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How to Overcome the 80/20 Church Rule

How to Overcome the 80/20 Church Rule Julius Streeter [03/19/2015 9:08 AM]more literature, more biblical preaching, and artistic representation in music, art, sport and…

Believing Is Seeing

The discussion hadn’t got us very far, so I tried another tack, ‘Have you ever been to Australia?’ I asked above the din of…

You may be a MONSTER PASTOR if…

You may be a MONSTER PASTOR if: 1. Are always right and never wrong. 2. Cannot accept criticism without becoming defensive. 3. Are not…

About Creflo Dollar’s Jet Dream

Steve Wright I’ve been thinking about Creflo Dollar’s dream to upgrade his ailing jet for something better, much better, in fact. I hate to…

Prophetic vision of justice

David McIlroy, September 2004 One of the joys and frustrations of the English language is the size of its vocabulary. This enables us to…


[The fear of the Lord indicates the spiritual reverence and awe which all of us owe to our Abba Father; the love of God…