End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah: Part II :: By Randy Nettles

End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah: Part II :: By Randy Nettles

In my last article, The End of the Age: From Firstfruits to Hanukkah :: By Randy Nettles – Rapture Ready, I explained why I believe the last seven years of Daniel’s 70th Seven prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) will be based on the Jewish calendar and not a 360-day “prophetic” calendar. More on this later, but first, […]

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The Meaning of Blood Moons and Tetrads :: By Jeff Van Hatten

The Meaning of Blood Moons and Tetrads :: By Jeff Van Hatten

Matthew 24:42 – “Watch therefore: for you know not in what hour Yeshua will come.” Luke 21:25-28 – “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars…. the powers of the heavens will be shaken…. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is near!” […]

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John 6:39 and Jesus’ Confidence

John 6:39 and Jesus’ Confidence

I’ve done a decent amount of study from theologians and teachers of the Word regarding John 6:37-40, I’ve even studied it apart from the teachers. It seems most apparent and obvious that Jesus will succeed in losing none out of all that t…

Tribulation Saints: Unborn-Again Sheep :: By Lisa Heaton

Tribulation Saints: Unborn-Again Sheep :: By Lisa Heaton

We tell; most won’t listen. Helplessness is what we often feel as believers who see the rapture drawing ever closer and what’s coming for those who will be left behind. If you read my article, Rapture: Before the Final Sunset, here on RaptureReady.com, then you’ll remember me saying, “I’m tired of trying to shake church […]

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(John 15:22) No sin without Jesus?

(John 15:22) No sin without Jesus?

I am really scratching my head on this verse.

John 15:22, “If I [Jesus] had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.”

It seems from the context just before this that the “them” and …