Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity :: By Stephen Meehan

Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity :: By Stephen Meehan

Roman Catholicism – The One True Church? This article was first written and published on the Rapture Ready website back in 2015, but due to the lateness of the hour and the nearness of the world being plunged into the dark seven-year time frame of the Tribulation, I wanted to re-package it in an effort […]

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The Return of the Godless :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

The Return of the Godless :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr

*There is a special message at the end of this article.* Before the global flood that wiped out all land dwellers excluded from the Ark, man had become godless. In fact, God saw that wickedness abounded and every imagination and thought of man was continually evil (Gen 6:5). This godlessness was so complete that Noah […]

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Wilderness Temptations

Wilderness Temptations

What was Jesus meditating on when he was in the wilderness for 40 days? It is speculation, but I like to think he was quoting Deuteronomy to himself and preparing for his public ministry. Why? Because when faced with the temptations, he only q…