Is your church celebrating ADVENT?

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ADVENT: Is your church celebrating?

Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. The term is an anglicized version of the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming”. Advent is Western Christian practice. For Eastern Christian practice, see Nativity Fast.

Jon Kissinger [11/29/2015 7:45 PM]

Nick Schultz [11/30/2015 1:02 AM]
Among Pentecostals, is advent commonly observed? When it is, is the focus primarily on the incarnation or on the 2nd coming?

John Kissinger
[11/30/2015 5:03 AM]
Probably NOT, but given many/most non-Pentecostals write here – still anyone?


  • Reply November 27, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Daniel J Hesse was it your church celebrating it?

  • Reply November 27, 2018

    Daniel J Hesse

    Home Church in NJ and several of our AG Pastors who come from high church faith traditions. Last week, I served a friend’s church where they light the candle on a 5 candle stand.

  • Reply November 30, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Link Hudson this little pretty topic just killed your paurosie pseudo theory 🙂 Advent before the Rapture – who would have known 🙂

  • Reply November 30, 2018

    Link Hudson

    I knew it wasn’t going to kill the Bible teaching on the rapture. I went there, and sure enough, it did not. Is a 404 error is all you got?

    You never did actually give your own answer for why if the rapture occurs at the parousia as the scripture clearly teaches (I Thes. 4:15), that the man of sin is going to be destroyed at the brightness of the parousia (II Thes. 2:8.) You linked a rather lengthy discussion of this problem for pre-trib without saying which view you agreed with. I’d like to see which view you agreed with typed up in a Facebook cornbox (as opposed to a link to specious or even outright ridiculous arguments from Dake or long discussions which include other people’s opinions.)

    • Reply December 1, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      actually I did Would you like the Link where I did it since it has been couple of weeks and you’ve forgotten again?

    • Reply December 1, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day no.. I want your own post.

    • Reply December 1, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      I have several thousand posts Would you like a Link to any particular one? How else would you find it?

  • Reply December 2, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Link Hudson guess you never went pass the thumb? 3,000+ people have opened the post and none got 404 but you. Time for new computer maybe?

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