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William DeArteaga, Quenching The Spirit Examining Centuries Of Opposition
227 William DeArteaga, Quenching the Spirit: Examining Opposition to the Moving of the Holy Spirit (Lake Creation House, 1992). 300 pp. $14.99, hardback. Centuries…
Pentecostal Marxists: Lenin, Left’s political demons, anti-imperialism and anti-Americanism
[ This is a sample chapter from The Rv. William De Arteaga’s book, “America in Danger: Left and Right”] Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism…
The role of false prophecy in Christian history and politics
[This is a sample chapter from my forthcoming book, “America in Danger: Left and Right.” ] At the beginning of the primary season of…
When the Republican Party had a great Christian leader
William Buckley was one of the pillars and founders of modern American Conservatism. In 1955 he established the National Review that serves to this day as…
Nones Still Keep SOME of their the Faith
Ryan Burge “Most ‘Nones’ Still Keep the Faith: When research looks beyond affiliation, the move away from religious institutions becomes more nuanced,” Christianity Today (February 24,…
America in Danger: The Political mirage of the Left: Anti-Americanism
“This is from Rev. Dearteaga’s forthcoming book, America in Danger” Then the chapter title. Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism and Anti-Americanism The aim of this…
How to personally resist conspiracy theories? (for CHRISTIANS)
How to personally resist conspiracy theories: (The following is excerpted from my forthcoming book, “America in Crisis: Left and Right” In it I…
America in Danger: The demonic as historical player
“This is from Rev. Dearteaga’s forthcoming book, America in Danger” Then the chapter title. The demonic as historical player Reporters and historians writing about…
America in Danger: Part I Conspiracy theories and the demonic in history
“This is from Rev. Dearteaga’s forthcoming book, America in Danger” Then the chapter title. Part I Conspiracy theories and the demonic in history Conspiracy…
Exorcism and deliverance in the Church
The fractured tradition of exorcism and deliverance in the Church, and the need for its recovery After my entry into the Charismatic Renewal,…
Conspiracy Theories and the negation of history
This is a chapter of my forthcoming book, “America in Danger: Left and Right” But I tell you that for every careless word that people speak, they will…