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MAT 24:15-28
This is local and in their own generation time. A similar thing happened 200 years before with a Greek king Antiochus Epiphanies, but the Maccabees fought and restored the temple and land. Jesus says that this current. happening in their own generation is the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy of the Abomination of Desolation. This is not sometime in the future at the end of the world. Vs 34 in the midst of all these signs, says, “ This generation will by no means pass away till ALL these things take place.”
2 Thes 2:3-4 says these things must happen before any resurrection or second coming of Christ to earth will happen. This happened in their own generation in 70 AD by the Roman general Titus, with the complete destruction of the nation of Israel,the temple, the land, the priesthood, and all the pedigrees of the Jewish people. The Rimans intentionally intermarried the Jews with all the races of Gentile peoples, so that they never were to become a pure people race again.
No, Jew was allowed to live in Jerusalem for 100 years. No mixed breed Jewish person today can trace their Pedegree . They were deliberately intermingled with all races. In Vs 38 when Jesus wept over Jerusalem, he said,”Your house is left to you desolate.”This is the Abomination of Desolation of Daniels, prophecy, not at the end of the world.
Vs 21 says, “There will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, nor ever shall be.” Read the Jewish historian Josephus to learn about the extent of this desolation. The Romans cut off their food and water supply. A closed door meant, hoarded food to be stolen. The Jews swallowed their valuables of jewels and money. The Romans ripped open their stomachs to recover it all. The ones who couldn’t be remarried to Gentiles, were sent to work in the Roman mines and quarries. Never before and never again had a nation been so completely wiped out and destroyed with entire desolation forever, not leaving a trace of the Israel before this. Modern Jews are a people group, but not the original nation. This is why Jesus said that he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Until this happened, the earliest Christians were charged to take the gospel to”The Jews first”
This may change your entire view of prophecy of the end times and the jewish people today. This has helped me much in my understanding of eschatology about the 2nd coming of Jesus and the end of the world.
I hope it will help you too. This is what biblical scholars in history believed, until the past 100 years with Darby and the Schofield Bible notes. I find this view consistent with all scripture and believers in the past, but remember that prophecy is supposed to edify believers, not to divide us. it is not an essential doctrine that we unify around. Choose the best understanding for yourself, and be fully persuaded in your own mind.- Rom 14:5. I don’t understand all mysteries and all knowledge 1Cor 13:2
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