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Update 8-3-22
A little more than two years ago, my pastor allowed me to bring this teaching to a Wednesday night gathering in the church. Because of his background, the pastor didn’t agree with some of the points he knew I’d convey, but he trusted me that I spoke truth, and he had the courage to give me the go-ahead on this subject.
There are many issues in the Bible that are controversial; among them are such items as the Rapture, i.e., pre-, mid-, or post- Trib; the question of how eternal security works, i.e., are we once saved and always saved; and this one that harkens back to Genesis 6. Over the years, there’s been a schism as to whether the sons of God noted in verses 1-4 are actually divine beings or simply good men, i.e., the sons of Seth.
I hope to dispel anyone’s doubts in this presentation that the bene Elohim – the sons of God – are indeed rebellious heavenly entities, and the resulting Nephilim from their union with human women were actually hybrid spiritual beings.
There are three parts to this entire teaching – done over a three-week period. I’d like to bring them all into this Rumble format, but I’ll have to determine the timing for the second and third parts. A word of warning: these aren’t short teachings.
They are longer because of the depth of material. I hope you’ll hang in there with each one that I bring because they should really help in your overall understanding of the Bible and the world in which we live.
One of the interesting outcomes of this teaching was the change in the thinking of my pastor. Initially, he did not believe that the heavenly sons of God, i.e., angels as so many describe them, could procreate with human women.
He clung to Matthew 22:30 in which Jesus says:
“For in the resurrection they [mankind] neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.”
After thinking about all the Biblical evidence I presented in this teaching, my pastor changed his hard and fast interpretation of that verse and became very open to the possibility of what I taught.
For some of you, what I present may challenge your traditional thinking. What I can tell you is that everything I discuss is completely Biblical, with one Scripture proven by others, just as we’re instructed in order to assure that we’re rightly dividing the Word of God.
Click here to watch this Prophecy Update:
Gary Ritter website: books & blog
Kindle Vella story: Tribulation Rising
Note: A copy of the slides is available in the post on my website under the article with the same title.
The post Bible Prophecy Update: Angels & Fallen Angels, Part 1 :: By Gary W. Ritter appeared first on Rapture Ready.
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