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A.J. Tomlinson prayed through to his own sanctification
Following a series of holiness revivals in and around Westfield, Indiana between 1891 and 1892, in which the doctrine of entire sanctification was preached by evangelists including Jacob Baker, John Pennington, Emma Coffin, and Nathan and Esther Frame, A.J. Tomlinson prayed through to his own sanctification experience, which he relayed in his autobiography Answering The Call Of God about twenty years after the experience:
It was about twelve o’clock in the day. I cried out in the bitterness of my soul: “Now! Now! You’ve got to give it up now! Now!” I felt him begin to weaken and quiver. I kept the “Sword” right in him and never let go. That sharp two-edged “Sword” was doing its deadly work. I did not pity him. I showed him no quarters. There we were at that altitude when all of a sudden there came from above, like a thunderbolt from the skies, a sensational power that ended the conflict, and there lay the “old man” dead at my feet, and I was free from his grasp. Thank God! I could get a good free breath once more. It was an awful struggle, but the victory was won. That was about twenty years ago, but it is fresh in my memory yet. I was indeed sanctified wholly.”
Charles Page [10/30/2015 9:29 PM]
sanctimonious and pious!!! who can believe this as scriptural, certainly it is experiential!!! at the least he was born again and this was a second work of grace – but wholly sanctified???
Charles Page [10/30/2015 9:31 PM]
if he was “wholly sanctified” he lost it in the mid 20’s!!!
John Kissinger [10/30/2015 9:32 PM]
p.27-28 when he was baptized with the Holy Ghost (highly recommended);view=1up;seq=34
Charles Page [10/30/2015 9:34 PM]
.orbabel.hathitrustg are you serious???
John Kissinger [10/30/2015 9:37 PM]
(1) spoke the language of Indian tribes in Central America (2) was carried to Northern Russia (3) cast demons out and “they went”;view=1up;seq=35
Charles Page [10/30/2015 9:38 PM]
Peter A Vandever [10/30/2015 9:43 PM]
Yea right. He ripped the COG in half because of his ego…. Why does the COGOP exist? Remind me!
Charles Page [10/30/2015 10:46 PM]
looks like the Mets are gonna take it tonight!
Charles Page [10/30/2015 10:54 PM]
Homer either lost or destroyed many of A. J.’s writing.
John Kissinger [10/31/2015 6:44 AM]
you should’ve said “neither lost nor destroyed” as many of them are now becoming public helping us reconstruct history itself
Timothy Carter [10/31/2015 9:06 AM]
AJ can’t be responsible because Homer is a lunatic
Timothy Carter [10/31/2015 9:12 AM]
I am NOT and AJ tomlison fan. However his son Homer had mental problems. We can’t judge or try to understand AJS position based on Homer Tomlinson.
Homer wanted to be General Overseer of the prophecy but they chose his daddy instead he got very angry and began lashing out.
The reason they chose AJ is because homer was mentally unstable.
I got this information from the librarian here in Cleveland during an interview.
John Kissinger [10/31/2015 9:14 AM]
Obviously there are TWO sets [editions] of the diary. Homer published a 3 volume set in 1949 (vol. 1), 1953 (vol. 2) and 1955 (vol. 3). Then in 2012 we have what seems as a separate single volume edition called Diary of A.J. Tomlinson, 1901-1924 / [compiled by Hector Ortiz and Adrian L. Varlack].
Matthew Freeman [10/31/2015 9:29 PM]
Sounds like some craziness to me.
John Kissinger [11/01/2015 6:10 AM]
I’d like to draw attention to at least several passages referring to early baptism with the Holy Spirit (prior to AJ’s baptism and prior to Azusa Str., 1906)
Vol. 3. p. 13 “Received the Holy Ghost about March, 1896” – [referring to… ?]
Vol. 3, p. 36 note on August 4, 1904 “Just arrived home from Drygo, Tenn., where we held a ten days meeting. Some converted, some received the Holy Ghost
Vol. 3, p. 49 June 14, 1907 Glorious results. Speaking in other tongues by the Holy Ghost.
Vol. 3, p. 52 August 19, 1907 One received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues.;view=1up;seq=42
John Ruffle [11/01/2015 7:55 AM]
Sanctification or baptism in the Holy Spirit???
John Kissinger [11/01/2015 7:58 AM]
Seems they are speaking of both very distinctly John
John Kissinger [11/01/2015 8:51 AM]
yes on both John sanctification spoken of here, and then he spoke of several baptisms taking place during revival meetings prior to 1906
Charles Page [11/01/2015 11:06 AM]
Scofield: one baptism many fillings
John Kissinger [11/01/2015 4:51 PM]
Timothy always knew Charles was pro-gap pre-Adamite
Charles Page [11/01/2015 6:04 PM]
that is for our Dake worshippers!!! ha ha ha
Timothy Carter [11/01/2015 9:56 PM]
I hear you on the dake worshippers Charles
John Kissinger [11/03/2015 4:32 PM]
hey Link why did Jesus pray for his saved disciples: John 17:17Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
Link Hudson [11/03/2015 4:40 PM]
John Kissinger He didn’t tell them to go to an altar–which suddenly becomes a place to pray in a church building instead of a giant barbecue bit for animal sacrifices– and have a one-time experience of sanctification. Are we made holy through the truth all at once? Is it normal to go around for years not being made holy through the truth, but being saved?
I don’t see how verses like this prove sanctification as a distinct ‘step’ that some people mean when they used the saying ‘saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost’.
John Kissinger [11/04/2015 5:11 AM]
what altar Link? take a better look at the picture
Corey Forsyth [11/04/2015 5:40 AM]
This has always confused me. I had a high school friend call me REALLY early one morning to tell me he had been sanctified. That puzzled me because I always understood sanctification to be a process. I never understood how it could be an event. It seems to me (and I could be totally wrong) that sanctification would naturally parallel with your growth in maturity of your spiritual life.
Stan Wayne
As sincere as he was, there is no scriptural example of someone praying through to sanctification.
Stephen Pyle
Oh yes there is!
Walter Polasik
Give chapter and verse!
Stan Wayne
Stephen Pyle
Luke 24:50 Luke 24 52!
Stan Wayne
My dear brother:
They were waiting for the power of the Spirit to make them witnesses. Not sanctification – it does not say that at all.
Stephen Pyle
Stan Wayne
Not sanctification per se and not praying through – it was a spontaneous state of being
Stephen Pyle
1st Corinthians 1 :2. To them that are “sanctified” Jude 1 To them that “are” sanctified!
Stan Wayne
These were sanctified saints – no reference to praying through whatsoever.
To the church of God which is in
Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours:”
1 Corinthians 1:2 ESV
Stan Wayne
These are sanctified without a hint of praying through:
“Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”
Jude 1:1 KJV
Stephen Pyle
SAnctification produces the joy of the LORD! 1st Thessalonians 5:23. “And the very God of peace sanctify you WHOLLY (AND HOLY).
Stan Wayne
The issue is “praying through”
Stephen Pyle
John 17: 16-19 “sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth”
Stan Wayne
Not “praying through” at all –
Stephen Pyle
1st. “He (Jesus) breathed on them , and saith unto them , receive yes the HOLY GHOST! (Salvation) 2nd. Luke 24:52 (sanctification) which is eradication of Adam’s sin nature which begins the fruit of the Spirit in your life! 3rd. Acts 2 they were filled with the Holy Ghost! We must seek for these blessings!
Stan Wayne
John 20 is Salvation – NO PRAYING THROUGH in either case
Stephen Pyle
Satan will try to hinder the seeker! We must as Luke says “every man presses into it”
Stephen Pyle
“The. Violent taketh it by force”! If we are hungry, we will receive it”
Stephen Pyle
Stan Wayne
No praying through to completion as in Tomlinson again
Jim Price
The comments above express a different approach to God, one is that of a beggar the other realizes that he/she is a child of God and that He will not withhold any good gift from His children. We have not because we ask amiss.
Stephen Pyle
The old man lay dead at his feet! Seeing you have put off the ‘old man’ and his deeds! Those beasts (to shed their blood) had to die and be burned outside the gate to sanctify the holiest of holies! Press to the mark!
Stan Wayne
Praying through for sanctification has no basis in the above or beyond – but sanctification by faith and walking in the Spirit is all over the NT
Stephen Pyle
Stephen Pyle
If we walk uprightly God will not withhold! We need to be sanctified first to walk uprightly! Salvation alone will not crucify the sin nature! Robert Bruit wrote the book “DEATH OF THE THIRD NATURE” DAVID TALKS ABOUT THAT NATURE IN PSALM 51:5
Stan Wayne
No biblical basis for this – the biblical basic is to by faith accept sanctification by reckoning oneself dead to sin.
“Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 6:11 KJV
Stephen Pyle
Wherefore Jesus also, that he might ‘ sanctify’ the peoole with his own blood. Suffered without the gate (outside the gate of Jerusalem) Let ‘us’ go therefore unto “HIM” WITHOUT THE CAMP(OUTSIDE) BEARING THE REPROACH! Zechariah mentions Satan at our right hand to resist us! If we are hungry he will sanctify us and get THE WORLD OUT OF US! JIY AND IN THE HOLY GHOST!
Stephen Pyle
Psalm 51:5!!!!!
Stephen Pyle
Notwithstanding, we must stay under Christ’s blood because the old man will try to get back in’ we die daily!
Stan Wayne
Yes we agree to all that but it is Reckoning it is finished – not praying through
Stephen Pyle
Santificatiin does not eliminate temptation! Satan will trick a new sanctifiied believer from the feelings of temptation from without but it is not what goes in that defiles but what comes out!
Stan Wayne
There is no praying through to complete sanctification in the Bible
Stephen Pyle
Yes there is ! If we abide Jesus and hiscwords abide in us! We still have free will to depart and return to sin! Sanctification is an instant work and streghtens the believers desire to abide in Christ! It helps them give up fornication cigarettes alcohol tempers and produces fruit for holiness! We must abide in Christ! Entire sanctification is instantaneous! We must stay in CalvAry’s flow!
Stan Wayne
There is no need to pray through when it is finished. We can move on to think about other people needing sanctification or evangelism. This mentality is sincere but self centered not unlike Buddhists meditating for enlightenment.
Stephen Pyle
What is the difference of praying through or receiving through our petition of prayer? The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avaiketh much! In earnest, effectual prayer we will receive from the LORD! THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD , EVEN YOUR SANCTIFICATION, THAT YOU ABSTAIN FROM FORNICATION
Stephen Pyle
Any petition of a believer God hears and answers prayer! That sounds like praying through does it not? Sanctification troubles Satan! It eradicates the son nature! We are set apart and made holy! It may be a simple prayer of faith that gets through! However, if we regard and sin in our life, not willing to surrender, HE WILL NOT HEAR US! THIS IS WHY PERHAPS AJ TOMLINSON HAD A MIRE VIOLENT CONQUEST IN RECEIVING THE 2ND WORK OF GRACE! PERSONALLY LIFTED MY HANDS TO WORSHIP AND HIS BLOOD CAME DOWN AND SANCTIFIED ME WITH JOY! WE MAY NOT ALL RECEIVE IT LIKE TOMLINSON, BUT WE MUST SEEK TO FIND, HUNGER FOR HOLINESS AND BE SET APART FOR JESUS!
Stan Wayne
It is the concept that there is a completion in the future in this age that is unbiblical – sanctification is past present and future – but we are told to put it in the past and move on :
Reckon yourselves dead to sin the rest is gods work
Stephen Pyle
Sanctication is instantaeous but perfection is gradual (maturity) and God will mature us as sanctified already believers. To them that “are” sanctified not will be!” if we are sanctified holy we will mature to perfection. The husbandman has great patience for the presciius fruit of the earth! We are already sanctified but are going on to perfection6 or complete in CHRIST THRU HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD!
Stephen Pyle
Everyone should know how to.pocess his vessel in sanctification and honor! If yes continue “if”
Varnel Watson
No one will see GOD without sanctification. Sanctification is in the BIBLE therefore should be in the life of the believer. Truth is many believers run from sanctification because they love their sins way too much to stop them
Ben Wilson
Did the thief on the cross see GOD??? After all, he died in the time of the New Covenant. . . .
Stan Wayne
The issue here is “praying through”. Sanctification is a fact for every believer by faith just as salvation is. It is Reckoned not struggled, begged or pleaded for. It is done, finished, caput. Dead. Reckon ye yourselves dead to sin.