Can YOU PROVE the observance of Christmas?

Can YOU PROVE the observance of Christmas?

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“When it can be proved that the observance of Christmas, Whitsuntide, and other Popish festivals was ever instituted by a divine statute, we also will attend them, but not till then. It is as much our duty to reject the traditions of men, as to observe the ordinances of the Lord.”
Charles H. Spurgeon, from his “Treasury of David, Volume 8”

I recently proposed the question “Is It Holy?” regarding the Christmas celebration, defining “holy” as something that is set apart and sanctified by Scripture, and more specifically Torah. Of course, the answer is “No!”, but even at that I was challenged that this is a weak argument because there are many things not “set apart and sanctified” as holy by Torah or even Scripture as a whole.

My response is that Christmas is not the same as many other things. Pizza is not “set apart and sanctified” by Scripture as “holy”, but it’s also not connected to paganism, it’s a food item. Christmas is paganism. Period. Whether or not it’s connected to the Saturnalia festival or the Yule festival, it is still part of ROMAN CATHOLIC “POPISH” PAGANISM. Make no mistake about it, if you are truly a citizen of the Kingdom of Yahweh, you cannot be connected to the Roman Catholic system, originally called the “New Roman Religion” that demanded it’s converts to renounce “all things Jewish” around the same time it invented “Christmas”.

Some people argue that it cannot be outright “proven” that “Christmas” is not connected to the pagan festivals of Saturnalia and Yule, but it doesn’t matter. In light of everything that can be proven about it, the holiday would HAVE TO BE proven to be instituted by Yahweh Himself or else it must be rejected. Celebrating it is literally putting you at risk of standing before God as an idolater.

I’ve seen others complaining that those “opposing” Christmas commit more time to “opposing it” than those who celebrate it. But look, if there is a chance that God sees this as idolatry, you better believe I am going to talk about it as much as I can to get even one person to renounce this unbiblical “holiday”.



  • Reply December 26, 2018


    Spurgeon, a great admirer of the Puritans, broke with them on the question of Christmas. He recalled,

    In Cromwell’s days, the Puritans thought it an ungodly thing to keep Christmas. They, therefore, tried to put it down, and the common crier went through the street announcing that Christmas was henceforth no more to be kept, it being a Popish, if not a heathenish ceremony.7

    Spurgeon imagined that the people ignored the crier’s command and celebrated Christmas anyway. He asserted, “I am quite certain that all the preaching in the world will not put Christmas down.” He encouraged Christians to take advantage of the numerous benefits that Christmas affords.8

    pls see note 7, 8 and 9 for reference to what he said

  • Reply December 26, 2018


    Yes, he made some “positive” remarks toward it as regarding solely the celebration of the Nativity event. Should Christianity eliminate everything else… the trees, the Santa Claus and Jack Frost, the secular carols, the commercialism, the secularism, the paganism, and ONLY commemorate the Nativity event, I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad, certainly would be a step in the right direction.

    Part of the problem is that it’s biblically impossible for the Nativity to have been in the middle of winter. So even eliminating all the other stuff and making it ONLY about the Nativity is still “wrong”. The best information suggests He was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. There is also a decent argument that He was born in the spring, around Passover. Both of them would fit the acceptable biblical window. December 25th does not. So if we eliminate all the other stuff, the Nativity event alone is still a Roman Catholic fabrication. And if we eliminate the Nativity and put it at Tabernacles in the fall of Passover in the spring, the only thing left with regard to Christmas on December 25th is paganism and secularism.

    There is also a context issue with regard to Spurgeon. His statements against Christmas were quite clear. Anything seemingly in favor of it must be weighed against what he said against keeping it.

  • Reply December 26, 2018


    I am not surprised you missed it in your research

  • Reply December 26, 2018


    Yes, I know you think I am not good at researching things. To each their own.

  • Reply December 26, 2018


    Treasury of David has only 3 volumes – at least in my edition Your quote says 8 – what are we missing here?

  • Reply December 26, 2018


    This is where I pulled the quote from. I believe it is available through other sources. If there is a question about how many volumes are in this “Treasury of David” then I will refer to one of the other sources where I saw the quote.

    I went to “Treasury of David” because it’s what A.W. Pink referred to in a piece where he cited Spurgeon on this very quote.

    But Google lists this as Volume 8. So, is Google wrong? I can revise the MEME if there is an error from Google… though I doubt it’s a huge deal. The quote is still valid.

  • Reply December 26, 2018


    I see your source, but obviously he was all for Christmas Search his sermons for his Christmas messages They are many

  • Reply December 23, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Spurgeon, a great admirer of the Puritans, broke with them on the question of Christmas. He recalled,

    In Cromwell’s days, the Puritans thought it an ungodly thing to keep Christmas. They, therefore, tried to put it down, and the common crier went through the street announcing that Christmas was henceforth no more to be kept, it being a Popish, if not a heathenish ceremony.7

    Spurgeon imagined that the people ignored the crier’s command and celebrated Christmas anyway. He asserted, “I am quite certain that all the preaching in the world will not put Christmas down.” He encouraged Christians to take advantage of the numerous benefits that Christmas affords.8

    pls see note 7, 8 and 9 for reference to what he said

  • Reply December 24, 2019

    Isara Mo

    100 dollars for the winner

  • Reply December 24, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    why $ ? Isara Mo

    • Reply December 24, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      Can you celebrate a birthday without having a BIRTH CERTIFICATE?

    • Reply December 24, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      It is recorded that Jesus lived for 30 years before he began His earthly ministry.
      There is no one incident in the BIBLE where by he or his disciples celebrated Christmas .
      If the Bible can mention the birthday of a pagan ruler called Herod I would be amazed if the Holy Spirit could forget the birth day of the King of Kings?
      Even after Jesus left the earth there is no mention of apostles celebrating CHRISTMAS..
      That a KING was born is irrefutable as witnessed by a host of angeli to the shepherds out grazing at night.
      BUT that He was born on 25 December????

    • Reply December 24, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Isara Mo SURE you can – there have done it for centuries BEFORE birth certificates were invented

    • Reply December 24, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      Thanks for the answer.
      I don’t have a birth cert so you encourage me to celebrate my birthday?

    • Reply December 24, 2019

      Isara Mo

      If Osiris was born on the day I wa born we would be celebrating our birthday togethrt

  • Reply December 24, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Tony Morrison They didn’t provide birth certificates in the first century…. BUT they did provide a VERY detail genealogy for JESUS

    Dwayne Faircloth truth be told ONLY 12/25 fits the BIBLE narrative

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