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Prophesied World Orders and Red China: Part 2 :: By Wilfred Hahn

Prophesied World Orders and Red China: Part 2 :: By Wilfred Hahn

We must acknowledge that a geopolitical rivalry is playing out. In fact, it may already be far too late to throttle China. The aggressive actions of Western nations against China in recent years are themselves a sign that China is, in fact, making large strides. This writer believes that China will continue to gather strength. […]

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Terry James’ REVELATIONS Trilogy

Terry James’ REVELATIONS Trilogy

Terry’s 3 novels of the last of these last days are now in a boxed set. Although the novels, of course, are fictional accounts of these bizarre times so near Christ’s call to believers in the Rapture, the author’s decades of factual study and presentation of Bible prophecy ring true throughout these pages. Terry’s devotion […]

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Could μονογενής mean simply "unique"?

Could μονογενής mean simply "unique"?

In this article Hebrew scholar Michael Heiser makes the claim that the term μονογενής (monogenēs) in John 3:16 means “unique” rather than “only-begotten.” However, he does not provide citations, referring to “Scholars of Greek.”

CERN LHC – Opening Portal to Hell? Etc. :: By Jim Towers

CERN LHC – Opening Portal to Hell? Etc. :: By Jim Towers

Did I miss the rapture? Judging by the events of recent months, numerous unexplainable anomalies appear to be getting more prevalent as time marches on, thereby causing Christians to wonder if we were in the Tribulation period mentioned in the book of Revelation. In the meantime, some military leaders and the presidential imposter himself are […]

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