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David Arnett |

“Of the revival on Azusa Street in Los Angeles in the early 1900s, Frank Bartleman wrote, ‘The color line was washed away in the Blood [of Christ].’
At Azusa Street, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Whites, and others knelt beside each other. They prayed and sang together. The Holy Spirit created a dimension of love, unity, brotherhood, and equality unprecedented for the time. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit and immersion in Divine Love allowed men, women, and children to celebrate their unity in Christ and participate as led by the Spirit. It propelled them to go change their neighborhoods, cities, and even nations.
I’ve preached in churches and taught in schools founded by those who were at Azusa.
I personally know some of the descendants of those who were at Azusa. I assure you something supernatural went on there! The impact of the Holy Spirit’s manifestation continues to be felt 110 years later.
I pray, ‘God, do it again. Send a Holy Spirit revival to my generation, to my world.'”
~ Dr. David Arnett, President of Northpoint Bible College & Graduate School
Ernest Leon
Who is willing to pay the price that Mr Bartleman and others paid ?
Louise Cummings
Amen. I’m praying for Revival.
Mary Ellen Nissley
I think we are starting to see it. Check out the revival in Mingo County, West VA, and the revival happening also in Burlington, NC.
Varnel Watson
‘The color line was washed away in the Blood [of Christ].’
Joseph Kidwell
Street Preacherz
I like to hear a consecrated man speak from the Bible.
Joseph Kidwell
I saw from you’re page that you live in Milwaukee. I lived in Milwaukee from 1997-2013 & pastored 2 churches there as well as serving on staff at another church.
Street Preacherz
Yes sir. Thank you!!! Milwaukee is called the evangelist graveyard. But we have had some break through a in the spirit. I thought for sure last year we would see the third great awakening but it didn’t happen. God willing this year!!!
I’m currently trying to obey God in Chicago. Three months on the streets. Please pray I complete my task as directed. “I just want to do God’s will…” lol p.s. of course the task is peoples lives.
Joseph Kidwell
I was the Pastor of the Milwaukee Metro Church of God from 02-97 until 07-02 which was located at 6th and Greenfield. I left the Church of God in July of 2002 and founded Grace Ministries which I pastored for 10 years. I resigned that pastorate in November of 2012 and served on staff at the City of Praise (Redeemed Christian Church of God) for the last 8 months before relocating to Fort Pierce, Florida.
Street Preacherz
I visited you at metro!!! The missionary’s always say if it Hawaii you know it’s God. But Ii you’re a pastor.. lol much luv. Have fun, stay safe and give God the glory in everything!!!
Joseph Kidwell
Wow! It truly is a small world. It was my time at Metro that gave me a sensitivity to the immigration issue and a love /appreciation for my Latino brothers and sisiters.
Owen Isaacs
Praise God forever
Margaret Shawa
Varnel Watson
I believe those were Bartleman’s own words
A good reminder. Thanks for sharing.