

MASADA http://andnowyouknowmore.blogspot.com Excavations at Masada provide us with a précis as it were, of the history of Roman Palestine from the Maccabees in the…

The Temple That Jesus Knew

The Temple That Jesus Knew. This is the temple, Jesus knew. It is the one in which Gabriel and Zacharias conversed relative to him…

The Quest for Noah’s Ark

Link Hudson [10/26/2015 5:10 PM]I’ve got an online acquaintence I’ve interacted with for about 20 years who believes NAMI found the ark several years…

Apostolic Faith

I found this to be interesting reading and fantastic photos!!!apostolicfaith.org John Kissinger [10/19/2015 8:19 PM]not much said about Pentecostal outpourings before Wales 🙁