
Can a Christian have a demon?

Can a Christian have a demon? Can light dwell with darkness? First, let’s expose the most common argument against believers having demons… they say…

Win Worley claims

Ermar Reyes Luna Win Worley claims that churches that do not practice casting out of demons are out of balance in their ministry. And…

In Jesus name I pray

In Jesus name I pray, Jesus deliver, heal you children around the world from all sin, sickness and disease. In Jesus name I say…

Respond to #PrayerShaming

CHRISTIAN High School Students Make a Video Slamming the #Leftard Secularist Attacks on Prayer in the Wake of Recent High Profile Violence… #NoShameToPray. #ChristianPersecution…

The PROPHECY of William Booth

The PROPHECY of William Booth: what in it is NOT yet fulfilled? “The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be: (1) religion…