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Repent of your wickedness, all nations of this modern world; the 21st century has swung its doors wide open.
All of you who despise God’s chosen, dress yourselves in sackcloth and pour ashes on your heads and beg forgiveness from the Holy One of Israel…
You who shed the blood of the innocent in Jerusalem…
You who back those who oppress, and you who lay false claim to the Holy City…
You who fight against the All-Mighty Creator of Life and oppose Him at every step…
And you who sympathize with the wicked and defile everything you touch.
All of you blasphemers in high and low places, repent for your very souls;
Your thoughts are futile, and your efforts will amount to nothing.
Your battle against the Most High is destined to complete failure and utter humiliation…
For the Holy One of Zion is all-powerful, and none can stand against Him.
You who provoke His wrath, beware, for you are ordering your own destruction;
Your destiny will be like those that went before you and fought against All-Mighty God the Creator only to fail…
Betrayed by their own wickedness and brought low by their own madness.
Read the books of actual history or repeat it, all you arrogant and proud of heart…
All you worshipers of idols and self-proclaimed gods…
All you who practice godlessness and all of its abominations.
Read your history, modern-day sodomites, and all you child-sacrificing 21st-century spawns of Molech and Baal…
Learn from history or repeat it, for the great and dreadful “Day of the Lord” is close;
A time of reckoning approaches for the Holy God of Israel.
Eternal God who does not change…
His silence will not endure.
The heavens will open up;
He will come against you who practice evil on the day you least expect it.
Every godless tyrant and mocker of mercy will crumble with fear at His might and be struck blind by His Glory.
Repent of your wickedness while there is still a little time, you kindred spirits of Adolph Hitler, Chairman Mao, and Joseph Stalin;
The Lord is God, and nothing can defeat Him.
He is the great “I Am” who declares the end from the beginning…
He wields the mighty two-edged sword of truth…
He is the Holy One of Israel…
He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah…
He is Yahweh, and He reigns forever.
author anonymous
The post All You Nations: Author Anonymous :: Shared By Rick Segoine appeared first on Rapture Ready.
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