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Can anybody offer suggestions about what to look for, where to buy, price ranges and anything else about electronic church signs? I did a Google search as a start and received a lot of information. It helps to get advice from people who either have the knowledge or already bought one without leaning so much on the businesses selling them. I would advise you approach a local sign company because you will need service as the years progress. National companies are a bit less expensive, but you’ll pay in the long term. There will be ordinances in your community as to what is allowed. Some residential areas only allow amber colored displays; commercial areas will allow full color. We made the mistake of getting a sign that has limited program-ability. Get a sign that can be updated as new software becomes available. We also have a thermometer connected to our sign so we display the temp. Everybody loves that!
Varnel Watson
#bump Anyone?
Michael Ellis Carter Jr.
Troy Day I probably would have put the actual word and caused a backsliding fit ?
RichardAnna Boyce
Pentecostals CASH not ASH.
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce Michael Ellis Carter Jr. my question was concerning price and sizes in reference to church security Ppl dont realize the cyber security risk this signs may pose
Michael Ellis Carter Jr.
Troy Day yeah I was just being ? silly
Joe Absher
Abundance of the heart the mouth speaks…
Varnel Watson
does it write too?
Joe Absher
…and sings of the glory of Christ and his mighty power to save
Varnel Watson
well I was serious about electronic signs NOONE using them here?