapter along with Frank Macchia, William K…
Today we look at the last of the 10 Commandments “Thou shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Goods.” Covetousness is a sin of the heart…
Over the last several generations, virtually every evangelical movement has believed that they were then in the “end times” immediately prior to the Parousia…
OUR OBSTACLES, GOD’S OPPORTUNITY! [When obstacles stand in our way that hinders us from doing God’s will, He can turn them in to opportunity’s…