The Gadarenes man has 2000 of them IN in him and the way he behaved, the place he lived and the harm he did to himself UNAWARES cutting himself with stones isn’t INFLUENCE really..
Demons that manipulate control. and intimate a person aren’t influencing..
The demarcation is really thin..
When tenants pay for a room they have a right to it so we can say they have TEMPORARY POSSESSION of the place in so far as their legal rights allow..
Such are demons..
No who is my Brother My sister and my Mother. Those that do the will of God! I hope and pray you are and always will continue to be my brother even when others are not watching. I always need my behind the scenes brothers.
I hope you get to Join in service today with other brothers and Sisters of Like faith.
. He knows he doesn’t have you. So he’s always hanging around , trying to tell you lies or to led you astray. Possession. He is already in you to do things you wouldn’t ordained do.
Troy Day
ALL I reported incidents of demon casting done by Jesus and Apostles was cases of demon INSIDE of people for if it was OUTSIDE there wouldn’t be a demon casting OUT but possibly a demon thrown off or pushed away from a man..
If I quote the Scriptures on that your Smart Phone won’t have space to handle.
The spirit that blocked an angel for three weeks such that Daniel didn’t receive the answered prayer was in the HEAVENLY REALMS (!!) that is OUTSIDE of Daniel so we can say toungue in cheeck that the PRINCE (this was thousand of years before penned the PRINCIPALITY) was INFLUENCING Daniel from the spheres..
Grammatical clarification even if we use Google or Wiki won’t remove the truth that demons do IINDWELL people and do run the affairs of their lives forcibly… This state of affairs is beyond INFLUENCE but smarts more of POSSESSION which is defined as //
have as belonging to one; own.
“I do not possess a television set”
be the owner of
have in one’s possession
be in possession of
be the possessor of
have to one’s name
(of a demon or spirit, especially an evil one) have complete power over (someone) and be manifested through their speech or actions.//..
VS INFLUENCE which is defined as //
Learn to pronounce
the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.
“the influence of television violence”..
Watch “Fasting: Release the Increase” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel. Joe Collins [09/02/2015 3:37 AM] His. Church…
Troy Day
Ray E Horton
My understanding is that oppression is from without while possession is within
Troy Day
BIBLE verses for that pls
Isara Mo
The Gadarenes man has 2000 of them IN in him and the way he behaved, the place he lived and the harm he did to himself UNAWARES cutting himself with stones isn’t INFLUENCE really..
Demons that manipulate control. and intimate a person aren’t influencing..
The demarcation is really thin..
When tenants pay for a room they have a right to it so we can say they have TEMPORARY POSSESSION of the place in so far as their legal rights allow..
Such are demons..
JameyJoy Doss
Troy day vs Brother Horton
Troy Day
why dont you call me a brother?
JameyJoy Doss
Troy Day Lol do you want to be my brother. Lol
Troy Day
JameyJoy Doss a bit hypocritical wouldnt you say?
JameyJoy Doss
No who is my Brother My sister and my Mother. Those that do the will of God! I hope and pray you are and always will continue to be my brother even when others are not watching. I always need my behind the scenes brothers.
I hope you get to Join in service today with other brothers and Sisters of Like faith.
Troy Day
JameyJoy Doss so you are JESUS now?
JameyJoy Doss
Troy Day what a ridiculous question!
Here is what Paul thinks about it.
2 Timothy 2:23
“But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.”
King James Version (KJV)
Louise Cummings
. He knows he doesn’t have you. So he’s always hanging around , trying to tell you lies or to led you astray. Possession. He is already in you to do things you wouldn’t ordained do.
Moses Tipton
Demon oppression is from without, demon possession means that the demon spirit has taken over you and possess you from within.
Troy Day
scripture verses for that pls Isara Mo
Isara Mo
Troy Day
ALL I reported incidents of demon casting done by Jesus and Apostles was cases of demon INSIDE of people for if it was OUTSIDE there wouldn’t be a demon casting OUT but possibly a demon thrown off or pushed away from a man..
If I quote the Scriptures on that your Smart Phone won’t have space to handle.
The spirit that blocked an angel for three weeks such that Daniel didn’t receive the answered prayer was in the HEAVENLY REALMS (!!) that is OUTSIDE of Daniel so we can say toungue in cheeck that the PRINCE (this was thousand of years before penned the PRINCIPALITY) was INFLUENCING Daniel from the spheres..
Grammatical clarification even if we use Google or Wiki won’t remove the truth that demons do IINDWELL people and do run the affairs of their lives forcibly… This state of affairs is beyond INFLUENCE but smarts more of POSSESSION which is defined as //
have as belonging to one; own.
“I do not possess a television set”
be the owner of
have in one’s possession
be in possession of
be the possessor of
have to one’s name
(of a demon or spirit, especially an evil one) have complete power over (someone) and be manifested through their speech or actions.//..
VS INFLUENCE which is defined as //
Learn to pronounce
the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.
“the influence of television violence”..
Troy Day
Isara Mo TRUE
Jesus always commanded demons to come OUT not to to about the person Still waiting a verse to prove this wrong
Isara Mo
Troy Day
I have trying to figure out if demons are the same as the Eph 6 Satanic hierarchy which Paul mentions..
John Duncan
Biden is POSSESSED and Trump is a little oppressed ????????????
Troy Day
got to watch the leaders you follow