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From Assemblies of God Restore Our Young Earth Position…
Losing Biblical Authority: ‘I’m a Christian, But The Bible’s All Stories … ’ Indeed, society has been so heavily ‘evolutionized’ that it is frankly hard to get a proper hearing for the view, no matter how cogently argued, that Genesis is true history—even in churches! So, professing Christians, like the young geology student earlier, have been largely conditioned to see OT history, the logical foundation of the Gospel, as ‘just a bunch of stories’. No wonder that so many young people today leave the church, and that even those who stay see it as increasingly irrelevant, and many express sympathy and support for blatantly antibiblical notions like ‘gay marriage’.
Varnel Watson
YES Gary Micheal Epping here they go again
Gary Micheal Epping
Is this really the AOG or just another maneuver by our old buddy peter!
Varnel Watson
hahah yeah Pete Fiske still on the moon
Philip Williams
What year did the AoG adopt Young Earth Creationism? Certainly not before it’s creation by the Sevrnth Day Adventist George McGready Price, then taught to the evangelicals in the sixties by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris.
Varnel Watson
have we adopted it officially ? Gary Micheal Epping Terry Wiles probably wrote it OFF in Res 16
Gary Micheal Epping
In 2010, the AOG changed its position on creation. During Session 8 of that year, delegates revised “The Doctrine of Creation,” opening the door to the consideration of scientific evidence. This move has negated their 1977 statement: “Assemblies of God believers hold that the Genesis account should be taken literally.”
Philip Williams
Gary Micheal Epping
There are of course literal views of Genesis that don’t impose 24-hour days onto the text.
Varnel Watson
Terry Wiles was there in 1977 and knows
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams AG has been right on many issues lately What about young Earth possition
Philip Williams
Troy Day just to let you know, both YEC and OEC leaders are waiting to see the results of our Noah’s Ark project. As Norm Geisler mentioned to Ken Ham in my presence, ‘Ken, Philip and I believe the evidence for the Ice Age is the world wide Flood.” So, the pioneer of evangelical apologetics and I are Day Age but worldwide Flood. Norm has spoken to 6 people including myself who have actually been inside what we believe is Noah’s Ark lying more than 14,000 feet on Mount Ararat. Norm believes this discovery will be world changing.
Varnel Watson
How far are they into the Noah’s Ark project There was a guy here few years back who was posting about it
Philip Williams
Troy Day
Well, get your information from one who has actually been there and got the scientific investigation started. A version of this is climbing the ranks of utube. But here are my words and photos.
Varnel Watson
one Piet Roberti posted quite a bit in this group in 2015
Philip Williams
Troy Day, Yes, Clara Wei produced that before my visit, which you see above. The two of us will be in Poland in 2 weeks for a conference on this discovery sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church. The scientific investigation which I initiated is underway. I wish we had more support from my Pentecostal brothers! Glad to see my friend Link Hudson mentioning this.
I will soon be publishing a podcast, Arkapology & Scripture Science.
Varnel Watson
I stopped following the guy few years back but he kept on posting here quite a bit So What is going to CHANGE if they find the arc – which I was under the impression has been found several times already Are they digging in Turkey or KY?
Philip Williams
Troy Day pay close attention to this and if what I say isn’t hard to comprehend, you haven’t paid close attention.
1. I am best friends with the discoverer whose aristocratic family lived on and governed this mountain and its secret for many centuries. They have always known the location but didn’t want the Persians, the Soviets, the American Ark Searchers, and others to know the location due to the sacred nature of this vessel.
2. As the above video shows, I have actually been inside what can only be Noah’s Ark.
3. Due to my efforts, a worldclass scientific investigation is underway under the auspices of one of Turkey’s most eminent archaeologist including a world class scientific investigation led by
Varnel Watson
I saw this 3-4 years ago or so – not too sure BUT are you saying this FoXNews video comes from AG research? I am still not sure how do you make connection with AG and I am very interested to learn Terry Wiles may do res40 on Noahs Ark
Philip Williams
Troy Day that’s Norm Geisler and myself in the FOX News interview.
I don’t know anything about AG research.
Who is Terry Wiles, and what is res 40?
I am interested.
Varnel Watson
OK I am lost I said AG was right on many issues and you brought the research assuming it was AG related – I guess it is not but please tell us about Oak Island next
Philip Williams
Troy Day
I guess that I am as lost as you, but bewildered that so many believers don’t see the significance of the discovery of Noah’s Ark in a time when our world has rejected the authority of the Bible for the authority of science.
Philip Williams
Troy Day I brought this up due to your mention of the AG position on the age of the earth, which in the case of YEC is tied to their evidence of the Flood.
Varnel Watson
Explorers are “99.9 percent” sure they’ve found Noah’s ark in Turkey. – what would this prove for us?
Philip Williams
Troy Day if this is Noah’s Ark, and we will soon know the answer, it means that modern science has greatly deceived us. It will mean an end to going to college and seminary to be taught that the Bible isn’t really true.
It will return the world to fearing God’s judgement and respecting the Bible. It means an end to doubting God’s Word and not doubting man’s wisdom.
It will be the greatest event since the resurrection of Christ. The latter is famously attributed to Gilbert Grosvenor, the founder of National Geographic when asked about the significance of such a discovery.
Varnel Watson
What is your take on this? Chris Friend