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We now know that smartphones, iPads, and Xboxes are a form of digital drug. Recent brain imaging research is showing that they affect the brain’s frontal cortex – which controls executive functioning, including impulse control – in exactly the same way that cocaine does. Technology is so hyper-arousing that it raises dopamine levels — the feel-good neurotransmitter most involved in the addiction dynamic – as much as sex.
Excessive internet video game play (EIGP) has emerged as a leading cause of behavioral and developmental problems in adolescents. Recent research has implicated the role of striatal dopaminergic system in the behavioral maladaptations associated with EIGP. This study investigates the reward-dependence characteristics in EIGP adolescents as it potentially relates to genetic polymorphisms of the dopaminergic system and temperament. Seventy-nine male EIGP adolescents and 75 age- and gender-matched healthy comparison adolescents were recruited. Associations were tested with respect to the reward-dependence (RD) scale in Cloninger’s Temperament and Character Inventory and the frequencies of 3 dopamine polymorphisms: Taq1A1 allele of the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2 Taq1A1) and Val158Met in the Catecholamine-O-Methyltransferase(COMT) genes. The Taq1A1 and low activity (COMTL) alleles were significantly more prevalent in the EIGP group relative to the comparison group. The present EIGP group had significantly higher RD scores than controls. Within the EIGP group, the presence of the Taq1A1 allele correlated with higher RD scores. Our findings suggest that EIGP subjects have higher reward dependency and an increased prevalence of the DRD2 Taq1A1 and COMTL alleles. In particular, the DRD2 Taq1A1 allele seems to be associated with reward dependence in EIGP adolescents.
Varnel Watson
TTM Joseph D. Absher
Joseph D. Absher
A time and a season for everything. The last couple of years have been helpful.
Varnel Watson
Lyndsey Dunn
Wheels are also an addictive technology. So many people rely on wheels these days. Is that even biblical? Did Jesus even ride a car? Humans now have weaker legs and don’t know how to enjoy long journeys on foot.
Varnel Watson
so your point on apps being? Lyndsey Dunn
Lyndsey Dunn
If Jesus apps belonged to the same category as all referenced addictive behaviors in this article then just as many teens would be addicted to their bible apps. They’re not! These same arguments were made for TV in early years. Tech is not bad in and of itself but in the way it is utilized. Millions of people are learning, socializing, teaching, preaching, forming communities, and arguing Theology on screens in larger numbers than ever in history. Once no one believed PCs would be prevalent in homes. Then Handheld planners, blackberry’s and email. No one new the revolution of the smart phone. With 5g, blockchain and more tech development this will be the new norm. So get used to screen time. Don’t be naive about everyone throwing their devices away and picking up hard back encyclopedias and books. The digital nation is the new mission field. Cd’s are dying DVD’s, bookstores, newspapers. The number one desired job for GenZ is to be a YouTuber. Here is a better theological question to ponder, will there be technology in heaven or in the new earth?
Jevan Little
Varnel Watson
Joe Absher Ray E Horton a spark on the SPIRIT of EVANGELIST – a pastor will stay home take care of sheep over he internet and still draw a salary until funds end OK Yall pray for your evangelist and missionary because they TOO have children families and bills This COVID-19 has crippled the Biblical 5-fold ministry if you come to think abut it
Ray E Horton
Troy Day God’s work and His called-out ministers are never crippled. They trust God, their needs are met, and they go forward, doing what they are called to do, even if in different ways.
Joe Absher
Psalm 18:25 KJV — With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;
I’m sure you are familiar with the old adage “money is funny” and never more true than in ministry . A homeless woman put money in my shirt pocket yesterday . I didn’t want it . I refused . but she reached over and put in my pocket . how could I accept it? I couldn’t . this poor woman needs it . she’s clean and sober a month . God is his mercy has met my needs . sure I could use 10 bucks . but being a man I just couldn’t . being a preacher I refuse as people think they can buy the preacher . here’s the hard part accepting money is a kind of death . it kills the pride and independence . which maybe is what our Lord is teaching me .
ministers relationship with money is being tried in this . there will be some quit if the money isn’t there . others will grow in faith be content and satisfied to serve in any capacity as the Lord sees fit . the season will redefine ministry for many. these are days of gut check and motives of the heart. And I pray days of faith and clarity and purpose and courage . the good hand of God and providence
Joe Absher
Sir Isaac Newton is considered the father of modern day physics . he was asked how did you do it? He said he was standing on the shoulders of giants.” Meaning he built on the hard work and knowledge and understanding of the great mathematicians before him .
In my mind this generation ought to be the best educated in biblical knowledge and most thoroughly tuned in to that heavenly choir . the amount of good theology and good worship and good preaching available on my phone is astounding . of course data is like money it can be ill used and perverted or used for God’s people and his work . that’s my best answer . and use the apps with discretion and temperance . unless It’s PT of course . where we learn to be nice and play fair ?
aaaand here we go again Michael Chauncey Brett Dobbs
Troy Day I like using a hard copy. But I don’t take a hard copy with me to my job. I use Youversion sometimes to listen. And I use BLB app a lot.
Brett Dobbs a hard copy JESUS app?
Troy Day ignore that last comment. Haha. I should of read the article before I posted. Haha. I thought it was an article about using Bible apps compared to the real Bible lol
Brett Dobbs The comment Brett Dobbs is replying to has been deleted?
Yes, the virtual world gets some people addicted to surges in their own dopamine.
It effects some more than others. This is a commonality in video games, virtual reality, pornography, etc.
definitely effects certain individuals more than others in terms of addictive behaviors.
Len Sterling Philip Williams
Troy Day not surprised considering the source. The RCC definitely seems to place a worldly global perspective on issues… definitely not super evangelical or Christ centered.