Well, wait no longer. if Moses had just left out Gen 1:2, we would have had a single nice and easy single creation. Because the recreation in verse 3 follows a state of chaos, void, empty and dark, the evidence is presented that verse one is in reference to the first and original creation. Actually, there will be another recreation of the earth in the endtimes as described in the book of Revelation.
Gary Micheal Epping still waiting for Robert Franzen to post from his book on the subject instead of just toying with it Regardless of the reason, the gap theory has gained considerable support from several modern theologians. These theologians, such as Arthur C. Custance, author of Without Form and Void (1970), and well known preachers Billy Graham, Peter Ruckman, and John Hagee, have adopted the gap theory, in one form or another. As mentioned earlier, a clear distinction must be made when considering the proponents of the gap theory. Some gap theorists have arrived at their conclusions based upon their preconceived idea that the earth is billions of years old. They are schooled in the uniformitarian mindset and have chosen the gap theory as a means of placing their needed time into the Biblical framework. Other gap theorists simply hold their position because it was how they were taught to interpret certain passages of Scripture
We will never get the gospel back. False doctrine has prevailed too long. Even the one against the gap theory still believes Satan has already fallen from Heaven, instead of a future event in the middle of the tribulation. The Godly line of Seth is the most blasphemous doctrine ever attributed to Christianity. The twisted reading preachers use to back false doctrine makes me angry. No one will tolerate sound doctrine. Each person has his own personal God, and even when they carry the same Bible, those Bibles are read with so many assumptions in which man is the authority, not God. Your children will not follow you due to the high authority of false teachers.Modern so called translations are not translations at all, but writings with agendas. God has protected his word, it’s just man has great delusions. You can only deliver yourself, you must speak, but not likely heard. We do hold this treasure in earthen vessels. God himself will preach,but we better amen Him.
MicroTestament ~A rudimentary pocket-size reference companion for the Gospel -containing Scripture with corresponding quotes from instrumental authors and pastors of the early and Apostolic…
Varnel Watson
I am still waiting Gary Micheal Epping Rico Hero
Gary Micheal Epping
Well, wait no longer. if Moses had just left out Gen 1:2, we would have had a single nice and easy single creation. Because the recreation in verse 3 follows a state of chaos, void, empty and dark, the evidence is presented that verse one is in reference to the first and original creation. Actually, there will be another recreation of the earth in the endtimes as described in the book of Revelation.
Varnel Watson
Gary Micheal Epping still waiting for Robert Franzen to post from his book on the subject instead of just toying with it Regardless of the reason, the gap theory has gained considerable support from several modern theologians. These theologians, such as Arthur C. Custance, author of Without Form and Void (1970), and well known preachers Billy Graham, Peter Ruckman, and John Hagee, have adopted the gap theory, in one form or another. As mentioned earlier, a clear distinction must be made when considering the proponents of the gap theory. Some gap theorists have arrived at their conclusions based upon their preconceived idea that the earth is billions of years old. They are schooled in the uniformitarian mindset and have chosen the gap theory as a means of placing their needed time into the Biblical framework. Other gap theorists simply hold their position because it was how they were taught to interpret certain passages of Scripture
Eddie Don Parsons
We will never get the gospel back. False doctrine has prevailed too long. Even the one against the gap theory still believes Satan has already fallen from Heaven, instead of a future event in the middle of the tribulation. The Godly line of Seth is the most blasphemous doctrine ever attributed to Christianity. The twisted reading preachers use to back false doctrine makes me angry. No one will tolerate sound doctrine. Each person has his own personal God, and even when they carry the same Bible, those Bibles are read with so many assumptions in which man is the authority, not God. Your children will not follow you due to the high authority of false teachers.Modern so called translations are not translations at all, but writings with agendas. God has protected his word, it’s just man has great delusions. You can only deliver yourself, you must speak, but not likely heard. We do hold this treasure in earthen vessels. God himself will preach,but we better amen Him.