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A New Christian Zionism

A New Christian Zionism Roger Wilkinson [06/04/2015 9:11 AM]Amen. The church has NOT replaced Israel and the Gentiles are grafted into Israel. God made…

The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer

In “The Cost of Discipleship,” Bonhoeffer rebuked nominal Christians: “Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline. Communion…

3 distinct theological-systems

3 distinct theological-systems. Which one do you subscribe to? Henry Volk [06/24/2015 7:15 PM]Christocentric Pentecostal Theology [06/24/2015 7:15 PM]You mean there are lutherans out…

Which Bible did Jesus quote?

“From which version of the Bible did Jesus quote? Peshita? KJV? Believe it or not 85% percent answer that Jesus quoted from the King…


BRITAIN VOTES TO LEAVE EU After crushing blow, David Cameron resigns. EU leaders urge calm as markets swoon. Britain voted to leave the European Union, setting…