With God On Our Side

With God On Our Side

book reviews 377 Steven Félix-Jäger With God on Our Side(Eugene,or: Wipf & Stock, 2017). x + 172 pp. $24.00 paperback. In 1972, Larry Norman…

Womanist Ways And Pentecostalism

Womanist Ways And Pentecostalism

Pneuma 35 (2013) 24-34 Womanist Ways and Pentecostalism: The Work of Recovery and Critique Yolanda Pierce Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey Abstract…

A Chronology Of Peace

A Chronology Of Peace

A CHRONOLOGY 3 OF PEACE: A CHRONOLOGY OF PEACE: Attitudes Toward War and Peace in the Assemblies of God: 1914 – 1918 by Roger…

Women In American Pentecostalism

Women In American Pentecostalism

FOCUS: WOMEN AND Women in American Edith L. Blumhofer Guest Editor is required. 19 PENTECOSTALISM Pentecostalism in American Pentecostalism is denominations The story of…