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A serious rebuke to #Evangelicals supporting #TRUMP
Large numbers of self-identified evangelicals continue to vote for Trump. This is baffling for any number of reasons, the most damning of which is Trump’s admission that he never seeks God’s forgiveness. Recent data from the Wall Street Journal provides a helpful clue to this mystery: only 38 percent of Trump supporters attend church or another place of worship weekly…
Phil Hoover [03/08/2016 8:11 AM]
And my bet would be MANY of them have never read Romans 1:30-32.
Troy Day [03/08/2016 8:11 AM]
Enter the #NONES
Stan Wayne [03/08/2016 8:11 AM]
I attend church every time the doors are open. I support Trump.
Troy Day [03/08/2016 8:12 AM]
Stan Wayne You are from Australia, right?
Stan Wayne [03/08/2016 8:13 AM]
Born there yes Been US citizen since 1974
Troy Day [03/08/2016 8:16 AM]
Stan Wayne Did you know Trump and his sister were ‘radical pro-abortion extremists’?
Stan Wayne [03/08/2016 8:26 AM]
You guys don’t seem to be on top of the changes in the guy – he has become increasingly conservative for the past 10 years as he has aged – he is not a born again Christian but is very pro American and pro Christian in a Presbyterian or cultural sense
Troy Day [03/08/2016 8:26 AM]
Here’s what Trump teaches:
Stan Wayne [03/08/2016 8:31 AM]
The guy has put up millions of his own money and risked his business goodwill and will have to put everything into a blind trust simply because he is disgusted with what Obama and Bush have screwed up
Troy Day [03/08/2016 8:43 AM]
Stan Wayne [03/08/2016 8:53 AM]
All this is irrelevant to the present matters
Troy Day [03/08/2016 9:10 AM]
Stan Wayne [03/08/2016 9:36 AM]
Funny that evangelicals would be on the same side as huff post, Bloomberg etc
Jan Dixon Sykes [03/08/2016 9:53 AM]
Well, apparently 38% of Trump supporters are NOT lukewarm. I am sick of the shallow hit job Christians are doing on Trump. He has a terrific 11-year marriage, in which he has been loyal the whole time. He is a real estate developer, where none of his buildings are shoddy. He is not some Bernie Madoff. He provides a good product and people buy it. ………… He does not have “strip clubs.” One resort in Atlantic City, AFTER he gave up control and most of his shares, put in a gentlemen’s bar. Since then he now has NO shares in the resort. Oh, yeah, that one is the Taj Mahal, where he supposedly went “bankrupt” and stiffed everyone. Funny, it’s still open. Please educate yourself people on the difference between a Chapter 13, where people are paid, and a chapter 7, where people are stiffed.
Phil Hoover [03/08/2016 9:55 AM]
He is a fraud.
Jan Dixon Sykes [03/08/2016 10:07 AM]
Oh really–a fraud. You mean like Jim Bakker who sold more time shares than there was time? Trump does not sell hotel rooms he does not have, condos he does not have, golf tee times he does not have. He does not come in to an area and build half a complex and leave it an eyesore like frauds do. He took the broken skating rink in Central Park in NYC after NYC had spent 6 years and 13 million. Trump spent 3 million in 6 months and made it work. It still works. …….. Or do you mean fraud like Jimmy Swaggart who cried and begged for forgiveness–and then went right back to the red light district? I’d rather have a man simply change, which is what real repentance is.
Troy Day [03/08/2016 10:10 AM]
My main question here is why are the #NONES people who turn away from church voting Trump and does this mean that AMERICA is TURNING AWAY FROM CHRISTIANITY?
Jan Dixon Sykes [03/08/2016 10:52 AM]
So Trump must be a none because the nones are voting for him? I thought 38% of his voters were devout Christians. Trump even donated to Cruz. Maybe that means he is exactly like Cruz, too.
Troy Day [03/08/2016 10:54 AM]
You are quite right Jan! When it comes to Christian, conservative, politically correct, politically qualified, reasonable, not-offensive, not-forgiving, not-forgiven and not-a-crook Trump is NONE of the above. Here’s why
Stan Wayne [03/08/2016 10:55 AM]
I feel sorry that so many Christians are looking at another 8 miserable years of whining.
Troy Day [03/08/2016 11:10 AM]
Donald Trump sprinkles his stump speeches with profanity. He used to support abortion, and says he’s never sought forgiveness from God for his sins. He memorably referred to communion, the Christian sacrament commemorating Jesus’ last supper, as drinking “the little wine” and eating “the little cracker.” The thrice-married mogul calls the Bible his favorite book, but when pressed he couldn’t name his best-loved verse. He says he likes the Old and New Testaments about the same. This is not the profile of an especially devout man, let alone a presidential candidate cut out to court Christian conservatives.
Troy Day [03/08/2016 5:43 PM]
Cap Cana was just a small fraction. #TRUMP brags about his businesses skills, but have knowingly filed bankruptcy at least 4 times:
1991 – Trump Taj Mahal – $3 billion debt/loss
1992 – Trump Castle Associates – several million $$$ in loss
2004 – Trump Hotel & Casino Resorts – another $500 mil. loss
2009 – Trump Entertainment Resorts – $53.1 million bond loss
The two Atlantic City casinos that still had the Trump name filed for bankruptcy yet again in 2014. At the time Trump made sure people knew he was no longer running the company, and sued to have his name removed. Is this how the man is planning to run the country?
Stan Wayne [03/08/2016 6:11 PM]
This is stupid – nothing tried nothing gained Lincoln Grant Col Sanders the guy in the Big Short failed and they picked themselves up and did it again
Phil Hoover [03/08/2016 6:17 PM]
Some things we don’t have to try…to know they are evil, immoral, debauchery, and sinful. God’s Word is our standard, compass, and ultimate authority…not Humpty Trumpty’s massive broken promises, foul-mouthed insults, and disregard for public decency. People who are listening to the Holy Spirit–and not just their own prejudices–will know the difference.
Jami Greenville [03/10/2016 9:06 AM]
Jami Greenville [03/10/2016 1:07 PM]
Jami Greenville liked this on Facebook.
Cecil Carpenter
We are not voting for a Pastor ,we are voting for a Commander and Cheif !
Louise Cummings
What kind of commander and chief are you voting for? I’m not talking him down. This is an election I have been very concerned about. I am serious in wanting to know. I have no idea.
Carl Murphy
The article is dated March 8th when the nomination was still up for grabs. So they going to rebuke you for not voting for Hillary? This is why preachers and religious leaders should engage in politics as individuals and not from the religious office. It’s really none of their business and I doubt seriously they have any word from God on the subject.
Louise Cummings
You need to pray and get your own word from God. I listen to what people say and discuss. That gives us insight we may or may not know. But when it comes to a decision. I like asking God about the direction to take. David in the Bible got in trouble for asking men instead of God. But he was quick to repent and God had mercy on him. I always want God to be the one who leaded me. I’m not trusting man. I am trusting God.
Link Hudson
One Baptist preacher in Texas was telling people not to vote for a Mormon when the primaries were going on in the last presidental election. He sure changed his tune when it came down to Romney versus Obama.
Louise Cummings
Peter Ciple
So who will you vote for? Is there any good? Who will fulfill bible prophecy?
I just pray a conservative wins and not a anti christian liberal amen and praise the Lord of Host Jesus Christ Amen
Please people vote for trump their are only two options the Jezebel witch Hillary Clinton or Trump make your choice all you Ahab’s and remember no one is perfect except Jesus who is God if it was my choice God would be still leading by Fire at night and by Cloud by day but that is not so because we asked to be Lead by a Person and God granted that to us so please vote for TRUMP he is not perfect but neither are You thank you for reading this and God Bless You
Varnel Watson
Nathan Glenn
Really sick of these self righteous do gooders criticizing people who voted the issues & their conscious and selected the most conservative candidate possible. Trump was the right choice & the only choice for people who care anything about our country.
Varnel Watson
Pretty certain Lance Wallnau agrees with your stand
Dan Irving
As the days become darker, I am sure those who stand against the currents of their culture and the spirit of this world for the sake of the testimony of Jesus Christ will bear the most destestible monikers the world can apply, such as: “self righteous do gooders.”
Varnel Watson
hey Dan Irving were you able to review the rapture references ?
Dan Irving
I’ve been away, but I’ll look at those this evening.
Dan Irving
Troy – I watched the Chris White video on the Pre-Wrath Rapture. I found it one of the best technical teachings on the subject of the Lord’s Coming I have heard. I think we all can all agree those in Christ are to be preserved /removed from this principle of Wrath.
Nathan Glenn
“the spirit of the world” as you call it, I’m sure would side on the side you voted: Partial birth abortion, homosexual marriage, transgender bathrooms. With the choices available, how could any true believer vote for anyone but Trump? He is very flawed but the issues are clear.
Varnel Watson
Truth of the matter is (as long discussed with Jon Sellers here) evangelical Christians were once again way too slow to participate in the elections. They had a good number of conservative choices which simply ignored until realized it’s too late and must vote Trump or else. And for this a price shall be paid very very soon BTW what you listed Nathan Glenn (abortion, homosexual, transgender) is exactly what Trump supported not so long ago when he flipped and he probably still does with 3 broken marriages and dishonest way of doing business. But we shall very soon all see…
Nathan Glenn
Cruz, Huckaby, Santorium, & Carson are all much better men but how much change would they really bring?They would toe the party line and would be hamstrung by donors & special interest. Nice guys finish last is not a Christian principle but it is a very real reality in Washington. Maybe when Washington is cleaned out we can get nice, humble, saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled preachers to fill every position but for now we need a smart,shrewd, hard ball business executive that will bust heads & clean house. This needs to be done in both corrupt parties. Sorry, but Ben Carson could never do it. I would never vote him to be my pastor but he is just what we need to clean out Washington. We can agree to disagree but giving good people guilt trips for voting issues & their conscience is not exactly Christ like.
Dan Irving
Nathan, There is a dimension to this I invite you to consider, if you’re willing to spend about an hour.
Alan N Carla Smith
The last 3 weeks of campaign, Trump talked issues & policy, while HRC, BC & BHO spouted anti-Trump rhetoric which led to protests today!
Alan N Carla Smith
What do you think of PresElect’s nomination of Jeff Sessions as AttGen?
“Jeff Sessions has an opportunity to restore the integrity of a department that has deservedly fallen into disrepute, and a foundational American idea: that no one is above the law. With due diligence, he might succeed in leading a Justice Department that actually dispenses a bit of justice.”
Alan N Carla Smith
for me it wasn’t about Trump vs Clinton.
It was more DNC platform vs GOP platform.
Enough said…if you read it, that is.
Peter Christian
Trump believes in Jesus
Varnel Watson
So did Hitler.
Peter Christian
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Isn’t that your theology?
Varnel Watson
No, not really Peter Christian I believe people are offered salvation at their own free will and could fall off from God’s irresistible grace. Trump says he’s Presbyterian i.e. chosen frozen pre-elect and no free will. Hitler might have been Lutheran at one time, also without free own free will demanded that all his works are pre-oradined by God and all his war crimes pre-determined as he felt to be elected as the sword of Gods judgment. These two examples are as far from God’s loving grace for salvation of the sinner as much as heaven from hell… Actually, they are exactly that far from each other!
Peter Christian
so you are saying that not all who calls on the name Jesus will be saved?
Varnel Watson
Matthew 24:13 says “the one who stands firm to the end will be saved”
Ricky Grimsley
Do you really believe that matthew 24:13 is talking about salvation from sin? Isnt that a little far into Daniel’s 70th week for a “pre-tribber”??
Varnel Watson
What other salvation would Jesus be talking about here? – national, political, economical, ethnic? Seems that it all applies to the topic at hand BTW Wisconsin is the first state to start presidential election recount
Varnel Watson
The election was decided, in effect, by slightly more than 100,000 people in three Midwestern states. Mr Trump won Wisconsin with a margin of 0.8% (or 22,000 votes), Michigan with a margin of 0.2% (11,000 votes) and Pennsylvania with 71,000 votes, a margin of 1.2%. But these margins are bigger than any overturned before in a recount.
Dan Irving
What does it mean to “Call upon the name of the Lord?”
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
oh this liberal media
David Lewayne Porter How long before the white working class realizes Trump was just scamming them?
David Lewayne Porter
I don’t like the fact that he interviewed Renee Elmers for a position on his staff after NC showed our distrust of her by voting her out of office.
Nathan Ridgeway
I rebuke you for rebuking me!
David Lewayne Porter
That is the way ministry within the church goes today.
Ricky Grimsley
Then i would laugh at you.
Street Preacherz
So honoring the president of the United States is unpentecostal?
Varnel Watson
So Pentecost has to be national / nationalistic based ? #Hello ! When a cannibal says he loves you it means something different.
Street Preacherz
I have renounced all things as Christ demands. I am content with his care for me. But I do share some blame for the for the condition of this nation. For that I’m sorry.
Varnel Watson
Roger David #RESPECT Street Preacherz
Street Preacherz
I don’t think I ever had no respect before. It is enough to know Christ. Oh yeah I went to court with a young brother today after we prayed awhile he’s was crying and asking God to forgive him and heal his young family. I think he said thanks but it was a mute point when Jesus already gave his Amen.