Peter Christian Bro. Timothy knows I am not too photogenic for radio and I doubt Ricky Grimsley and Tony Conger are dying to listen to me either but you can definitely invite Charles Page from the live @ 5 radio broadcast
Walter Polasik Ricky Grimsley This is the video (or one of many of that debate they did several times) where they talked for hours and could not get ahead of each other. Neil Konitshek Are you referring to Brownsville and the Emma angel flying around or something else related to that?
Emma and the false angel was not Michael Brown. It was Todd Bentley. Michael Brown was a big part of the Brownsville false arrival in Pensacola Florida. He refuses to repent of his involvement.
Yes vessels of wrath prepared beforehand…we are all in vessels of wrath…prepared beforehand for destruction….For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God…but it says in 1 Corinthians 15: 51-56 Because I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, my vessel of wrath will be done away with and I will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, my body of death will be changed for a body of immortality…
When the perishable has been clothed with imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: Death has been swallow ed up in victory.
I’m teachable. Jesus said the gospel is like a man that finds a treasure in a field. When he finds it he sell everything for it. I pray God give us field. But it’s never that easy. It’s about having your family at your side when you pass from this life to the next. And leaving them with the wonder of it all. How God calls and uses a man is his business
Troy Day: James White will throw more theological lingo at you than a pancake has batter! (“Pelagian”) The some of those Reformed guys talk, you need a doctorate just to UNDERSTAND them! If you really want to get into the Calvinism/Arminian debate (I HAVE) you can go to various FB pages that focus on exclusively that. To be specific, I would characterize myself more as “semi-pelagian” in that I don’t discount the Bible’s teaching of predestination but I also hold to free will as God-given and Bible taught. I really don’t know why Michael Brown had such a tough time with James White. I certainly wouldn’t. Calvinism doesn’t believe in man’s free will, and what it means by predestination is quite simply a fatalistic, pre-scripted reality where every human action has already been fore-ordained by God to the point where God is literally responsible for every rape and every murder ever committed by any person. Now, that may seem like a tall stretch of theology but really, it’s not. When you come right down to it, Calvinists like James White will admit that’s what Calvinism is. I’ve heard Calvinists say that in heaven we’ll be glorifying God for all of the people burning in hell for all eternity. And what am I saying? I’m saying that these people have the cajones to delve into things they have absolutely no idea about, much like the Jehovah’s Witnesses when they begin to rank the godhead (“The Father is supreme, the Son is a lesser god and the Holy Spirit is merely the force Jehovah uses”). Absolutely mind-boggling that anyone would dare to do that. And Calvinism uses Scripture just as one-sidedly as the cults do! It avoids all of the passages that not only question a Calvinist perspective or give it pause but Scripture which outright denies it (like the Calvinist position of OSAS which Scripture CLEARLY denies).
Walter Polasik in theology less words is more theology Any one can blah blah for hours Very few can mace sound theological sense I have to agree with Michael Hazlewood on this one. To me the whole debate was a wrigged
Tulsa is a city with a rich history of Oneness Pentecostalism. Following the split between Trinitarian and Oneness believers in the Assemblies of God in 1916, it is unclear if any Oneness congregations were maintained from the number of early Pentecost…
Varnel Watson
Peter Christian Timothy Carter It has been done before. What do you have to add to their 4 full hours of arguments?
Ricky Grimsley
I think the best quote of the debate is by james white. “The only consistent Arminian is an open-theist”. It 100% true IMO
Peter Christian
Unless ye are born again ye will not see the kingdom of God
Charles Page
Neither enter also
Charles Page
You have to be born again to see and enter into the sanctified life
Timothy Carter
I don’t have 4 hours to give to this issue, right now.
Varnel Watson
Peter Christian Bro. Timothy knows I am not too photogenic for radio and I doubt Ricky Grimsley and Tony Conger are dying to listen to me either but you can definitely invite Charles Page from the live @ 5 radio broadcast
Varnel Watson
Walter Polasik Ricky Grimsley This is the video (or one of many of that debate they did several times) where they talked for hours and could not get ahead of each other. Neil Konitshek Are you referring to Brownsville and the Emma angel flying around or something else related to that?
Neil Konitshek
Emma and the false angel was not Michael Brown. It was Todd Bentley. Michael Brown was a big part of the Brownsville false arrival in Pensacola Florida. He refuses to repent of his involvement.
Varnel Watson
false arrival ? Give us a source to learn more
Neil Konitshek
Troy Day sorry, false REVIVAL
Varnel Watson
oh ok – did you read my question about the tapes?
Neil Konitshek
Troy Day no I don’t see it
Friar Rodney Burnap
Yes vessels of wrath prepared beforehand…we are all in vessels of wrath…prepared beforehand for destruction….For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God…but it says in 1 Corinthians 15: 51-56 Because I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, my vessel of wrath will be done away with and I will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, my body of death will be changed for a body of immortality…
When the perishable has been clothed with imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: Death has been swallow ed up in victory.
Friar Rodney Burnap
Don’t you think instead of debating they should have in the market place sharing there faith with the unsaved?
Varnel Watson
Friar Do you believe in free will?
Friar Rodney Burnap
Whosoever Luke 14:33 KJV
Varnel Watson
Are pelegian like Walter Polasik too?
Friar Rodney Burnap
No I am a believer in the Way of Christ…Hodos!
Varnel Watson
Faith alone? Or faith + works
Friar Rodney Burnap
I am not a Moral Government Theology person…I am a original sin kind of person…
Varnel Watson
How is then original sin dealt with in your theology ?
Friar Rodney Burnap
I am saved by faith not of works…but to do good works …James 2:14-26
Varnel Watson
good man with a good position Street Preacherz
Street Preacherz
I’m teachable. Jesus said the gospel is like a man that finds a treasure in a field. When he finds it he sell everything for it. I pray God give us field. But it’s never that easy. It’s about having your family at your side when you pass from this life to the next. And leaving them with the wonder of it all. How God calls and uses a man is his business
Walter Polasik
Troy Day: James White will throw more theological lingo at you than a pancake has batter! (“Pelagian”) The some of those Reformed guys talk, you need a doctorate just to UNDERSTAND them! If you really want to get into the Calvinism/Arminian debate (I HAVE) you can go to various FB pages that focus on exclusively that. To be specific, I would characterize myself more as “semi-pelagian” in that I don’t discount the Bible’s teaching of predestination but I also hold to free will as God-given and Bible taught. I really don’t know why Michael Brown had such a tough time with James White. I certainly wouldn’t. Calvinism doesn’t believe in man’s free will, and what it means by predestination is quite simply a fatalistic, pre-scripted reality where every human action has already been fore-ordained by God to the point where God is literally responsible for every rape and every murder ever committed by any person. Now, that may seem like a tall stretch of theology but really, it’s not. When you come right down to it, Calvinists like James White will admit that’s what Calvinism is. I’ve heard Calvinists say that in heaven we’ll be glorifying God for all of the people burning in hell for all eternity. And what am I saying? I’m saying that these people have the cajones to delve into things they have absolutely no idea about, much like the Jehovah’s Witnesses when they begin to rank the godhead (“The Father is supreme, the Son is a lesser god and the Holy Spirit is merely the force Jehovah uses”). Absolutely mind-boggling that anyone would dare to do that. And Calvinism uses Scripture just as one-sidedly as the cults do! It avoids all of the passages that not only question a Calvinist perspective or give it pause but Scripture which outright denies it (like the Calvinist position of OSAS which Scripture CLEARLY denies).
Michael Hazlewood
They are both wrong Romans 3:4 KJB
Varnel Watson
Walter Polasik in theology less words is more theology Any one can blah blah for hours Very few can mace sound theological sense I have to agree with Michael Hazlewood on this one. To me the whole debate was a wrigged
Walter Polasik
Troy Day: I have yet to listen to it but will.
Varnel Watson
Walter Polasik good time to listen to it then