Benjamin Netanyahu’s chances look good

David became king of Israel in 1010 BC and ruled for 40 years until about 970 BC. He died at 70 years of age. David was a descendant from the lineage of Jacob’s son, Judas. David’s son, Solomon, became king of Israel after his father’s death. He began the temple-building project that his father had […]

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Netanyahu said he will do everything in his power to stop Iran

The phrase “Stupid is as stupid does” became famous in 1994 with a movie called Forrest Gump. (Note: I do not like the word “stupid.” It sounds unchristian, but readers will understand it better than “A reprobate mind is as a reprobate mind does.”) Most Bible prophecy teachers are aware that the World Health Organization […]

The post Stupid Is as Stupid Does :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready.

ISRAEL ready for GAZA

ISRAEL ready for GAZA

“Are you ready for the next stage?” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked soldiers on Saturday. ‘Next stage is coming,’ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defiantly…