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Is America Found in the Bible?

Is America Found in the Bible?

Scholars for years claimed that the United States wasn’t found in the Bible.  What an interesting statement considering how powerful, rich, worldly, sinful yet…

Obama lifted US embargo on Vietnam

President Obama lifted the 41-year-old U.S. arms embargo against Vietnam Monday in an apparent effort to shore up the communist country’s defenses against an…

Answering those who dismiss Jeremiah 49 regarding the future of #ISRAEL

<a href=””><img class=”alignleft size-large wp-image-71647″ src=”×876.jpg” alt=”NEW_israel_map” width=”680″ height=”581″ /></a> <strong>Is the beginning of the end of the world upon us? Well, that depends…

Believers encountering a crisis

When it comes to believers encountering a crisis, consider these words of OT theologian, Samuel E. Balentine (Shred by Andrew Schmutzer ) John…

Italy Gay Legilized Marriage

ROME—Italy’s Senate voted Thursday to grant legal recognition to civil unions, as the last holdout in Western Europe took a compromise step to give…