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Days-long ‘spontaneous revival’ continues at Kentucky university
Around-the-clock prayer services that have lingered for a week at a Christian university in Kentucky have drawn national attention as participants have flocked nationwide to experience what some are calling a spiritual revival.
Students at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, have engaged in continual worship services in the school’s chapel since Feb. 8, which have reportedly been marked by prayers, worship music, testimonies, altar calls and religious conversions.
The movement began after students refused to leave following a chapel service last Wednesday, and the services have since grown to pack the school’s chapel with worshippers from all over the country, according to Christianity Today.
seems like LOTS of ppl are fixing to piggy back on this great KY revival in 2023 Brett Dobbs Dale M. Coulter David Wayne Crisp Neil Steven Lawrence Surprised Peter Vandever Philip Williams John Mushenhouse have not made their way there just yet…
happy to be at home and have room available to young people. Having my own revival with my wife discussing John 8. wow wow wow
John Mushenhouse first part of John 8 not even in the original MSS
Troy Day someone need to teach those two guys to have a revival concerning faith in God for support.
Troy Day so some say but 48-59 is and it is amazing. The Great I AM —- Ezek 10. — It is so rich
John Mushenhouse like I just TOLD Philip Williams Peter Vandever REVIVAL is to denomin. leaders like wag-the-dog wars to presidents. There is a LOT of Methodist responsibility to gay ordinations that needs to clear the air before GOD can genuinely move amongst them… IMHO
Corlis L Dees II
We need to be careful right now about our discussion. Reason: Millions of souls hang in the balance of what “OBVIOUSLY” Jesus Messiah is doing (invisibly) in the hearts of the young and the old. This is serious Kingdom Work being done by the King of the Universe and the Owner of Planet Earth. Please, hold your thoughts in your head. A fool speaks all of this thoughts, but a wise man can keep a secret.
Archbishop Corlis Lee Dees II, Archdiocese of Southeast Asia. Pray for a revival to breakout in Russia, Iran, China, N. Korea. God is God and we are not. Remember, one more thing, please realize that God’s Blessings are not dependent on a souls condition but on God’s Promise.
Troy Day you could have tuned in Tucker Carlson tonight and gotten his opinion.
Troy Day asbury is not UMC and has been at odds against the UMC for decades. Don’t confuse the two. It was founded as a holiness institute during the holiness revival and in objection to the Methodists of that day. It is independent and they call for the UMC to repent. Both AU and ATS have forsaken the UMC and are leaning to the GMC,
John Mushenhouse so you think it is fake?
Philip Williams so you think it is fake?
John Mushenhouse some side margin notes by our own Duane L Burgess
Let’s wait to see if this goes beyond the “prayer service” and translates into changes in the saints, being sanctified in TRUTH (sound doctrine) and changes in society that genuine revivals produce.
We need to see preaching and a call to repentance as Jonah proclaimed to Nineveh.
There have been false revivals before: Charles Finney, Azusa Street, and Jesus people, for example.
Emotionalism is a sign of spiritual counterfeit.
Exalting the Holy Spirit instead of Christ is also a sign of deception.
“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father,
He will bear witness about Me… John 15:26
These are all contributing to today’s fragmented and splintering, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.
Also, II Chron. 7:14 is being used incorrectly.
There are universal elements: humbling ourselves, prayer, turning from wicked ways, and seeking God.
But “heal your land” is exclusively for ethnic national Israel under their “old” covenants with Yaweh.
God has no Land Covenant with any Gentile nations, only national Israel.
(America is a Gentile nation and does not belong to the Church).
Troy Day I don’t think that God needs our old wineskin opinions.
This revival began with confession and repentance.
like I said Philip Williams Jeffrey Snyder
Is he still your buddy Peter Vandever ?
Troy Day maybe he will confess his sins and repent when he experiences the genuine Holy Ghost.
Philip Williams what sins does he still need to confess to you or your pope?
Troy Day you will have to ask Bro. Michael Brown.
Philip Williams has he 2 heard from female angels lately /
Troy Day he needs deliverance. Are you an exorcist? Can you help him? Or do we need a Catholic priest?
Troy Day agree. Todd is a false teacher. I don’t remember ever considering him a buddy. He’s just yet another like Joel , crazy Kenneth’s, …just more false NAR/WOF (greed based) teachers.
Jeffrey Snyder tell us more about this new revelation of yours pls
Troy Day oh just behave… there is no new revelation that has not been fully explored in the group.
Jeffrey Snyder just see what Brett Dobbs posted about Kyle Williams
Troy Day what did I post about Kyle Williams?
Safeguarding from outside agendas
On social media, a few outside groups have announced plans to participate in the revival.
Firebrand Tennessee pastor Greg Locke reportedly had a busload of congregants headed to the services. Disgraced charismatic preacher Todd Bentley, who has faced allegations of predatory behavior, also announced plans to travel to Asbury.
However, seminary professor Hampton related his account of an incident that he said occurred “Friday or Saturday night.” He prefaced it by saying he would not name the persons involved.
Hampton said:
We had a group who came in that had a very specific agenda. They had announced it publicly through their social media feeds and others had promoted that for them. So we were aware that the group was coming. Our faculty, staff, and our security were all prepared to meet them.
The amazing thing was: we never had to. Because a group of students took it upon themselves to meet these folk when they arrived and to remind them that this was God’s work. It was not the students’ agenda. It was not the faculty’s agenda or any outsider’s agenda. This was God’s work. And if these folk were willing to come in and sit and listen and worship God and grow in that experience, they were completely welcome.
But if they were only there to push an agenda that did not match what God was doing in the midst of this, then they were going to be asked to kind of leave. And, to their credit, they left.
From Dr. Craig Keener –
The university chapel (seating 1500) and seminary chapels (seating 1000) and a local church are filled and lines are waiting outside. But what strikes me most is that, even walking near the chapel or out on the street (itself full of cars), I CAN FEEL THE TANGIBLE PRESENCE OF GOD. Not something that can be manufactured. We’d prayed for this to happen someday, but it’s still way beyond my expectations!
Troy Day why don’t you go check it out yourself??
Brian Angela Doyle too far for me in KY but I could go see Dale M. Coulter and John Mushenhouse when near Cleveland Who knows? They may start calling us the Holy Trinity there
As a pastor (now UMC) who grew up and ministered in a Pentecostal denomination, I have seen my share of excesses, heard many outlandish claims, and have personally critiqued from within and without that movement. Revivals are MEANS to righteous ENDS if authentic. I know this: You can’t have “revivals” or moves of the Spirit without some weirdness. Edwards had it. Whitefield had it. Wesley had it. Pentecostals and Charismatics have it. It goes with the territory. Given the spiritual and moral bankruptcy of so much of US and Western Christianity at present and the vitality of revivalist Pentecostal-Charismatic spirituality in the larger world (Phillip Jenkins anyone?), I believe a little wait and see is in order. I much rather read about even a short lived outbreak of religiosity on a campus than hear about another school shooting right now. And since mostly this seems to be “kids” decades younger than me, I’m going to give them space to do some sorting themselves along with their campus mentors. I think we can trust them to handle that in due time. Things will get back to dull normal soon enough I think. But one can hope!
SO James Philemon Bowers JUST thinking out laud NOT even knowing for a fact if Asbury approves gay ordination per se
BUT if the UMC wants to experience TRUE REVIVAL
shouldnt they start with removing gay ordination and repenting for allowing it?
JUST thinking out laud NOT even knowing for a fact if Asbury approves gay ordination per se
BUT if the UMC wants to experience TRUE REVIVAL
shouldnt they start with removing gay ordination and repenting for allowing it?
Terry Wiles UMC should get ready for these James Philemon Bowers
Dale M. Coulter Duane L Burgess is it true what Philip Williams reported:
campus security met TB when he arrived and instructed him not to enter the campus.
Source for this – apart from the questionable journalism ?
What’s the purpose of skepticism? The only purpose it seems to serve with respect to what’s happening at Asbury – a bunch of young people seeking God through prayer and worship – is to keep some comfortable with their religious commitments. The better approach would be to add our prayers to those of these college kids…
“Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?
Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation.
I will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.”
(Psalm 85:6-8)
On Wednesday, February 8th a speaker at a chapel service at Asbury University gave a powerful message from God’s Word about love and repentance. Many students were deeply affected by it, and about 30 students kept the meeting going after its scheduled end time. And from there, the Lord moved mightily. More and more students came BACK to the service and by nightfall, the massive auditorium was packed.
The meeting has now continued, literally WITHOUT STOPPING, for 4.5 days. I just check the livestream and there is not an open seat in the place. People are literally standing in the hallways, out the door, and trying to get in.
I’ve read incredible firsthand reports of testimonies of people getting saved and touched by God. A local professor spoke of how he walked over to check out what was happening and for the first ten minutes he was so struck by the presence of God that he wasn’t even sure what was happening, but that he felt he could stay there the rest of his life.
I’ve spent much of the last 3 years reading A LOT of books on revivals, and I can tell you one thing: This is what they look like. The service is simple. No flashing lights, no gimmicks. Just testimonies, God’s Word, prayer, and worship. They don’t even have a band playing right now. Someone just starts singing a song, and the people worship.
Word has it that it’s beginning to spread to other local college campuses as well.
Pray for God to move. We need Him!
By Denis Obwogi.
and then we have this Dale M. Coulter John Mushenhouse James Philemon Bowers
Troy Day prostitutes and tax collectors entering the Kingdom before the Pharisees?
Philip Williams gay agenda taking over?
Troy Day He eats with sinners!
Philip Williams right now he does?
Faith A.
Feb 16
As a seminary student who’s living in Wilmore and has been here from the start of the revival, it’s super weird seeing all these opinions on what’s happening at Asbury. I don’t really have anything to say, mostly because it’s hard for me to articulate my thoughts on everything…
Emily-Reina Kerkhof … should be studying Greek
Feb 16
Hi, I’m an
PhD student and I am all of the following: exhausted , conflicted, confused, anxious, thankful, expectant, behind, eager, careful, hopeful, critical, and weary. Somehow all of things exist in tension. Praise God from whom all blessings and renewal (1)
very SORRY to break the news Larry Dale Steele BUT Brett Dobbs has shared what we have all feared
Still, progressive Christians like Tim Whitaker at The New Evangelicals have essentially endorsed the “revival” after his visits to the chapel this week. Moreover, he says LGBTQ students at the school told him the university protects them from “conversion therapy”. According to Whitaker, the LGBTQ students who were “worshipping” at the chapel also say they’re especially hopeful the “revival” will create (progressive) change at the school.
and done with ….
Oscar Valdez Why are some Pentecostals and non-Pentecostals thinking as if the revival at Asbury was or should be a Pentecostal or charismatic revival?
well NOW it shouldnt be a gay revival Larry Dale Steele
thatS for sure right there
Troy Day the very fact that there’s been hundreds of college kids worshiping God and Praying is pretty awesome to me ..
Larry Dale Steele TRUE sad administration is shutting it down so quick
Troy Day yes it is
Peter Vandever DUTCH said it over 3 weeks ago before it evet started
The people who are criticizing the Asbury Revival probably haven’t had a real move of God in twenty years and don’t remember what a real move of God is! Larry Dale Steele BUT we are against gay ppl leading it of course
We need to be careful right now about our discussion. Reason: Millions of souls hang in the balance of what “OBVIOUSLY” Jesus Messiah is doing (invisibly) in the hearts of the young and the old. This is serious Kingdom Work being done by the King of the Universe and the Owner of Planet Earth. Please, hold your thoughts in your head. A fool speaks all of this thoughts, but a wise man can keep a secret.
and there it is Brett Dobbs
Troy Day I saw
Brett Dobbs bad news or good news?
Troy Day I don’t know yet.
History lessen for my “Pentecostal” friends. Henry Clay Morrison became President of Asbury University in 1910. He had long been the editor of the PENTECOSTAL HERALD. He was a serious holiness preacher who expected that there was more for the believer than repentance and baptism. He wrote a book titles “Pentecost” in 1900. His influence on other Methodists (most notably Charles Fox Parham and Parham’s pastor Werner Renick Davis) is undeniable. From this would come Parham’s Apostolic Faith Movement and the subsequent Pentecostal Movement. There is no doubt he would be pleased with the developments at Asbury of the last few weeks.
sure it does – maybe a few will get some publicity, but I have not heard much talk or seen very little changes in the communities let alone the churches. The sterile organized church world is desperate for any sense of life and power from God, they latch on to anything. have read about revivals and I lived through the Jesus people one. This wasn’t quite as large, and it dwindled down to a lot of music. My sincere desire is for us to be a part of a revival that changes the world or at least many communities.
No evidence of a true biblical revival. It’s emotionalism, a common feature of Asbury which is known for numerous theological aberrations.
Duane L Burgess ppl were getting saved there was as sign of…. ?
Troy Day I thank God for those saved there, but like at Billy Graham’s services the pump was already primed. That is what I see missing after the event at Asbury, few are going out under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and priming lost strangers pumps with the good news of the gospel. It is just more church services as few seem to have the power to go to the ends of the earth let alone their hometowns (Acts 1:8).
John Mushenhouse well Graham was 32-33 degree mason too
Troy Day Yes he was. I never thought too highly of his work, but that was not a popular opinion. The thing is when a person came to his meetings, they had been thinking , preached too etc. It was just like at AU too few came from nearby that were not already under conviction. Sure you heard of those traveling miles, but those were usually Christians wanting to be in the event. To me, a true revival will have lasting effects in the community and with more souls won. I just don’t see that fruit from Asbury. Sure Keener brags on it, but consider where he is at. These teachers want so much to happen to recognize their efforts, that they go after anything. People want so much to think that God is still active in the world that they seek such events. Just like the catholics and the apparitions of Mary. When you lose the nearness of the presence of God in your life you go seeking events, physical relics etc. to make you feel comfortable in your lost of God’s presence. He is right there and just a prayer, bible study or talk away as He lives in the believer. The church is desperate for a move of God as they have traded the presence of God for Sunday attendance, rituals, organizations, buildings, works, education etc. This same condition was in the early days of the Pentecostal revival and people found God and His power in their lives instead of going to a service. They became a service for the gospel. Sadly it soon was stuffed out and became routine as we see today and for the past many decades.
John Mushenhouse THIS IS Goodwin E Robert
Troy Day I see but Keener also writes on it. In sports there is a cliche “What have you done lately”.
John Mushenhouse Keener does NOT write on the gay presence issue
Troy Day I just saw Asbury revival – I don’t read anything about it any more and with good reason.