
Post trib or pre trib rapture?

Post trib or pre trib rapture?

Post trib or pre trib rapture? Steve Webb [09/15/2015 8:40 AM] Pre-Trib Steve Webb [09/15/2015 8:48 AM] Or a much better defense:…


SELFIE with #JESUS? John Kissinger [11/03/2015 9:50 AM] Ricky Grimsley [11/03/2015 10:04 AM]Wow. Good stuff John Kissinger [11/03/2015 10:42 AM]3. Because we sin (while…

Heaven or the resurrection?

Heaven or the resurrection? I wonder why so many funerals in churches focus on the deceased being ‘in heaven’ and the need for the…

Are SELFIES Biblical?

Are SELFIES Biblical? GO! Jeffrey D. Madison [08/18/2015 8:52 AM] lol, sure, lol, Brody Pope [08/18/2015 8:57 AM] Far as I know their ain’t…