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Interpretation of John 8:32

Interpretation of John 8:32

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32

I’ve read that the truth is sin which allows for freedom (does this mean we shouldn’t be free?), another explanation is the power we possess and how we can run into…

The Tallit Miracle | Perry Stone

The Tallit Miracle

Why did the sick want to touch the hem of Christ’s garment? Discover the meaning of “virtue” and how “dunamis” is a key to…

The Importance of Our Heavenly Citizenship :: By Jonathan Brentner

The Importance of Our Heavenly Citizenship :: By Jonathan Brentner

In grade school, I remember daily reciting the pledge of allegiance to the American flag. During my time at John Brown University in the early 1970s, patriotism was a quality that the leaders of the college promoted. There was a sense of pride in being an American. We live in a much different world today. […]

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Kabbalah and New Testament Texts

Kabbalah and New Testament Texts

Many readers of the Bible may be unfamiliar with Kabbalah, but what can it add to our understanding of the Bible? Is it even an appropriate way to study the Bible? This week we look at how Paul uses mystical language and we will conclude with …

TRUMP is the 47th POTUS

              Pentecostal Theology aimed to break the closed borders among theologians on the internet across the globe. Fragmented…