If the church truly gets saved and serves God, the Holy Spirit will draw the people. If the church is cold and indifferent no one wants that kind of church
S/Warfare and Deliverance, Fake miracles and signs, By tolerating sin, by practisingb hospitality,…..by good musical entertainment by offering occasional free lunches…etc etc
Surely, there are many human gimmicks one can use to reach the 100 mark membership but true church increase is not by human works…as listed above.
The Book of Acts says and I quote//
//Every day(not every Sunday but every DAY) they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes(not in their churches) and ate together(not each one their own lunch) with glad and sincere hearts(?????,,.), praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47 NIV//
And the Lord ADDED to their number DAILY…
Assimilation, miracles, outreach, evangelism, social service work in the community. If they know you
Care they will show up… no tricks or gimmicks needed
Michael Ellis Carter Jr., How about just loving those you have in a Christ loving way, they will do the rest for you! A good Shepard loves his sheep, cares for them by feeding them well, feeding them the finest grade of feed, grooms them to for growth, helps them to remain disease free, guides them to and on the right path and leaves the 99 when one strays. Prepare a path of growth following that warm fuzzy experience at the alter. This could preach.
Troy Day integrating them into the life of the church. New members have to become active quickly and few apart of the ministries and activities of the church. The more seamless that transition the more likely they are to remain t the church.
CW Sellers in theory you are right. There is a point where we have to do a bit more than preach and teach. All the things I mentioned are some of the various ways we show them love. Our churches need to be active at meeting the needs of our community
Varnel Watson
tell us Ed Brewer Michael Ellis Carter Jr. and others
Nora Neel-Toney
If the church truly gets saved and serves God, the Holy Spirit will draw the people. If the church is cold and indifferent no one wants that kind of church
Steve Losee
why should the church care about numbers? Be faithful, nd God will add!
Isara Mo
S/Warfare and Deliverance, Fake miracles and signs, By tolerating sin, by practisingb hospitality,…..by good musical entertainment by offering occasional free lunches…etc etc
Surely, there are many human gimmicks one can use to reach the 100 mark membership but true church increase is not by human works…as listed above.
The Book of Acts says and I quote//
//Every day(not every Sunday but every DAY) they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes(not in their churches) and ate together(not each one their own lunch) with glad and sincere hearts(?????,,.), praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47 NIV//
And the Lord ADDED to their number DAILY…
Varnel Watson
cheap and watered down Gospel too
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Everyone loves soft teaching not hard teachings..
When it is hard teaching they leave….
Michael Ellis Carter Jr.
Assimilation, miracles, outreach, evangelism, social service work in the community. If they know you
Care they will show up… no tricks or gimmicks needed
Varnel Watson
what do you mean by Assimilation ?
CW Sellers
Michael Ellis Carter Jr., How about just loving those you have in a Christ loving way, they will do the rest for you! A good Shepard loves his sheep, cares for them by feeding them well, feeding them the finest grade of feed, grooms them to for growth, helps them to remain disease free, guides them to and on the right path and leaves the 99 when one strays. Prepare a path of growth following that warm fuzzy experience at the alter. This could preach.
Michael Ellis Carter Jr.
Troy Day integrating them into the life of the church. New members have to become active quickly and few apart of the ministries and activities of the church. The more seamless that transition the more likely they are to remain t the church.
Michael Ellis Carter Jr.
CW Sellers in theory you are right. There is a point where we have to do a bit more than preach and teach. All the things I mentioned are some of the various ways we show them love. Our churches need to be active at meeting the needs of our community
Varnel Watson
Michael Ellis Carter Jr. I;d say change the outside of the church