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Are some Pentecostals Creedal?
I refer to the historic creeds. Reading a bit about COG heritage, a church that denomination grew out of did not adhere to creeds. But, several years ago, I read the books required for International Pentecostal Holiness Church ordination, and one of them stated the denomination’s belief in certain creeds and church councils.
I recall Chalcedon as being among the councils the denomination affirmed. I know it used to be The Methodist Church of North Carolina, so affirming some church councils made sense. But I also wondered if there had been a recent renewal of interest in church history.
(I suspect the IPHC cares little about excommunicating monks or nuns who remarry and some of the other details of Chalcedon.)
Are there any traditional Pentecostal denominations that specifically affirm traditional church councils and creeds? Are there any that have traditionally recited creeds in church? I haven’t seen it unless one of maybe a CCM style redition of the apostle’s creed were used in church.
I am part of the iphc and some of the Creeds are part of our beliefs and manual but not recited in our services.
You know of some of the Pentecostal creeds? I am in favor of drilling it into the new converts heads and hearts so when confronted by false doctrines they will know the truth from balooney!
The Church of God Cleveland TN accepts both the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed, therefore we qualify as an “Orthodox” Christian church.
If the IPHC accepts Chalcedon does that mean it thinks Lutger should have been excommunicated for marrying as a monk? N
CHURCH OF GOD CLEVELAND TENNESSEE began as a Non Credal Church and infact I received an early STATEMENT of their Beliefs with the Statement: THIS IS NOT IN ANY WAY TO BE A CREED OR DECLERATION, or words to that affect!
There great records of the beginnings of the Church Of God. It’s beginnings. The best that I have read is Like an Mighty Army , Moves The Church Of God. I had to read that and another book or two to get my license in the Church Of God. Like a Mighty Army , I guess is the best book I have ever read. But I have read some great books. Not especially about our Church. But great books.
Varnel Watson
not at all ? Charles Page
Charles Page
Varnel Watson
creedel may be creeters – not at all