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Wedding Banquet: Invitation, Ingratitude, Pt I :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Wedding Banquet: Invitation, Ingratitude, Pt I :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Matthew 22:1-14, Isaiah 55:1, John 7:37, Ezekiel 33:11, Isaiah 45:11 Summary: Jesus’ parable of the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:1-14) is a call to salvation. There will be many who will make poor excuses and refuse the invitation. There will be those who accept it with gratitude, but some will try to enter in their own […]

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Wildfires, Trains, and UFOs:: By Jim Towers

Wildfires, Trains, and UFOs:: By Jim Towers

We recently had a wildfire nearby that consumed many acres of woodland and two houses, plus we lost the internet for three days running, and even as I write this observation (3/1/2023), it is still not up. Although I’ve learned to take most inconveniences in stride, this happening couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient […]

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Brian Beasley | The Ramp at OCI

Brian Beasley | The Ramp at OCI

If you enjoy the message we put out, make sure to subscribe to our channel. Omega Center International is an Evangelical convention center in…

John’s Revelation of the Millennium: Part II :: By Randy Nettles

John’s Revelation of the Millennium: Part II :: By Randy Nettles

ALLEGORICAL INTERPRETATIONS BY ORIGEN, AUGUSTINE, AND THE EARLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Clement of Alexandria was a well-known Christian scholar of the 2nd century. He became the head of a catechetical school in Alexandria in 190 AD. While in this post, he wrote three books that have survived. Clement adopted an allegorical method of interpreting the […]

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